Friday, July 17, 2009

Disneyland celebrates its 54th anniversary......and Disney and more introduces the new " Movies " section !

Yes, it's already Disneyland 54th anniversary - and next year the 55th! Incredible, isn't it? To celebrate this event i've embedded for you the fantastic "Disneyland U.S.A" documentary filmed in the late 50's.

Why fantastic? Well, first, it's incredibly well filmed - and in glorious Cinemascope! The Cinemascope format was brand new at that time, and it's interesting to see how each frame of the movie have been thought to take as much as possible advantage of this new wide format. Sometime it almost reminds me the Cinerama movies which will be introduce some years later.

If you have never seen it don't miss it as it's also a unique chance to see how Disneyland looks like 50 years ago. In fact, truth is that it's not a documentary but a real time machine!

And all this leads me to the second news of the day, the new Disney and more Movies section! What? Another new Disney and more design again? Yep, last week you've discovered the design of the Disney and more "Artwork" section and this week, on Disneyland 54th birthday, i introduce the new "Movies" section.

On Disney and more Movies you will find the "Movies and Animation" articles and in the future all the "movies" articles previously posted on Disney and more. Enjoy this new "Movies and Animation" section, all in dark blue and gold colours. Gold like all the Academy Awards that Walt Disney Animation Studios won in more than 70 years!

And now, to comeback to today's main celebration, Disneyland 54th Anniversary and this not-to-be-missed documentary, jump on Disney and more Movies where "Disneyland U.S.A" awaits you for your private screening!

Top picture: copyright Disney


Anonymous said...

Hi Alain:
I must say i'm totally confused (to say the least and i'm apparently not the only one) with the concept of your several "disney and more" blogs. Will you be posting at least a "teaser" on the main D&B blog that sends you to the subsites, OR will you at least have a general tab on the right hand side with links to the homepage of the various sub blogs of D&M. I work in the Internet field and i must say that even with this, i'm like now totally lost which is a shame since i enjoy your site and information so much. I guess i don't want to loose any great articles because of this editorial choice you've made! Thanks, Pierre

Alain Littaye said...

Pierre, you don't have to be lost. The D&M sections are just like in any normal web site when you click on a button which sends you to another part of the web site. But with Blogger it's not possible to have a different design on each section, except if you create a new blog that you use as a sub-section as i do. The url adress is different but don't worry about that. ALL future articles will always be posted on D&M main blog, the one you're reading now, but the "full" articles will be on the specific section - like today's article about Disneyland. All you will have to do will be to click on the "full article after the jump" link to be redirected on the section page, which is not that difficult, is it? This click is a very small price to pay - i think - to have a better and more enjoyable D&M design.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and now i get it... That's great then and most useful info. I do love your blog which i read every day... and i was afraid i was going to miss on things. That's cool. Thanks again and keep up the great work! Pierre
