Saturday, February 26, 2011

Discover a Pure Adventureland Dream !

In a previous life i was a photographer and i did dozen of special reports all around the world, mainly in "real Adventureland" locations. Whether it was inside the South-East Asia jungles or old temples or the tumbs of old Pharaohs in the Egyptian desert i've spent many years shooting pictures of amazing sites. And the good news is that i've decided to share these pictures with the rest of the world through great applications for the Apple iPhone, IPad or iPod Touch called "Asia Treasures", a journey through Asia's historical masterpieces. The first app to be released is all about a fantastic and not-so-known archeological place in Burma called Bagan.

Located 500km north of Rangoon and in the Mandalay division, Bagan is truly a magical place and a pure « Indiana Jones » dream: over 25 square miles, more than 2000 temples, pagodas and stupas of all sizes – some as high as cathedrals – standing in the plain and on the banks of the Irrawaddy river! If someday you'll make the trip to Bagan you won’t be disappointed. Above and below, some pictures to introduce this Asia Treasures - Bagan application (Please note that the pictures of the App - others than the Introduction pictures below - have no text written on them).

Created in 849 with the union of 19 villages, Bagan is, in fact, the old capital of the kingdom of Pagan, which was destroyed by Mongols in 1287. The site, as big as the one in Angkor, has been damaged by earthquakes many times, and some tourism developments prevented the site of Bagan to be part of Unesco’s World Heritage sites.

At the time of its splendor (1044-1287), half a million of inhabitants were living in the first Burmese Empire capital. Most of the buildings made fromwood are not there anymore, but Bagan, close to the Irrawaddy river, is a stunning archeological site and a witness to a strong Buddhist tradition. There are so many Buddha statues on Bagan’s site that it’s seemingly impossible to count them all! Bagan is definitely a not-to-be-missed site if someday you travel in south-East Asia.

Those of you who own an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch will find the app in the iTunes Appstore under the name "Asia Treasures Bagan". The link to the iPhone version of the app is HERE and the one for the iPad version of the app is HERE. One more thing: the app cost only $0.99 - or 0.79€ - which makes it affordable for everyone, a very reasonable price to discover a pure Adventureland dream.

This App is also perfect to prepare a trip in Asia, for art lovers, or for anyone who wants to discover places of amazing beauty through hundreds of HD pictures. And if you are a WDI Imagineer, this app is full of great pictorial infos which can be helpful for an "Adventureland" design!

Here is some technical infos about the app as well as the app iTunes icon:

Asia Treasures - Bagan include seven chapters:

- Bagan Temples
- New bagan Village
- Irrawaddy River
- Bagan People
- Bagan Hotel
- Thanatar Gate Hotel
- Old Maps

App Features:

- Hundreds of HD pictures and text in English or French

- Wikipedia links for each picture for more infos on each chapter

- Menu for instant access to each chapter

- Image gallery to select pictures of a chapter

- Maps of Burma and Bagan

- Selection of favorite pictures

- A special "How to go?" section with travel infos and a selection of best hotels

- Slide show mode

Asia Treasures - Bagan is available HERE and HERE on the U.S Apple Appstore and is also available in others Appstore of your own country under the name "Asia Treasures Bagan".

Hope you'll enjoy the app! Thanks for your support!

All pictures: copyright Park Lane Editions

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Official : Star Tours 2 and Little Mermaid Grand Openings will happen at DL and DCA on June 3 !

Editor's Note: It's official! Star Tours 2 and the Little Mermaid ride will have their Grand Opening at DL and DCA on June 3! And the new “Mickey’s Soundsational Parade” will have its Premiere on May 27th. If you're planning to visit South-Cal, keep these dates in mind!

At WDI, programmers Imagineers put the final touch to the programming of Ursula huge Audio-Animatronic...

...while at DCA King Triton joins the cast of characters at the Little Mermaid ~ Ariel's Undersea Adventure. The 76 inches tall statue who was previously near the Little Mermaid meet-and-greet area in Fantasyland is now at the top of the main archway at the front of the Little Mermaid attraction.

Who will be there on June 3 for these Grand Openings?

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril : Grand Opening Video Plus : The Secret of the Second Temple

When Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril had its Grand Opening at Disneyland Paris July 30, 1993, the least we can say is that the weather - or the gods? - were not on the side of Georges Lucas and Philippe Bourguignon, at that time DLP CEO. An incredible storm happened during the opening celebration with such heavy rains that Lucas probably still remember it.

DLP Youtube channel had the good idea to put online recently the video of this Grand Opening, so those of you who were not there will be able to see this memorable celebration.

Those of you who have been to DLP know that there is only ONE temple in the Indy attraction but, as reproduced page 138 of my Disneyland Paris book, a WDI rendering of the Temple of péril on the top of that page show TWO temples instead of one. Does this means that WDI originally envisioned to build two temples instead of one only?

As two temples are indeed clearly visible on that rendering it's because WDI imagineers did envisioned to build two temples. However, it seems that it is only after the opening of the first temple that they began to really work on a new temple addition. Why? because from the day Georges Lucas opened officially the attraction the ride was an instant hit but had a big hour capacity problem. And of course, the best way to resolve this problem would have been to build...a second temple!

So, in Glendale, Imagineers thought seriously about building another temple and a model was built. The new temple would have joined the first temple at a 90 degrees angle. Imagine a "L" letter upside down, the vertical part of the letter being the first temple and the horizontal part being the new temple. However, there would have been no link between the two coaster tracks. Instead, the imagineers had designed two totally different coaster tracks for both temples, with the possibility for the guests to board either the first or the second temple.

Another interesting point in this second temple that never was concept was that WDI imagineers were not sacrifying the space to eventually build the big Indiana Jones Aventure ride in the future. In fact, if my memory is right, one of the "towers" of the second temple would have been the entrance for the future Indiana Jones Adventure attraction.

As we know this second temple was never built and the main reason why, as usual with DLP, was - guess what? - money! At the end of the 1990's Disneyland Paris was in serious trouble financially speaking and the park's management choose the option to add capacity with more seats for each train. They also choose to have the ride going "backward", and indeed it was much cheaper to turn each train than to build a brand new "old" temple!

Is there any luck to see this second temple built in the future? Frankly, i wouldn't bet on it, but who knows, as they say at WDI, "a good idea never die"!

Artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc

Picture and video: copyright Disneyland paris

Happy Birthday, Steve !

It's Steve Jobs birthday, today. As you probably know Steve is facing some serious health issues and the best we can wish to him for his 56th Anniversary is to recover as quick as possible.

Who would have said 35 years ago than a young man inventing with a friend in his garage their first computer will be 35 years later at the head of the most loved electronics devices company in the world - and WDC biggest private share holder, too!

Apple Inc did a nice birthday gift to Steve today as they released this thursday the new and amazingly fast Mac Book Pros introducing, too, the "Thunderbolt" technology with which you'll be able to transfert datas at a speed up to 10 Gbps - yes, TEN GIGAS per second! Apple also released today the Beta version of the awaited Mac OS Lion, and next wednesday Apple's special event - without Steve, unfortunately - will introduce the new iPad 2. It' going to be a big week for Apple geeks...

So, Happy Birthday, Steve! And hope to see you soon!

New Cars 2 character is a Plane, and his name is Siddeley

Pixar introduced today a new Cars 2 character, and this one is not a car but a plane. Here is Pixar's description of the character, named Siddeley: "Siddeley is a state-of-the-art British twin-engine spy jet. At 176 feet from nose to tail and an impressive 157-foot wingspan, the super sleek silver-bodied Siddeley streaks through international skies at record-breaking mach 1 speeds. Outfitted with all the latest in high-tech spy equipment, including cloaking technology, defensive weaponry and afterburners, Siddeley is Finn McMissile’s steadfast partner-in-fighting-crime around the globe."

Talking about planes, i remind you that Disney announced last week the production of an animated movie called "Planes" which will be released on Blu-Ray in Spring 2013. However and although it is said to be inspired by Pixar universe, it's Disney Toon Studio and not Pixar who will do the film. I would have prefer to have it done by Pixar of course, but that's how it goes.

Here is the synopsis of "Planes": "Planes takes off with an international cast of the fastest air racers around, in a comedy packed with action and adventure starring Dusty, a small town dreamer who longs to enter the most epic around-the-world air race … despite his fear of heights. With the help and support of a fleet of new and hilarious characters, Dusty wings his way into the biggest challenge of his life."

Mind you, it will not be the first time that Disney produces an animated movie in which the main characters are planes. Back in 1942, a plane character named Pedro had a whole sequence in "Saludos Amigos". Don't remember him? Then watch him in the Youtube video below!

Picture and video: copyright Disney-Pixar

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Disneyland Paris Update : All about the 2011 " Disney Magical Moments " Festival

Quite a while since my last Disneyland Paris update but here is one with everything you need to know about the 2011 "Disney Magical Moments Festival". Note that the important word here is "moments" and as we all know "moments" means a few minutes, not hours. So don't expect a ten minutes ride for 2011 as there will be no one. No new fireworks or parade either, but a new show on Central Plaza and some little happenings - the famous "moments" - in both parks.

We will have a closer look to the official DLP press release but first, here is the first TV Ad, the one released in the U.K. They've been pretty smart on this one as no shots of the park are include in it, instead you'll see a family and the reactions - a bit hysterical - of the children after the announcement that "they're going to Disneyland Paris". Even with no shots of the park this TV Ad works pretty well and use the emotional effect - which is probably not so far of what is happening in real life when children learn about their future Disneyland Paris vacation.

Okay, let's come back to the menu of this 2011 Disney Magical Moments Festival which will begin on April 6th. Here is the press release in which i've included my own comments:

2011 Jumps into Disney Magical Moments Festival

This year, Disneyland Paris offers its guests more than a new festival, but the promise to live and relive a series of everlasting “Disney Magical Moments.”

Disney Magical Moments Festival: more emotion than ever before:
During Disney Magical Moments Festival that launches 6th April 2011 at Disneyland Paris, magic will reach great new heights. In 2011, guests enter the spotlight, starring in adventures inspired by Walt Disney Pictures films. From Fantasia to Alice in Wonderland, by way of Peter Pan, The Jungle Book and The Lion King guests take center stage and star in the stories. Girls get wrapped up in the classic Princess stories from Snow White to Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella or The Princess and the Frog. Children and parents alike take part in the adventures of the new Disney-Pixar generation from Ratatouille, Cars, Wall-E, Monsters, Inc. to the very popular and recent Toy Story films. And each guest will create his own adventures based on his own personal Disney experiences. All-new moments to be lived in enhanced reality for memories that will last a lifetime.

Come get swept away by the whirlwind of “Disney Magical Moments!”
In 2011, get ready to experience endless magical moments, full of action, adventure and emotion! Moments like no others, which will take you on a dream getaway alongside family and friends. There’s something for everyone: all styles and all ages... Moments you create and experience, and which will be engraved forever as some of your most emotional memories.

A sparkling array of magical moments just waiting to be lived, captured and later retold by you! Precious instants in life that only Disneyland Paris knows how to create and which always begin with a simple yet emotional plea: ‘let’s go to Disneyland this year!”

Spotlight on 14 Disney Magical Moments

1 - Mickey’s Magical Celebration
Who can resist the magic behind Fantasia, when Mickey becomes an incredible magician?
Each day, to celebrate Disney Magical Moments Festival, the Disneyland Park stages a spellbinding show in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. This fantastic new encounter stars Mickey surrounded by Disney Magicians, from Genie to Merlin, by way of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. Mickey becomes the illustrious Magician known the world over. An enchanting moment to share with all the dazzling Disney couples, as well. Anything is possible with a sprinkle of pixie dust and a little imagination.

D&M comment: This, apparently, will be a new show with lot of characters on the Central Plaza stage, with a 20 minutes length. From what i've been told it's supposed to be pretty good.

2 - Disney Princesses: A Royal Invitation

Just as every little girl dreams of becoming a fairytale heroine, few men can resist the charm of meeting a true Princess.
Where else than in Disneyland can you meet your favourite Disney Princess? Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Tiana… they’re all waiting to meet you. A royal invitation to live and capture the most enchanting of Disney moments.

D&M comment: The new Princess meet and greet area is currently being build in what was formerly the It's a Small World post show. A cool post show but unfortunately DLP guests rarely took the time to explore all the magical projection effects. Personnaly, i will regret it. The opening of the new Princess meet and greet have apparently some delay but should open this summer and the theming of the area is supposed to be of very good quality and perfectly adapted to a Princess theme.

3 - Following the Leader with Peter Pan
Who hasn’t ever dreamed of skipping out on time to run away to Neverland and stay a child forever?
It’s going to be a real crocodile-snappin’ adventure for Lost Boys and Girls and absolutely anyone who’s never wanted to grow up. Help Peter Pan, Wendy and his band of Pirates give Captain Hook a real fright. A unique song and dance adventure with only one motto: “I won’t grow up!”

D&M comment: Now, this new little show which will happen on Adventure Isle and Captain Hook gallion might be fun if it's well done. May be one of the most interesting new thing to happen in the park this year. Basically it will be a small show with Peter Pan, Captain Hook and some pirates probably doing some swashbuckling on the gallion but some children from the audience might be invited to interact in the show.
By the way, the picture below and the one at the top are new official DLP pictures shot recently but only the one below is available now on DLP's press site. I wondered why until i had a closer look to the other picture, the one at the top of this article. My guess is that they thought that Peter's erected arm looks a bit too much like a Nazi salute. Of course it's totally absurd but it's true that some non-objective people who don't like Disneyland might use the picture in a bad way.

4 - The Wonderful World of Alice and The Mad Hatter

Who can resist celebrating each day for what it is—an incredible “un-birthday?”
The Mad Hatter has already set the zaniest of tables to celebrate thousands of un-birthdays in Wonderland. A great chance to savour a succulent cup of imaginary tea not far from the Dormouse and his teapot before returning to pursue the White Rabbit in Alice’s Curious Labyrinth and taking a spin on the psychedelic attraction Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups.

D&M comment: Mainly a photo location at the exit of Alice's Labyrinth where Alice's throne is. A table with teacups will be installed and we can probably expect the Mad Hatter character doing appearances.

5 - Adventureland rhythms of the jungle

For those who, like Baloo, only need the bare necessities!
The “Hakuna Matata” terrace has become the new hotspot for getting down in the jungle to the sound of tam-tams with the heroes of great Disney Classics such as The Jungle Book and The Lion King. Untamed winds are blowing over Adventureland and may bring along performances from characters such as Baloo, King Louie, Timon, or the wise old Rafiki for a frenzied dance or two. Their sidekicks Zazu and Kaa won’t miss the occasion to spice up your personal photo shoot.

D&M comment: Another photo location, this time in Adventureland, with Jungle Book-Lion King characters. Guests should be able to play drums on African drums which will be at their disposal.

6 - Moteurs… Action ! Stunt Show Spectacular featuring Lightning McQueen!
If you love thrills, spectacular special effects and the action of revving automobiles, then this show is for you…
The most exciting automobile stunt show welcomes a feisty new star! While the Disney-Pixar film Cars 2 is still in the makings, Lightning McQueen has decided to make a pit stop at the Walt Disney Studios Park! Lots of fast-paced memories await you during this exceptional appearance. Watch for the flag—Lightning McQueen is ready to hit the asphalt...moteurs ...action!

D&M comment: A "Lightning McQueen" car will be part of the WDS stunt show but don't expect McQueen to do dangerous stunts or to jump through a ring of fire. Looks more like a guest star doing a cameo appearance during the show.

7 - Meet Rapunzel from Walt Disney Pictures' "Tangled"

The latest Disney heroine from Disney Studios has set a new trend for long hair—endlessly long hair... Decidedly modern from her temper to the tips of her magical hair, Rapunzel has a way of moving people... especially her beloved brigand Flynn Rider. Discover her story and world by stepping into a giant pop-up book decor for a magical photo. And great memories lie ahead on the ‘hair’izon when you might come across them around Fantasyland!

D&M comment: Another photo location in Fantasyland with the Tangled characters.

8 - Disney's Once Upon a Dream Parade with interactive show stops
Have you ever dreamt of being part of Disneyland Paris Parade?
This year, the Disneyland Park grants your wish and invites you into its fabulous Disney’s Once Upon a Dream parade. It’s revolutionary—the Disney films’ greatest stars and their friends encourage guests to take part as the parade moves along through numerous accessories, dance moves and other fantastic tricks!

D&M comment: Nothing new here, it's the same parade with guests interaction when the parade stops, although i've been told that the children interaction have been change a bit.

Note: The picture above, like all pics in this article, is coming from the DLP press website but a closer look reveal that it was shot at Disneyland, Anaheim, and not at Disneyland Paris!

9 - Green Army Men Meet & Play
Want to see what it’s like to be a toy?
Destination Toy Story Playland(3), the all-new land in the Walt Disney Studios Park with three new attractions: Slinky Dog Zigzag Spin, Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop and RC Racer! Andy’s Green Army Men enlist guests in an adventure in Andy’s extraordinary backyard and invite them to experience excitement alongside Buzz Lightyear and friends while reduced to the size of real toys.

D&M comment: The Green Army Men will appear, regularly, in Toy Story Playland.

10 - Smile and say "Cheese" with Remy and Emile
Saying “cheese” before a photo has just taken on new meaning!
Remy the gourmet and his gluttonous brother Emile have specially ordered a huge French cheese platter for guests of the Walt Disney Studios Park. Guests will love to pop their heads through the holes, while saying “cheese” for the photographer alongside the stars of Ratatouille. A fun food moment to remember forever!

D&M comment: Another photo location, this time at the WDS, that's basically what it is.

11 - Monsters, Inc. Scream Academy
What if you could scream to the top of your lungs with no limits?
Sully, top scarer at Monsters, Inc. and his faithful assistant, Mike, encourage guests to participate in a terrifying screaming contest. Meet them at Toon Studios to break the decibel meter and experience a spine-tingling moment with the Monsters, Inc. Scream Academy.

D&M comment: Like last year and the year before, DLP marketing dept try to sell the Monsters, Inc. Scream Academy like if it was something new, but it's not.

12 - Aladdin’s Magic Lamp
What if you could have three wishes from a magical lamp just like Aladdin?
It has been said that Aladdin’s famous magical lamp is hidden somewhere near Adventureland, in the newly-installed market of Agrabah... What could be the best way to release the Genie and receive your three wishes? Posing for a magical souvenir photo while rubbing the lamp!

D&M comment: It sems that we have here another photo location in Adventureland. An Aladdin decor with a magic lamp will be build and the lamp will make sounds when guests will rub it. Don't expect a Genie hologram coming out of the lamp, but the Genie and Aladdin characters will probably appear along the day.

13 - Share the love with Wall-E and Eve!
What if there was proof that love would still exist 700 years from now?
Come to Discoveryland for an encounter with Wall-E, the most lovable and earth-friendly robot who can’t hide his love for Eve, the prettiest android in the universe. A timeless love story full of humour and romance shared by two heroes from the 28th century.

D&M comment: And here is another photo location this time in Tomorrowland which was installed last year. See picture above.

14 - Disney Dance Express
Feel like partying with your favourite Disney character?
The “Disney Dance Express” train crosses Main Street, U.S.A., several times a day, and invites guests to get down to the rhythm of Broadway. Goofy, Minnie, Donald, Chip ’n’ Dale, and even Daisy and Pluto... They’re all ready to bring the Disneyland Park atmosphere alive with the “Magic Movers”!

D&M comment: Here comes the Disney Dance Express train, which is exactly the same train going down (or up) Main Street since the last four years.

(end of press release)

Alright, as you've read this "Disney Magical Moments Festival" year is an "in between" year and we'll have to wait for 2012 and the 20th Anniversary to eventually expect something really exciting. The Mickey’s Magical Celebration and Peter Pan shows might be fun but others will be mostly small happenings in each land if not simple photo locations. As no new attraction was expected in 2011 there is no real disappointment, but clearly the park is saving money this year. Will they spend more bucks for the 2012 20th Anniversary? This is what you'll learn in my next DLP update, coming soon, probably next week.

Pictures: copyright Disney
Editor's Note: Those of you who are interested to know when Star Tours 2 and Little Mermaid will open at Disneyland must not miss Al Lutz new update on Miceage!

Monday, February 21, 2011

All aboard for a Cars 2 Update !

We'll have a Cars 2 update today, and let's begin with the new trailer released last sunday during the NASCAR Daytona 500 broadcast. It includes lot of never seen before footage, so don't miss it.

Almost every day Pixar announces new Cars 2 characters and here is a choice of the one i like. All pictures are in high-res as usual. The first one shows British secret agent Finn McMissile, on the picture below with Mater at Tokyo airport terminal.

John Lasseter is getting his own Cars character - called John Lassetire. Lasseter who was surprised by the honor said: "It was news to me. I did not know about that, so I was a little surprised. I ended up voicing this character. It was just one line, but now I have a Cars character. I'm very excited about that".

Two new Italian characters called Uncle and Aunt Topolino living near Porto Corsa in the small village of Santa Ruotina are Luigi's favorite uncle and aunt.

"Uncle Topolino is the owner of the village’s tire shop, where he taught Luigi and Guido everything they know, though Uncle Topolino is full of sage advice about more than just tires. Mama Topolino, is a masterful cook with the best fuel in the village of Santa Ruotina, near Porto Corsa, Italy. Though she has a loving, but fiery relationship with her husband, Uncle Topolino, she shows her love and generosity for both family and friends by feeding everyone her renowned delizioso fuel".

You'll notice the private joke with the Topolino name as Topolino is the Italian name of Mickey Mouse!

Those of you who visit regularly the excellent Pixar fans web sites are aware that for each new character Pixar also release a short video on which the character introduces himself on a "turning table". Pixar did a real good job on these as you quickly guess each character's personnality. Here is a selection of my favorites and let's begin by two characters who don't need to be introduced, i.e Lightning McQueen and Mater.

Next one is Shu Todoroki, a prototype racer representing Japan and bearing #7 in the World Grand Prix. "Shu was raised at the base of the active Mount Asama volcano in Japan, and soon became a champion on the Suzuka Circuit. His sleek design sports a fiery red Ka-Riu dragon, which Shu borrowed from Japanese legend because he relates to the small, yet fierce nature of the dragon. His team legacy is filled with victories – his coach, a Mazda, was the only Japanese car to ever win at Le Mans – and Shu hopes to prove his champion-level racing on the international stage of the World Grand Prix".

Another italian character is Francesco Bernoulli "who grew up in the shadow of the famous Monza race course in Italy where he and his friends would sneak onto the track and race the famous Pista di Alta Velocita bank turn. He was an instant winner on the amateur circuit and soon became an international Formula Racer champion. The ladies love Francesco’s open wheels, youngsters look up to his winning spirit and fellow racers envy his speed. But Francesco’s biggest fan is Francesco himself, as evidenced by his racing number. As the most famous race car in Europe, #1 Francesco is a favorite to win the World Grand Prix, which also makes him McQueen’s chief rival".

Raoul ÇaRoule, "Known as the ‘World’s Greatest Rally Car”, if the French character. And believe me, he really looks French in his behaviour! "A restless soul, Raoul joined the famous ‘Cirque du Voiture’ French circus where he learned Gymkhana – a graceful, drift-filled motorsport that taught him pinpoint timing and an unparalleled ability to navigate tricky courses with ease. He’s the first car to ever win nine consecutive rallies. Raoul is confident he can use his rally experience to pull ahead of his fellow World Grand Prix racers during the three courses’ touchy dirt sections, especially with his fans in the stands waving banners that read ‘ÇaRoule Ca-Rules!’"

Next one from my selection is Carla Veloso, a Brazilian racecar, dancing samba on the turning table! "Updated World Grand Prix contender Carla Veloso hails from Rio de Janiero, Brazil. The sweet but powerful Latin diva can dance the night away at “Car-nival,” but spends most of her time on the racetrack. In the World Grand Prix, the proud Brazilian Le Motor Prototype racer is the only female in the field, and Carla is ready to prove to the world that #8 is there to win for her home country".

Let's end with a brilliant one, the secret agent Finn McMissile turning table. He introduces himself in a "James Bond" way.

Talking about Finn Mc Missile, the toys based on his character are gonna sell like crazy next fall. Anyone who remember how many million copies Corgi Toys sold of the James Bond "Goldfinger" Aston Martin in the 1960's could tell you this! It was a huge merchandise hit back then and i predict the same for all Finn McMissile toys, you will understand why easily with a look at the pictures below.

You will have the choice between different McMissile toys, the first one above will be done by Spin Master - who will also release a McMissile car climbing on a wall (!) - and will come at a price of $49.99. The other one below will be manufactured by Mattel and will have a retail price of $29.99. Both are fully loaded with “top secret” spy weapons, projectile missiles, sound effects, and thrilling transformations and truly embodies all of McMissile’s gadgetry.

Here is a video where the great actor Michael Caine - Finn McMissile's voice - introduce the Spin Master toy.

Mattel plans to introduce more than 150 "Cars 2" toys this fall and also the new and interesting "Lightning McQueen Alive". Lightning McQueen's big personality will be captured in a small package as he'll be able to drives around by himself — both forward and backward and in complete 360s, moves his eyes, shrugs his shoulders and moves his life-like mouth to speak signature phrases voiced by actor Owen Wilson.

Lightning McQueen Alive will say over 40 phrases and squeals his tires and interacts with you. When Lightning McQueen will needs to refuel after a long day’s play, you will simply place him back on the included gas station charger to refresh his batteries. Released next october at a price of $59.99 and already available for pre-order HERE. Here is two hands-on videos of the prototype .

That's it for today's Cars 2 update, hope you've enjoyed it!

Pictures and videos: copyright Disney-Pixar

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Filming 20000 Leagues under the Sea - A 1954 LIFE Magazine Special Report - Part Three : the Color Shots

In this LIFE Magazine 20000 Leagues under the Sea special report article series i've kept the best for the end with these 1954 color pictures! Yes, 1954 underwater color pictures! Isn't it great? If you missed the two first parts, you will find the part one HERE and the part two HERE.

Just like with the black and white pictures, LIFE photographer shot Captain Nemo and the Nautilus crewmen during the filming at Bahamas islands. On the top and below, Captain Nemo.

A series of others pictures showing the Nautilus crewmen.

Some pictures showing the film propmen bringing fish for one of the movie's sequence.

A last underwater picture, showing one of the LIFE photographers?

Hope you enjoyed these rare pictures of the underwater filming of 20000 Leagues, soon we'll be back "over water" with others great pics of 20000 Leagues, but this time, not from LIFE magazine!

All pictures: copyright TIME-LIFE Magazine