Saturday, April 7, 2012

Walt Disney on the Jack Benny Hour, circa 1965

In 1965 Walt Disney appeared on the Jack Benny Hour, Jack Benny famous TV show. For those of you who don't know him, Jack Benny was at that time an immensely popular comedian in the U.S. Here, he comes at Walt's office to ask Walt free entrances for Disneyland for....110 people! The sequence humor is typical from this era but Walt is playing well his role and you even have in bonus at the end the italian version of a Mary Poppins songs, which was included in the show, featuring actress Elke Sommer. Note that this is the full version of Walt's appearance at Jack Benny show, and also this version is in full color!

Video: copyright Disney

Tony Baxter Wishes a Happy 20th Anniversary to Disneyland Paris !

Legendary Imagineer Tony Baxter was Disneyland Paris main show-producer 20 years ago, and last saturday he was back at DLP fior the 20th Anniversary press event. DCP forum member djrom36 met him in front of Sleeping Beauty castle and Tony is sending to all DLP fans a warm "Happy 20th Anniversary DLP"! I remind you that Tony Baxter will be at Discoveryland Videopolis April 12 in the morning for a one hour "master class" followed by questions/answers and autographs.

Video: copyright djrom36

Friday, April 6, 2012

Disneyland Paris Riverboats Gets a Themed Boat House

There is something new at Disneyland Paris Frontierland and each guest who will board on the Molly Brown riverboat for a Rivers of the Far-West cruise will be able to see it! As you may know the Mark Twain is now in a long refurbishment, a bit like what happened to the Molly Brown last year. And to hide the boat during the refurbishment DLP Imagineering had the idea to build a themed cover looking like a riverside warehouse-type building. Actually it's not a wooden structure but a printed scrim, probably to allow to remove it when necessary, after refurbishments. It's located in the back of Frontierland and on the right before the riverboat turns to move towards the geysers. Although it's not a real wooden boat house, seen from a distance the illusion should work.

But this boat house is also a tribute to two major Frontierland Imagineers, Jeff Burke - who was Frontierland show-producer - and Pat Burke - the WDI Imagineer who found all these great genuine antiques that you can see all around Frontierland and which gives to the land its unique theming. That's why you can read Burke & Burke, specialized in "Boat repairs and supplies" on the front. Pat Burke also sent me this little description which fits perfectly:

"In Thunder Mesa you will find the Burke & Burke Boat House where repairs and maintenance are performed on the Mark Twain and Molly Brown.  Supplies are also offered for all the river pilots and some well known rogues operating there.  Located near the Thunder Mesa Railroad Line just ahead of the station, allows needed repair lumber to be transported by rail right to the facility.  Needed forging and smithing on the ships, is also found at Rose's Blacksmith not to far away in town.  The BTM Mining Company's Minneapolis traction engine, parked at Rose's, has been used to pull and winch the ships into the front facility entrance on occasion to avoid damaged to the building and ship.  The Molly Brown just completed an extensive overhaul there, and the quality of their work can be appreciated by all guests who visit or reside at Thunder Mesa."

Mind you, this is not the only place where you can find tribute to DLP Imagineers and next time you'll walk down Main Street don't miss the "Dentist in training window" as the five names on the window are the ones of DLP show-producers of each land of the park!

Pictures: copyright Romain - Disney Gazette

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Four High-res Brave Posters !

Four high-res posters of "Brave" were released by Pixar through Entertainment Weekly. Showing the main characters of the upcoming animated movie they're all four in an incredible good definition. They're probably too vertical to use as wallpaper on your computer but they will be perfect as wallpaper for the screen of your mobile phone.

From top to bottom: Princess Merida, King Fergus and Queen Elinor, the Triplets Hamish, Hubert, and Harris, and Lords Macintosh, MacGuffin, and Dingwall.

Pictures: copyright Disney - Pixar

Monday, April 2, 2012

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality Update : Here is the final Product !

Here is a new update about the making of the Disneyland Paris book and this time it's a "video" update! And this update will interest particularly those who wants to place their order of a collector copy as well as those who have already order the book as i have received yesterday two sample bounded copies from the printer! Also, as you will read below, to celebrate DLP 20th Anniversary the book has a special offer, too.

So, the printer has sent to me last friday ago two bounded copies for a final approval before the books shipping which will happen next week and we expect an arrival of all the copies in Europe as scheduled at the very end of April. Then we will start to ship all the books to anyone who have pre-order it but i will let you know when we will be in shipping mode. Anyway, anyone placing his order now won't have too long to wait now and that's good news also for those of you who kindly placed their order some weeks ago.

I have to tell you that i am extremely satisfied of the printing and final product which is identical at the first printing ten years ago, and i think even better. So i think that everyone will love this new printing!

Now, to celebrate DLP 20Th anniversary the book price will be, during the month of April, back at the original pre-order price, i.e 100 euros and 10 euros for a shipping in France and 15 euros for a shipping in any other country. As usual you can pay with Paypal or bank wire transfer, and if you live in France with a bank check. To place your order please send an email at: and we will let you know how to proceed to the payment. Although we prefer the full order amount to be paid in one time, if you wish to pay in two times please let me know as this is possible, and it might help some of you who really want to own the book.

So, join me with this video below to discover the final product of both the english and french editions, and right under it another video will show you the whole book which might be helpful for those who have never seen it. To learn more about the book and this collector's edition, please visit the description page HERE.

Videos: copyright Neverland Editions

Sunday, April 1, 2012

DLP 20th Anniversary Press Event - Full Report !

As you know it was DLP 20th Anniversary press event last saturday and here is a full report about it, thanks to DLP official pictures. As you will see, lot of VIP and a magic party was on the program of this memorable day.

At the entrance of the park the 20th anniversary logo has been added under Main Street Station. Big 20th logo indeed, you can't miss it!...

...but a closer look reveal the presence of Tinkerbell, a nice addition.

All along Main Street U.S.A, 20th anniversary signs are now in place.

Actress Salma Hayek was the official DLP Godmother of the 20th Ann and here she is (with the white hat on the right) cutting the ribbon!

Guests were able to discover the new Disney Magic on Parade as well as the 20th Ann train, which is the same train than years before once again repainted with new colors. You can read a full report and watch a video of the 20th Ann parade in my previous article HERE.

Here are two videos filmed last saturday by DLRPfans.beshowing the Disney Magic on Parade and the 20th Anniversary train.

Among the VIP guests who were there there was film director Luc Besson...

...french actor Jean Reno - who've played in a Luc Besson's film some years ago...

...Salma Hayek, again, fully dressed with Mickey, and a more lightly dressed with Donald...

...famous soccer player David Ginola with his family...

...French singer Marc Lavoine. By the way, i used to knew Marco a looooong time ago, before he became the famous singer he is now. Very nice guy.

TF1 news anchor woman Laurence Ferrari...

At the start of the evening Philippe Gas, DLP CEO did a speech to celebrate the 20th Ann, and legendary soccer player Zinedine Zidane was there with him and Mickey!

Guests of course had the pleasure to discover the new amazing Disney Dreams! show - see below my full report with the full show HD video HERE and wallpaper pictures HERE - and before they were greeted in Main street and Central Plaza with giant illuminated puppets and laser beams.

And after the show the castle was beautifully illuminated!

I was not there unfortunately but the good guys of were there last saturday and have filmed the videos below. On the first one you will see the 20th Ann opening ceremony in the morning with Salma Hayek, on the second one you'll see shots of the Press Event "atmosphere", on the third video Philippe Gas deliver his 20th Ann opening speech with Zinedine Zidane as well as the arrival of the guests on Main Street with the giant illuminated puppets, and on the fourth one the Disney Dreams show filmed this saturday evening!

Looks like it was a great press event, isn't it? We're now looking for the April 12 event - the exact day of the 20th anniversary - and if you've planned to be there don't forget that WDI Imagineer Tony Baxter will be there for a one hour master-class at Discoveryland Videopolis!

It's DLP 20th Anniversary so it's the right time to order your copy of the collector's edition of the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which will tell you all about the creation of the park with 320 pages and 750 pictures and WDI renderings! And during all April to celebrate DLP 20th Ann the book is at its pre-order price of 100 euros! Place your pre-order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get a special offer on this wonderful book! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Videos: copyright

DLP Disney Dreams Show - High-Res Wallpaper Pictures

DLP has released a selection of official pictures of the amazing Disney Dreams! show and here they are below. I've kept them in the original size as you might be interested to use them as wallpaper for your computer screen, iPhone or iPad! I remind you that just below the article you will find my full report about the show, including the FULL show HD Video. Don't miss it, it's HERE.

But first here is something great as the good guys of came back from DLP press event with a great video of Steven Davison revealing the secrets of the making of the show! He's here with Imagineers Kat De Blois and Katy Harris.

The first picture above shows the opening show and the "second star to the right". Below, the "Be our Guest" sequence.

The Tangled sequence...

The final fireworks...

You'll find more high-res pictures of the illuminated castle in my upcoming article about the press event!

It's DLP 20th Anniversary so it's the right time to order your copy of the collector's edition of the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which will tell you all about the creation of the park with 320 pages and 750 pictures and WDI renderings! And during all April to celebrate DLP 20th Ann the book is at its pre-order price of 100 euros! Place your pre-order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get a special offer on this wonderful book! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE.

Video: copyright Disney