Thursday, May 21, 2009

Barack Obama Audio-animatronic will premiere July 4 at WDW Hall of Presidents

Great article in the New York Times about the new and awaited Barack Obama Audio-animatronic coming soon to WDW Hall of Presidents. WDI wizards are apparently doing once again miracles and the Obama AA - that will have its premiere on July 4 - will be the most lifelike of all the "Presidents".

"The exhibit will open with the new film, narrated by the actor Morgan Freeman. At a certain point, the Abraham Lincoln figure will rise and speak to the audience, as it always has, but now it will deliver the Gettysburg Address in its entirety."

Kathy Rogers, senior show producer for Walt Disney Imagineering added “And this is the first time George Washington will have a speaking role”.

Obama AA will have of course a speech - recorded by Barack Obama on March 4 in the White House Map Room - and also another recitation of the oath of office!

Please read the full article on the New York Times web site HERE.

Picture: copyright Disney


Jason Rasmussen said...

To further enhance its likeness, teleprompters have been installed on either side to help the AA figure and many "um"'s will be interjected into the speech.

Gilad said...

Obama will be a great addition to that attraction and I think that he is an excellent president!

John Locke said...

Hopefully the AA will not need a teleprompter like the real president.

DanColon said...

At least this suit won't be empty. :P

Anonymous said...

To further enhance its likeness, teleprompters have been installed on either side to help the AA figure and many "um"'s will be interjected into the speech.

