Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Begin the year with great magic acts with Dani Lary, magician !

It's almost a tradition on french television, each year , for new year's eve, you can watch a magic show. So, what about beginning this year with magic? I mean: real magic, with the best magician in France, Dani Lary?
I've met him some years ago, during a special report about the Robert Houdin museum, and he was really kind, not "lost" in his ego, really cool guy, very sympathetic.

So stay sit down and relax, here are some good magic tours - may be it don't have all the Las Vegas show-off, but they're good. And for you Disney fans, stay to the end, as the last one is related to Disney!

Here is the first one, and the tour is called " Taj Mahal " . It is so well done that it is really difficult to see the trick.
He produces an unbelievable number of girls from a miniature temple using an ingenious method known as the "million dollar mystery" invented by Walter Jeans.

This next tour is a tribute to Dracula !

This one will take you in a chinese mood. Oh, and, by the way, Dani Lary does NOT have a twin brother.

And this one in Egypt...

This one bring us back in occident, in the world of Austin Powers

Did you ever saw a piano flying? Well, on this next tour, you will!

Okay, now here is the one in relation with Disney - i should say "Snowwhite " and you will see why...

All videos: copyright Dani Lary - France 2

Monday, December 31, 2007


All my best wishes to each of you, dear Disney and more readers for this new " 2008 " year !

And, as i am living in Paris, it is from " the city of lights " that i send you these best wishes ! I wish you lot of happiness, and for "our" Disney theme parks fan side, lot of new and brilliant attractions from Walt Disney Imagineering wizards!

They used to say that " it all began by a mouse " , but we know that it's not totally true, that, in fact, it all began by a MAN.

And, because it was a man in love with all forms of art, to celebrate this new year, here is a special Pop-Art - Andy Warhol - like creation, with Walt himself sending you his best wishes from Paris ! Double-click on the pictures - you have the choice between two different versions - to enjoy them in real big size !

Once again, i wish you full of love and joy for 2008 !

Photo : copyright Disney
