Friday, April 19, 2013

Hong Kong Disneyland Mystic Manor : First Ride Pictures! Open on May 17 ! AP Previews Start April 26 !

I'm happy to share with you the very first "inside the ride" pictures of the highly awaited Hong Kong Disneyland Mystic Manor ride! But, first, it's official: Mystic Manor and the new Mystic Point land will open for "everyone" on May 17! If i say for "everyone" it's because there will be HKDL Annual Passholders previews on April 26 and 30 as well as on May 3 and 4! 

In the meantime let's have a look at these first HKDL official pics and, below, a glorious picture showing the Manor in all its pre-opening day beauty. As we know, Mystic Point and Mystic Manor will be based around the life of an eccentric explorer named Lord Henry Mystic and his travel companion, a monkey called Albert. The two characters will appear in Mystic Manor and its 32-cars "Mystic Magneto-Electric Carriage" ride, and Mystic Point will also include the Explorer’s Club Restaurant and The Archive Shop.

The picture below shows what is probably a scene of the inside queue decor - or it might be in the Explorer's Club restaurant...

The next picture below shows a cast member in what surely is Mystic Manor boarding room.

The next pic is probably showing the beginning of the ride itself.

In Mystic Manor pre-show Henry Mystic will appear and warn the guests that a new artifact - a box that he just bring back from one of his expeditions is supposedly enchanted and must be open very carefully. I think that the next photo shows the scene in which Albert the Monkey open the box-that-shouldn't-be-open... and just like the box of "Pandora", the forces inside the box will be unleashed!

On this vertical version of the picture you can see better the lighting effects that probably happen when Albert is opening the box...

The picture below shows the music room scene in which music instruments are supposed "to come to life", or at least to play by themselves.

As i didn't did the ride yet i may do some mistakes but i think that the next picture is showing what is called the "cataloguing room" , the room in which Albert open the box and in which Mystic Manor vehicles come back at the end of the ride.

More pictures of the ride will probably come soon but i have two more pics for you, one showing the inside of the merchandise shop - no surprise, HKDL guests will find plenty of merch related to Albert the monkey...

...and also this great picture showing Mystic Manor with its night lighting.

That's all for now, but it already looks pretty exciting, doesn't it? More pics and as the AP preview will start in one week it means that we shouldn't have to wait too long before the first videos appear on Youtube. Which i strongly recommend to don't watch if you're planning a trip to HKDL in a near future. probably a video coming soon!

One more thing: I'm looking for a HKDL annual passholder who intend to go at the April 26 preview. If you are a HKDL AP and if you're planning to go at the April 26 preview please send me an email at:  , thanks!

I also remind your that until April 30 i put on sale signed copies of the great Disneyland Paris book in its collector edition, in which you have the whole park in 320 pages with 750 photos including 250 WDI renderings! Both english and french editions are available. This is the very first time that collector's edition copies would be signed so they will be "double collector"! have a look below at the video showing the whole book!

Don't miss this great offer, the signed copies have even a 20€ discount on the normal price! You can have more infos about this gorgeous 320 pages book HERE and you can use the one-click Paypal button below if you wish.

Choose quantity and enjoy additional discount !

Picture: copyright Disney - Thanks to the Anonymous reader for the link to the pictures!

Art Of Monsters University Concept-Arts

As it is the case with any new Pixar movie a "Art of" book will be published and here are some of the great production artworks that you'll find in Karen Paik's  "Art Of Monsters University" book, to be published by Chronicle Books and already available at pre-order price on HERE. Click on each to see them in big size!

Artwork: copyright Pixar

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's Disney and more 6th Anniversary !

It's Disney and more 6th Anniversary, and just like last year and the years before i want to thank all of you, Disney and more readers, for your support. Since its 5th anniversary Disney and more has now a Facebook page which started four months ago and is already a huge success with more than 1200 "like", the website itself having between 3000 and 4000 daily visits.

And to celebrate this 6th anniversary i have for you a great Imagineering document, a rare video of the 1990 Phantom Manor recording sessions with Vincent Price who came to record the newly written ghost-host narration for the ride. 

WDI Imagineer and DLP Frontierland show-designer Jeff Burke - center on the picture below, with the black shirt - recalls how weak Vincent Price looked like when he arrived to record his voice and how he amazed everyone when he started the recording, as the great actor and professional he was, suddenly finding back the needed energy for the recording session.

Above: Left to right: Vincent Price, Ken Lisi, Jeff Burke, Craig Fleming and Greg Meader enjoying a break during the recording sessions.

Lead writer Craig Fleming was directing the recording session with linguistic advice by French writer Thierry Benizeau, as Vincent price had to record the ghost-host text both in english and french. At the mixing desk are audio producer Greg header and audio project manager Ken Lisi with also Jeff Burke and his team members observing the session from the sidelines. 

Vincent Price struggled with the french version of the text and Craig Fleming recalls that they worked on the french script during three and a half hours while the english version was masterfully recorded by Price in two takes, along with a series of his famous evil laughs. Unfortunately shortly after DLP opening it was decided to do a new french recording with a french actor and Vincent Price ghost-host narration is no longer haunting Phantom Manor, but you still can hear in the attraction his trademark evil laughs during the ride! 

So, thanks to David.G. Ravenswood of the great Ravenswood Manor website i share with you today this rare video and once you've watched it jump to David website where you'll learn more about the story and making-of of Phantom Manor a well as Big thunder Mountain and Thunder Mesa!

In addition to this great video and in tribute to Vincent Price i'm adding this two parts video interview which was done in Malibu in July 1986 by a famous french TV show called "Cinema Cinemas". Price is talking about his career and also about life like only someone at the sunset of his life can talk. Although he don't talk about Phantom Manor in it - he didn't recorded yet - watch it, it's a wonderful interview of a great human being!

In the interview Vincent Price talks about a famous picture in which him, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff and Basil Rathbone are sit inside coffins, Vincent Price reading to them the headlines of Variety. I succeeded to find this rare picture for you and here it is.

Again, thanks to all of you to be so faithful to Disney and more, and see you tomorrow for a new DLP pictorial update!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Lone Ranger Official Trailer 3 !

A Lone Ranger event happened today in Vegas with Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer answering fans questions and you can watch it HERE if you missed it. But the Lone Ranger trailer 3 was also released and it looks better than ever!

Strangely, the french version of the trailer 3 also posted today on Youtube is very different with many shots that don't appear in the american one.  I post it below, but this one is dubbed in french - Walt Disney Studios France also released the same one in english with french subtitles but for an unknown reason only the first 20 seconds can be watched. You might try HERE anyway, may be it'll work in its entirety for you.

Picture and videos: copyright Disney - Jerry Bruckheimer

Superman " Man of Steel " Trailer 3

The trailer 3 for "Man of Steel" - the new Superman movie - has been released. This one is not a Disney production but it looks damn' good anyway! 

Picture : Copyright Warner

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Editor's Note: As usual, don't miss my additional posts on the D&M Facebook page HERE!

"Thirty years ago and later looking through the windows of time"

It's Tokyo Disneyland 30th Anniversary and thirty Years ago Pat Burke was one of the WED Imagineers who were there, building TDL. Pat sent me today this great and never-seen-before picture above - a rare picture shot before TDL opening -  with this quote: "Thirty years ago and later looking through the windows of time. I took this black and white shot at Christmas time in 1982, at sunset, just months before TDL opening. We were all wondering if we would get the park finished in time as there was still much to do.  As we can see in the present day shot below, 30 years later, in 2013, TDR has blossomed and grown beautifully". 

Top Picture: copyright Pat Burke

Tokyo Disneyland 30th Anniversary Celebration Video

Tokyo Disneyland celebrated yesterday their 30th Anniversary and as you will see on the video below they did it with literally all the main characters of each Disney movie! TDR had a record attendance of 27,5M visitors in 2012 and they expect to break this record this year with the 30th Ann celebrations.

Star Tours The Adventure Continues will open on May 7, but even more interesting, Oriental Land has announced that they are planning to invest $1.5 billion into TDR theme parks between 2011 and 2020! that surely is a lot of money for a lot of rides!

Monsters University : The Greek Council

Pixar has released a series of pictures showing the different Monsters University students association. The pics above and below are the french version but the english one are the same, or almost, please click on each picture to see them in high-res. 


Claire Wheeler is the Greek Council president at Monsters University, and this year she is one of the chosen emcees for the school’s annual Scare Games. Don’t be fooled by Claire’s brooding exterior and monotone drawl—banal in appearance, on the inside she is a galvanizing force of school spirit who diligently warns the Scare Game participants of the dangers they will face.

Brock Pearson, this preppy-looking fraternity monster has been chosen to assist the Greek Council president in emceeing the school’s annual Scare Games. Jock-like and what some might refer to as a “meathead,” Brock is a loud, enthusiastic emcee who relishes the danger of the Scare Games’ challenges.


A collection of wholesome, good-natured misfits, the adorable brothers of Oozma Kappa (OK) have bonded over their inability to make it through the Scaring Program. With only four bodies in the house, they don’t even have enough members to compete in the Scare Games. What they lack in Scariness and self-confidence, they make up for in heart.

Next association ROAR OMEGA ROAR (RΩR)

The Roar Omega Roar (RΩR) fraternity is made up of the best of the best. They’re the smartest, most skilled, Scariest monsters at Monsters University, and come from families with a long, proud history of Scaring. While the RΩRs may be preppy in dress, they are ferocious in action and downright ruthless, if necessary. Self-declared as the most elite house on campus, the RΩRs are lead by Johnny Worthington who presides over the house like an all-powerful monarch. Eager to continue their Scare Games winning streak, the RΩRs will do whatever it takes to stay on top.


Pretty in pink, the sisters of Python Nu Kappa (PNK) are not to be underestimated. Led by their fearless queen bee Carrie, these ladies are smart, cold-hearted and merciless. Covered in pink from head to toe, the PNKs sweet exterior quickly turns terrifying when the Scare Games begin.

Next, are the JAWS THETA CHI (JOX)

Big on brawn but short on brainpower, the Jaws Theta Chi (JOX) fraternity brothers are rarely seen without their flashy letterman jackets. The JOX are brutal competitors who never hesitate to do whatever it takes to beat their opponent, even if it’s breaking the rules. Despite practically living at the gym or on the field, these sports-loving monsters often prove that bigger doesn’t always mean better when it comes to Scaring.


The athletic sisters of Slugma Slugma Kappa (EEK) spend most of their days working out and running drills to perfect their Scaring skills. Their initiation is a triathlon, and training together 24/7 has strengthened the bonds of sisterhood so much so that these strong, self-assured girls are ready to out-work and out-scare any monster they encounter together.

The last association is ETA HISS HISS (HSS)

The Eta Hiss Hiss (HSS) sorority has been around since the beginning of Monsters University and the members are as mysterious as they are terrifying. The HSS sisters might be pale, mysterious and sullen, but these intimidating Goth girls are fierce competitors and tough as nails. Fittingly, their most distinguished alumna is one of the most powerful, Scary monsters on campus who every new Scare student strives to impress—Dean Hardscrabble.

Pictures: copyright Disney - Pixar

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Real Wonder : The eFX Nautilus Replica

Two days ago i was able to finally open the box with the eFX Nautilus replica that arrived for me in Paris one year ago - and that i didn't open yet as i was not in France. 

Good lord, this four foot - 1m20 - long Nautilus replica is incredibly awesome! A pure masterpiece from Nautilus specialist Scott Brodeen! Unbelievable, really. The quality of details is beyond expectations and it includes miniature furniture in Nemo Grand Salon as well as everything inside the wheel house, both with lightings! 

Harper Goff and Tom Scherman would have been proud of Scott's work and i share with you below some pictures of this amazing wonder! Note that on some pictures the Nautilus hull color is a bit darker than the painting which is a beautiful dark bronze color. 

The window on the left side has the lightings and you can see through it Nemo Grand Salon with miniature furniture wonderfully done.

The other window on the other side also has lighting with the famous "iris" closed.

Scott placed dozens of thousands of rivets - the famous Nautilus rivets - which in "reality" are supposed to be there to fix metal plaques. So Scott had the genius idea to also sculpt some fine separation lines to give the feeling of these metal plaques fixed one next to another. Also, as you will see on the next pictures all Nautilus details and elements are absolutely perfect.

Scott Brodeen also designed a beautiful stand in plexiglas inspired by the Nautilus style. We cannot thank enough Scott Brodeen and Bryan Ono, eFX CEO to have produced such a wonder, a real treasure for all Nautilus fans.

As i told you the replica has a beautiful dark bronze color but Jean-Marc Deschamps, a good friend of mine who is a huge Nautilus fan and a master model maker, wanted his copy to have the rusty aspect that the submarine had in 20000 Leagues under the sea. So he did customized his copy with real rust and you can see the result below - and more pictures before/after in the article HERE. Great work of aging, may be a little bit too rusty for me...

...even if the Nautilus in 20000 Leagues under the sea is really rusty too!

Bob Martin, another Nautilus fan also owner of this amazing replica also did some changes and here is the video in which he show his work.

This eFX Nautilus replica was a 300 copies limited edition sold $1799 and is now out of stock at eFX but those of you who would like to find one can still find some brand new on eBay at "reasonable" price HERE and HERE. But if you don't live in the U.S be prepared to pay a huge shipping cost as the box is too big to be sent through regular post office and sellers can't send it in another way than with Fedex or UPS.

Pictures: copyright Alain Littaye, Jean-Marc Deschamps