Saturday, December 4, 2010

Disney's Animal Kingdom Original Artwork - Part Two

Here is the awaited part two of the Disney's Animal Kingdom original artwork article , and if you've missed the part one you can find it HERE. Above, a great artwork showing different elements of the park!

We're back in Asia and we begin by Expedition Everest artwork! Below, a beautiful Dan Goozee concept-art.

Next, another early concept by Chris Turner showing the Tibetan temple where the train goes through on the first lift.

The most famous of all Expedition Everest artwork, as it was the one chosen when the announcement was officially released.

Below, a Ray Spencer rendering showing the village of Serka Zong.

A rare rendering showing the beginning of the Expedition Everest ride.

This next one, an early concept by Chris Turner shows a never-realised scene, and all i can say is that i regret it as it looks really great!

Below, a beautiful painting by Joe Rhode of the yeti.

This Chris Turner concept shows a giant yeti. There is still a first encounter with the yeti and projection effect, but the size is smaller.

There is one more early concept for this ride scene with this Joe Rhode painting.

Just like in the part one, you will also find some pictures of the imagineers at work. Here a WDI imagineer is working on the tea train locomotive model.

A close shot on the locomotive itself.

It's time to move inside Dinoland, U.S.A and this first rendering is a Joe Rhode early concept for the Boneyard.

Here is another one by James Wong, closer to the final result. Note the coaster in the back. It was never build and should have been called "The Excavator"...

But i've found for you a rare rendering of it!

Next is an early concept by Chuck Ballew for Dino-Rama!

A "Triceratops Spin" concept by Victor Post...

...and another one by Jenna Goodman.

Below, a Dinoland entrance concept-art by Tom Gilleon.

Here is a rendering showing the entrance of the "Dinosaurs" ride - formerly known as "Countdown to Extinction".

This next painting was released as a postcard at the park's opening.

A rare rendering showing the ride vehicle and the dinosaur to be rescued.

The Carnotaurus attack is the climax scene of the ride.

These next three renderings are particularly interesting as they are showing scenes that were NOT realised. This first picture by Joe rhode seems to indicate that at one point the attraction was envisioned as a walk-through, or at least a part of the attraction.

And this velociraptor attack never happened too.

This next one shows a gorgeous scene that we can regret, and i have a story about it: In 1997 or so i was at WDI for a series of interviews and in the office of a an imagineer friend i saw this painting. I asked him if it was in relation with Animal Kingdom - not open yet at that time. He answered me that it was indeed for the "Countdown to extinction" attraction and that "we would be lucky if it looks like that at the end...". He was unfortunately right, and this leads me to the biggest problem with "Countdown to extinction" - now "Dinosaur": the cuts in the budget. Personally, i still like the attraction, and i quite liked it the first time i've ride it, but when you see this kind of concept and know how great it could have been, you really not in the mood to thanks the suits who were Disney executives at that time. One more Michael Eisner "mistake" - and i'm kind - that we still regret today.

The next picture shows a WDI imagineer at work on one of the dinosaurs that we can see in the first scene - it's the one "eating" a smaller dinosaur.

The two next one are showing imagineers at work on the Carnotaurus or programming the Audio-Animatronic.

Theater in the Wild is also in the area, and the next rendering was done for "Nemo, the Musical" show.

Now, there is a land that we all regret that it was never built: Beastly KIngdom. When Animal Kingdom opened, even the Beastly Kingdom land logo was at the entrance of the park and renderings of it were printed in the AK making of book. And then, we know what happened: this Beastly Kingdom project disappeared and chances to see it built one day are more than low. Thanks god, the artwork still exist, and here are some of them just to dream and see how good it could have been.

First, a bird-eye view of the whole land.

The castle, supposedly inhabited by a dragon...

The next artwork shows the labyrinth - the maze...

..and this is one of the mythical animals - a Griffin - that guests would have encounter.

The goal would have been to find the Unicorn, in a grotto at the end of the maze.

And a Fantasia flume ride wold have delight young children.

Let's not forget the dragon firing at the river cruise boats.

This Animal Kingdom article won't be perfect without some renderings of the Animal Kingdom Lodge. Here are two of them showing the entrance and the lobby.

While we're here, i join two other renderings of the Disney Vacation Club Animal Kingdom Villas.

That's the end of this Animal Kingdom artwork article!

All artwork: copyright Disney - WED Enterprises.

Many thanks to Mark Taft for some of the renderings. I strongly suggest you to have a look on Mark's site Insights and Sounds, it's always interesting with rare pictures or renderings and Mark is posting new articles almost every day!

Some of the renderings are coming from the great "Imagineering Field Guide to Disney's Animal Kingdom" where you will learn all the WDI secrets in the making of the park. It's a "must" and you can find it on from only $3.87!

Some other pictures are coming from Jason Surrell's fantastic book "The Disney Mountains", full of WDI artwork. You can find it on from only $8.90 and it's also a "must"!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Disney's Animal Kingdom Original Artwork - Part One

Here is an article that i've promised to you a loooong time ago. It took me some time but this two parts Animal KIngdom original artwork article will show you more WDI renderings you've ever seen about this beautiful park, one of my favorite.

Let's begin with a bird eye view of the whole park. Released at the opening, it's an interesting rendering as we can see the Asia land - not yet build at that time - and most of all, the never built Beastly Kingdom.

let's have a look at the entrance with this first concept-art - a never realised concept.

Here is another early and never realised concept for the entrance by Joe Rhode.

Artist Gerry Dune did also a proposal for the entrance with this rendering.

Here is a Bryan Jowers rendering for the Genesis Gardens.

Joe Rhode did also this Oasis carousel concept, never realised.

Let's move now to the Tree of Life. You have a beautiful rendering at the top and below, a Dan Goozee concept-art.

Another Tree of Life concept by Dave Minichiello.

Here is an early concept for the whole island by Gerry Dunn and Joe Rhode.

Artist Ben Tripp did also this view toward the Tree of Life.

I've also added one or two pictures of models or imagineers at work, and here is one with a WDI imagineer working on the model of the Tree of Life.

Here is a picture of the Discovery Island model.

You may not know it but different concepts were envisioned for the show under the Tree of Life. As we know, the one which was realised is the "It's tough to be a bug" show. Here is a rendering for it.

Artist Bryan Jowers did a concept for a "Wonders of Nature" show...

...And Dave Minichiello did another one for a Lion King character show.

Here is a rendering showing the Creature Comfort shop interior by Karen Conolly Armitage.

On the east of Discovery Island is Camp Mickey, here is two Joe Warren artwork for it.

A Jim Heffron plan for the Pocahontas show theater...

...And a scenic design concept by Joe Warren.

Artist Jim Heffron did this design and elevation for a new bridge.

Let's move to Africa with this view of Harambe by Tom Gilleon.

A great rendering of the Kilimandjaro Safaris savannah by Ben Tripp.

Another view of the savannah and animals by Ned Mueller.

The famous sequence of the suspended bridge.

This Tom Gilleon artwork below is supposed to show Kilimandjaro Safaris, but if you look closer, it shows a raft ride and the temples on the left looks more Asian than African...except if the imagineers did envisioned another raft ride for Africa...

Some artwork for the research station by Mark Shumate.

A great concept-art for the Harambe train station by Zofia Kostyrko.

A rendering of the Wildlife Express train by George McGinnis.

And another one for the Wildlife Express locomotive.

As we know, the train bring the guests to Conservation Station, and here are three renderings showing it.

Always about Conservation Station, another concept-art by Zofia Kostyrko.

Some years after its opening, the Asia land opened at Animal Kingdom. Here is an Asian market concept by Joe Rhode.

A beautiful rendering by Ned Mueller for the tiger overlook.

Also by Ned Mueller, this concept for the grand ballroom.

Kali River Rapids is Animal Kingdom's raft ride, and here is a concept-art by Ned Mueller.

Always by Ned Mueller, this concept-art shows the burning forest sequence of the ride.

Before the Kali River Rapids concept was chosen, other "Asian raft ride" concepts were envisioned. Here are two renderings of these early concepts.

We will end this first part with this Alex Wright artwork for the Kali River Rapids FastPass structure.

Be sure to don't miss the part two of this Animal Kingdom original artwork article next week!

All artwork: copyright Disney - WED Enterprises.

Many thanks to Mark Taft for some of the renderings. I strongly suggest you to have a look on Mark's site Insights and Sounds, it's always interesting with rare pictures or renderings and Mark is posting new articles almost every day!

Some of the renderings are coming from the great "Imagineering Field Guide to Disney's Animal Kingdom" where you will learn all the WDI secrets in the making of the park. You can find it on from only $3.87!
