Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Will we see in "Indiana Jones and the temple of the crystal skull" the decors of Tokyo Disney Sea "Indiana Jones adventure" version? UPDATED 20/12

Last august, Lucas film filed at the MPAA six different titles for the Indiana Jones 4. Every Indy site was betting on the Indiana Jones and the City of Gods" title, but in an article called "Why Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull could very well be the title of the Indy 4 movie" i explained why "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was very probably going to be the right one. And it was.

You'll see below a copy of the previous article, but the good question now is: did they reproduced in the movie some of the decors of Tokyo Disney Sea "Indiana Jones and the temple of the crystal skull" ? Of course they didn't filmed the movie at TDS, but what i am talking about is reproducing on movie sets some elements of the decor of the attraction. For sure, we will have the mayan pyramid, but what about the inside decors ? To be perfectly honest , i don't have the answer right now, and my bets are 50-50, but, considering that they use part of the theme of the TDS attraction - the "crystal skull, the mexican- mayan temple, etc..." i won't be surprised if they did reproduced some of them! In the meantime, here is some new official pictures recently released.

The new poster artwork above is in the perfect tradition of the Indy's posters, and here is what producer Frank Marshall said about the story line in USA today:

Now that the poster for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has been revealed, some details from the super-secret plot also can be officially exposed.
Indiana Jones co-producer Frank Marshall is authorized to confirm some rumors and detail some of the story, about a quest for South American relics with supernatural powers.

When last we saw Indy, he was riding off into the sunset in 1989's The Last Crusade, set in 1938 near the start of World War II. The new movie, due this spring, is set at the height of the Cold War in 1957, so the character has aged in real time — 19 years.

"He's teaching and having kind of a quiet life," the producer says. Once the archaeologist is thrust back into danger, the signature Indiana Jones red line tracing across the map will take him to New Mexico, Connecticut, Mexico City and the jungles of Peru.

Despite all the gray-hair jokes (Harrison Ford is 65), Indy is still swinging from dangerous precipices and absorbing punches.

"Indy's a fallible character. He makes mistakes and gets hurt. He has a few more aches and pains now," Marshall says. "That's the other thing people like: He's a real character, not a character with superpowers."

The Nazis are no longer Indy's chief foe — he's racing for the Crystal Skull against operatives from the Soviet Union, including Oscar winner Cate Blanchett as the seductive Agent Spalko. "Indy always has a love-hate relationship with every woman he ever comes in contact with," Marshall says.

Ray Winstone, currently the star of Beowulf, co-stars as an unethical rival archaeologist. Transformers star Shia LaBeouf sports greaser hair and rides a motorcycle as the hero's sidekick.

The Last Crusade concluded without a cliffhanger, but Crystal Skull will revisit bits from other films, including Karen Allen's feisty Marion Ravenwood from 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The artifact of the title is inspired by real quartz sculptures of disputed origins that are carved in a way that defies the natural structure of the crystal.

"The theory is they are shaped by higher powers or alien powers or came from another world, or an ancient Mayan civilization had the powers," Marshall says.

Indiana Jones and the temple of the crystal skull will be released May 22, so we will have more answers in five months from now.

And now, for those who missed it, here is the previous article !

A movie web site report recently that , on the latest Motion Pictures Association of America Title Registration Report, Lucasfilm, Ltd has filed for six different titles for Indiana Jones 4.

The proposed titles include:

Indiana Jones and the City of Gods
Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds
Indiana Jones and the Fourth Corner of the Earth
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Lost City of Gold
Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Covenant

The web site also say that "City of Gods has been long rumored to be the working title of the production. It also seems to be the best candidate of the bunch Destroyer of Worlds, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Fourth Corner of the Earth are way to corny for me."

Corny, may be, but at least one of those six titles sounds familiar to the Disney theme park fans, as "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is close to the title of the Tokyo Disney Sea's Indiana Jones adventure attraction : The "Temple of the crystal skull".

Some may think it's a coincidence. But all this remember me one of my recent topic about the San Diego Comic Con where i show you THIS picture:

With this text above it: "Hasbro who have the license for some of the coming Indiana Jones 4 products revealed their future action figures. They did a special Indy decor for the display, with Egyptian statues and a real-size Ark of the Covenant. But what intrigued me is this model of a Mayan pyramid, also part of their decor. As we know, the previous Indy expeditions didn't lead him to old Mayan civilisation. So, is this the first proof to the rumours that the "treasure" location of the fourth movie will be in Mexico?"

Now, what is important to remember is that the outside decor of TDS Temple of the crystal skull is also a mayan pyramid as you can see on the photo below.

With of course a crystal skull inside...

The TDS attraction have a lot of similar scenes with the Disneyland "Temple of the forbidden eye" version, but with a different story line and a major change in the big scene of the ride as japanese laws forbidden to have some fire effects in the "bubbling death" sequence. So, at TDS it has been replaced by a giant threatening "twister". But all this doesn't mean, of course, that this particular scene will appear in the movie.

To come back to the movie, i have to add that we know now for sure that part of the action of Indy 4 will be located in Mexico - Spielberg is now shooting in Hawai instead of Mexico for production reasons. Let's not forget, too, Lucas gift for marketing - what can be better for the Asian market , and specially the japanese, to have a movie based on an already famous attraction ? - and god knows that the Disney parks are popular in the empire of the rising sun!

Not to mention that the "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" title is not that corny...for me it sounds more like a perfect Indiana Jones title. And not because the imagineers choose a pretty similar title for the TDS attraction - with the agreement of Georges Lucas, let's not forget it - but simply because after "Raiders of the lost ark", "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom" and "Indiana Jones and the last crusade" , "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" sounds like a perfect "Indy" title with a mix of archeological adventure and creepy feeling in it.

So, for all these reasons, and just for the fun, i will bet on "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" for the title of the highly awaited Indiana Jones 4 movie.

Your thoughts?

Photos: copyright Disney-Oriental Land co and Lucas Film ltd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This ain't Pirates. I don't think Spielberg is going to drop Disney references into his movie just to appease a studio that licenses the concept for a ride. Any similarities are going to be purely coincidental.
