Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

I've been in theater this afternoon to watch Iron Man 3 and here is my review - with no scene spoilers. So, what do i think of the film? Well, if you're looking for an entertaining super-heroe movie - which Iron Man 3 is supposed to be, finally - i suppose that you'll have a good time. But if you're looking for a real good movie, i mean something which also transcend the genre, then forget about it.

Let's say it, the first 20 minutes of Iron Man 3 are dreadful, incredibly bad and uninteresting  at a point i couldn't believed my eyes. The movie starts to be more interesting from the Chinese Theater sequence but i've found that the script, although not too badly written with some good ideas and a surprise twist that i will not reveal, is also weak in the non action scenes. In two words, action scenes are as good as you can expect but don't expect any genius in-between.

The other problem that i had was with the non-esthetic filming of it. It's not badly filmed, and the editing is perfectly done, but the movie is not stylized at all. Avengers had a much better filming - always esthetically speaking -  and Captain America too, with real stylized sequences. You don't have this here, the framing is never interesting, it's just filmed as good as a good TV episode can be but not more. I suppose that most of the spectators won't mind about this as they will mostly expect a thrilling movie and there is plenty of thrilling scenes in Iron Man 3 that kids will love.

Because Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sir Ben Kingsley are such good actors Iron Man 3 acting is good, with a special mention to Guy Pearce - the real bad guy of the movie, you'll see why - but since the first Iron Man, i don't know why, but i always have the feeling that Robert Downey Jr is not "totally" in the role. Don't get me wrong, he plays Iron Man and Tony Stark perfectly because he is extremely talented - when Downey started his career he was acclaimed as the best actor of his generation - but i always have the feeling that he is not duped of what the character is, i.e a super hero character who doesn't really exist in real life. Wrong or right i've always feel a kind of "distance" in the way he plays Iron Man and i wouldn't be surprised if he was happy that the three films contract he had on Iron Man was finally finished. Gwyneth Paltrow, by the way, probably agree with him as she said recently that "there won't be an Iron Man 4", at least with her as her three films contract has ended too with Iron Man 3. The problem is that Iron Man 3 is highly successful, is probably on its way to make one billion dollars at the box office and execs in Burbank will probably want a fourth one. I don't know if Marvel and Disney will succeed to get on board Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow for a fourth movie but i have the feeling that it's gonna cost them quite a lot of money to convince them.

As i've said, Iron Man 3 is exactly what it is supposed to be: a super-hero movie, with all the limits of the genre. You'll have probably a good time watching it, specially if you don't ask more than it can deliver.

Picture and video: copyright Disney - Marvel

Rare Videos of 1958 Zorro Show at Disneyland

LIFE Magazine photographers went several times at Disneyland during special events, and they also have shot a series of pictures with Guy Williams - legendary actor who played ZORRO - in 1958 at Disneyland. I've post them before and you'll find them again below and above.

But these two video will show you rare images of the show itself. So far it's the only videos of the show i've ever seen so i'm glad they've been posted. the first one below was posted by the Disney History Institute web site

And the second one below was posted on youtube by someone who seems to be the son of Guy Williams. Great family shots at the end of it of Guy Williams with his wife, too.

Below, Guy Williams as Zorro jumping from the Golden Horseshoe Revue building roof during the show.

We must remember how good in swashbuckling was Guy Williams. I think the other guy is the actor who played the Monasterio character in the first season, isn't it?

After the show, Guy Williams signed autographs for his young fans at Disneyland.

Now, LIFE photographers shoot Guy Williams also on the ZORRO TV series set! Here are some pictures, beginning by the one at the top of this article. Below, Guy Williams on the set of the TV series, on a white horse - not "Tornado" who had a black colour, if i remember well...

Actor Guy Williams practicing swordplay on the set for his role as Zorro.

Guy Williams acting in the TV show, against Sgt Garcia and another soldier.

Always on the set, with a lovely waitress.

All pictures: copyright LIFE Magazine

Video: copyright Disney History Institute, wdzorrojr

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Disneyland Paris Frontierland Update

We're back at Disneyland Paris with this time an update essentially about Frontierland's Big Thunder Mountain where works have began near the show building. So, let's go to Thunder Mesa with pictures by Max Fan D&M contributor and Dlrp Welcome webmaster.

On our way we'll note that there is currently a little refurbishment on the ground of the path leading to Frontierland entrance...

...and that the Fuente Del Oro fountain is now working again!

But as i told you it's on the BTM building that works are happening as you can see on this picture.

Let's have a closer look at this now demolished rock.

What the hell are they doing, you ask? Well, apparently these works are done because DLP decided to create a new and easier access for disabled guests, especially the one in wheel chair. Below a concept art posted on the DCP forum showing what they plan to do.

There built already a new access some years ago, on the opposite, but this one is for guests with Fast Pass, one that guests in wheel chair can't use.

A few more pictures with one of a BTM locomotive exiting the load building...

...a close shot of Big Thunder Mountain...

...and a nice one of Phantom Manor.

See you soon for a new DLP update, and don't miss too yesterday's WDS update about the works on the Ratatouille ride HERE!

Don't miss the $45 Discount on the Disneyland Paris book! English and French copies still available! 

I remind you that the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book, in which you have the whole park in 320 pages with 750 photos including 250 WDI renderings is still available in its english or french edition. French collector signed copies are also always available. And we do a special price right now on it with a $45 / 40€ discount on the normal price, so order your collector copy while we still have copies available as we're really running low on the english copies. You'll find below a one click Paypal button as well as a video showing the whole book. And you can have more infos about this gorgeous 320 pages book HERE.

Choose between french or english edition -Price include shipping

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - Dlrp Welcome

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WDS Ratatouille Ride Update

We're back at Disneyland Paris Walt Disney Studios for a new update with pictures of the construction site thanks to Max Fan, D&M contributor and Dlrp Welcome webmaster. My last update about it was one week ago and in less than a week it's amazing how fast the workers have been on the facade theming, specially on the main show building. Last week i told you that in less than six months it will be finished but if they're going as fast as they did since ten days the exterior theming will probably be finished in just a few months.

But first, some nice shots of the entrance with a clear blue sky.

There we are. As usual, the show building is in the center and on the left is the building for the Ratatouille restaurant, and click on each pic to enlarge them. 

In the next update coming soon we'll go at the Disneyland park where some works are also happening on the Big Thunder Mountain load building!

Don't miss the $45 Discount on the Disneyland Paris book! English and French copies still available! 

I remind you that the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book, in which you have the whole park in 320 pages with 750 photos including 250 WDI renderings is still available in its english or french edition. French collector signed copies are also always available. And we do a special price right now on it with a $45 / 40€ discount on the normal price, so order your collector copy while we still have copies available as we're really running low on the english copies. You'll find below a one click Paypal button as well as a video showing the whole book. And you can have more infos about this gorgeous 320 pages book HERE.

Choose between french or english edition -Price include shipping

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - Dlrp Welcome

Monday, April 29, 2013

Star Tours 2 Opens at Tokyo Disneyland - Full Video Report !

Last week was HKDL Mystic Manor's week and this week will be probably the one of Star Tours 2 which will have its official opening at TDL early May. But the attraction is now already in soft opening at TDL Tomorrowland and thanks to two TDL fans - François Couperin and vinylmatiOn - who posted videos on Youtube you'll be able to have a full look at this new Tokyo Disneyland version.

The ride movies are obviously the same but as we will see it seems that TDL had a special treatment and got some new pre-show movies and a new"hitchhiking droids" scene too. There we go for a complete tour and we begin by a video of the entrance concourse.

The next videos show the pre-show room with C3PO , R2D2 and the Starspeeder.

Always in the same room, the pre-show movie, and this one looks the same than in the U.S versions.

However,  it seems that they've introduced a new segment with the storm troopers calling to join the empire. In the video below it starts at 1.30 min and, as i unfortunately didn't did the ride in U.S theme parks, please let me know if this storm trooper part already exist in the DL and WDW versions or not, thanks.

Others pre-show movies are showing the spaceport and different destination planets. The two first videos below probably exist in the U.S versions but i wouldn't be surprised if the others below showing different planets with animated movies would be exclusive to TDL . And the animation style looks specially for japanese too. Thanks, too, to let me know if these are TDL exclusive or not.

Let's have a look now to the droids all along the pre-show and the first one is the droid of the security area, the one scanning luggages. In the video below you have the full sequence in "real time" with the different luggages.

Another droid this one apparently checking the guests.

Hitchhiker robots! Now the Hitchhiker ghosts of the Haunted Mansion are not the only ones! And these droids seems to be a TDL exclusive too...

The Droid customs and chinese shadow scenes.

A video of the thermic image security process.

It's time to embark in a Starspeeder and apparently TDL Star Tours boarding area has now a different lighting with new colors...

The video before boarding in the Starspeeder looks the same than in the U.S.

We'll end the tour with this travelling showing Star Tours 2 exit after the ride.

Thanks a lot to François Couperin and vinylmatiOn for all their videos!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monstrous Summer Will Start May 24 with WDW MK, DL and DCA Open During Non-Stop 24 Hours !

Watch George Kalogridis announcing officially that the Monstrous Summer will kick off on May 24 and WDW Magic Kingdom, DL Anaheim and Disney California Adventure parks will stay open from 6 a.m., May 24 to 6 a.m., May 25!

Oh, by the way, Mike Wazowski is not the only one to appear on Spaceship Earth...

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Finally, No Marvel Land For HKDL ?

Some news about HKDL and the Marvel Land project which, finally, is not officially a "go"! You might remember that a Hong Kong official revealed some weeks ago that Marvel super heroes will have their own land in the park and that soon HKDL will be the first to have a Marvel land... 

Well, it seems that this announcement was may be premature as last week Tom Staggs apparently said "we've not confirmed anything about it as yet" adding that the Marvel land is only one among others options for future HKDL additions.

Although Disney is walking back the government’s Marvel announcement, The Wall Street Journal reports there’s said to be a “senior-level agreement” in place... however, nothing is probably set in stone yet. Not a big surprise knowing that it took the shareholders more than two years to settle on the $500 million expansion which added Gizzly Gulch, Toy Story Land and Mystic Point to HKDL.

So, where is the truth in all this? May be the chinese tried to force the negotiations with Disney, or may be the deal is already done and we know that Disney really hates to don't be the one doing the official announcement, specially on such an awaited project as can be a Marvel land.

There might be another explanation, more simple. Mystic Manor is not even officially open yet that medias are starting to talk about the future. But if a Marvel land open at HKDL Tomorrowland - and personally i think it will open - the WDC and HKDL certainly don't want anyone in Asia to wait three more years before coming to the park. DLP marketing uses the same strategy and that's why the WDS Ratatouille ride hasn't be announced yet - except during the shareholder meeting - even if all fans know about it.

As Disney CEO Bob Iger said months ago that WDI had begun to work on concepts that would allow Marvel superheroes to appear in “a few places around the world” i'm ready to bet that in Iger mind was included HKDL. Wait and see, so...

Editing: An anonymous reader has left this comment to the article: 
"There was no "Marvel land" to begin with. All they were going to do was the most cheap/uninteresting option: drop a single Marvel-themed ride into Tomorrowland (not that that makes any sense). And the ride would just be Star Tours redressed to be about the Avengers. Unimaginative and uninspiring."

I double checked and It seems that the info above is true. And i have to agree, too, that there is not much space left in HKDL Tomorrowland, so 1 or 2 ride will eventually fit well, but a real land, no way! If Marvel is going to be a mini land at HKDL Tomorrowland, then the rides part would be just as big as Toy Story Land's rides... Which means that may be the Marvel land or "mini-land" deal is finally not done yet and may be Disney would prefer to keep anything Marvel for HKDL second gate where they will have plenty of room for a "real" Marvel land... 

( end of editing ) 

 A little news now about Shanghaî Disneyland and this one is about the infrastructure of the area leading to the future park as Shanghaî Daily has announced that "Shanghaî will begin building the last section of the Middle Ring Road in the Pudong New Area this year, which will better handle traffic anticipated with the opening of the Shanghai Disneyland in 2015, officials said yesterday.
The new elevated highway, costing more than 10 billion yuan (US$1.62 billion), is being built between the Jungong Road Tunnel and Gaoke Road M. It will be finished in 2015 to make the Middle Ring Road a complete, ring-shaped highway.
The 9.4-kilometer section will have two decks with four lanes on each deck, which should help prevent traffic jams, said Shang Housheng, an official with the Shanghai Construction and Transport Commission.
"The new section will not only improve the traffic conditions in middle Pudong, but also make it easier for large groups of visitors to move to and from Disneyland in the future," Shang said."
See you tomorrow for more news coming from Asia!
Picture: copyright Disney - Marvel
Editor's Note: It's the week-end, so it's time to relax and have fun. And, talking about having fun, i just posted a new article on Innoventions - Disney and more blog talking about the latest techs - and you will never guess what this new innovation is all about! Go ahead and do the jump HERE. 