Monday, May 5, 2008

The Disney and more Tower of terror contest - Answers and Winners !


Here are the awaited answers to the Disney and more Tower of terror contest and the winners!

There was many people who found all the good answers this time, but as there is only three prizes and three winners, i had to ask a "innocent" hand to pick three names, and here they are below. Each one will receive a copy of the TOT collector's brochure.

French version: Bonjour, voici les réponses attendues au councours Tour de la Terreur ainsi que les trois gagnants qui ont remporté chacun un exemplaire de la rare brochure collector.

Cette fois-ci, il avait plusieurs personnes ayant trouvé toutes les bonnes réponses, mais comme il n'y a que trois lots attribués et trois vainqueurs possible, comme convenu j'ai demandé à une main "innocente" de choisir trois personnes au hasard, et chacun des noms ci-dessous recevra un exemplaire de la brochure collector de la TOT.

And the three winners are.......Et les trois vainqueurs sont.......

Isabelle Bisiaux

Martin Born

Matthieu Jaubourg

Congratulations to them and also to each of you who found the good answers!
Félicitations à tous trois, et à tous ceux qui avaient trouvé les bonnes réponses.

And now, here are the answers for each question!

Question 1: How many floors the Walt Disney Studios Tower of terror is supposed to have?

Combien d’étages est censé faire la Tour de la terreur aux Walt Disney Studios?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: 13 floors / étages

The good answer is 13 floors as we are "supposed" to fall 13 floors , however, as the hotel itself have "12" visible floors, i've decided that either "12" or "13" floors will be considered as a good answer.

La bonne réponse était 13 étages car nous sommes "censé" tomber de 13 étages, mais étant donné que l'hotel n'a de visible que "12" étages les deux réponses seront considérées comme bonnes.

Question 2: The shots with Rod Serling that one can see in the pre-show movie in the library are coming from an original episode of the TV series. What was the title of the episode?

Les images de Rod Serling, le créateur de la série The Twilight Zone visibles dans le film du pré-show dans la bibliothèque proviennent d’un épisode de la série TV. Quel était son titre ?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: It’s a good life

Question 3: On which TV channel the original Twilight Zone series were aired between 1959 and 1964?

Sur quelle chaine américaine la série originale The Twilight Zone fut-elle diffusée de 1959 à 1964 ?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: CBS

Question 4: How many episodes of the original Twilight Zone series were aired between 1959 and 1964?

Combien d’épisodes en tout furent réalisés pour la série originale The Twilight Zone entre 1959 et 1964?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: 156

Question 5: In 1959, Rod Serling the creator of the original Twilight Zone did a TV interview - that you can see on Disney and more. What was the name of the anchor man?

En 1959, Rod Serling, le créateur de la série Twilight Zone accorda une interview - visible sur Disney and more . Quel était le nom du présentateur?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: Mike Wallace

Question 6: In the storyline of the attraction at the WDS, which year the Hollywood Tower Hotel is supposed to have open its gates for the first time?

Dans le scénario de l’attraction aux WDS, en quelle année le Hollywood Tower Hotel est-il censé avoir ouvert ses portes pour la première fois?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: 1929

Many of you thought that it was the year 1928, but as it is clearly indicated on the inauguration plaque on the TOT, the good answer is 1929 ( see photo below )

Certains d'entre vous pensaient que la bonne année était 1928, mais comme c'est clairement indiqué sur la plaque inaugurale apposée sur la TOT, la bonne réponse est 1929 ( voir la photo ci-dessous )

Question 7: In the storyline of the attraction at the WDS, from which day the time is supposed to have been “stopped” inside the Hollywood Tower Hotel?

Dans le scénario de l’attraction aux WDS, depuis quel jour “le temps s’est-il arrété” à l’intérieur du Hollywood Tower Hotel?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: 31 octobre 1939

Question 8: The face of Mr Hightower in the Tokyo Disney Sea version was inspired from the face of an imagineer. What is the name of the imagineer? ( see below the picture of Mr Hightower )

Le visage du personnage de Mr Hightower dans la version de Tokyo Disney Sea, a été inspiré de celui d’un imagineer, lequel? ( ci-dessous la photo du Mr Hightower )

Good answer/Bonne réponse: Joe Rhode

Question 9: In the Tokyo Disney Sea version, as the japanese don’t know the Twilight Zone TV series, another storyline was imagined by the imagineers, and it is a statue which is supposed to be responsible of the curse of the hotel. Is it:

Dans la version de Tokyo Disney Sea, les japonais ne connaissant pas la série Twilght Zone, un autre scénario a été imaginé ou une statue est responsable de la malédiction de l’hotel. Est-ce:

Good answer/Bonne réponse: An african statue - Une statue africaine

Question 10: In which land of Tokyo Disney sea is located the Tower of terror?

Dans quel land de Tokyo Disney Sea est situé la Tour de la terreur?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: American waterfront

Question 11: A tribute has been done by the imagineers to an episode of the original series in one of the windows of the Franklin department store on the Hollywood Boulevard of the Walt Disney Studios. What was the name of the episode?

Un hommage à un épisode de la série originale est rendu via un mannequin situé dans une des vitrines du Franklin department store sur le Hollywood Boulevard des Walt Disney Studios. Quel était le nom de l’épisode original auquel est rendu cet hommage?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: After hours

Question 12: In the first concepts of the Disney-MGM Studios Tower of terror, the Twilight Zone room - where the vehicule get out of the elevator - was not envisioned at the top floor. At which floor was it envisioned?

Dans les projets initiaux pour la première version de la Tour de la terreur aux Disney-MGM Studios, la scène de la Twilight Zone room ou le véhicule sort de l’ascenseur n’était pas situé au sommet de l’hotel. A quel étage était-elle situé?

Good answer/Bonne réponse: In the basement - au sous-sol

Question 13: In one of the previous projects for the Walt Disney Studios, another attraction - a show - was supposed to be build at the place where now is standing the Tower of terror. Was it a:

Dans un des projets pour les Walt Disney Studios, une autre attraction - un show - avait été envisagé pour ètre construit à l’emplacement ou se trouve maintenant la Tour de la terreur. S’agissait-il d’un:

Good answer/Bonne réponse: Lion king show

This one was the most difficult question of the contest and where was the big trap. Yes, the good answer is " A Lion King show" as it was clearly envisioned in a WDI map shortly after the opening of the park. It would have been a show probably similar to the one at HKD and it was located where stands now the TOT. Some of you may have think that A Lion King show was not the good answer as there is already one in the first park, but this was envisioned for the WDS BEFORE the Lion King show began in the Magic Kingdom!

Cette question était la plus difficile du concours et c'était là ou était le piège. Oui, la bonne réponse était un Lion king show car c'éait envisagé clairement sur un plan de WDI - réalisé peu aprés l'ouverture des WDS - à l'emplacement ou se trouve désormais la TOT. Cela aurait été un Lion king show trés probablement proche de celui qui existe désormais à HKD. Certains d'entre vous ont sans doute pensé qu'un Lion king show n'était pas la bonne réponse car il en existe déja un dans le premier parc, mais le plan de WDI avait été réalisé AVANT que le show du Roi Lion ne débute dans le premier parc!

Thanks to all of you who have participated to this contest, hope it was fun!

Merci à tous d'avoir participé à ce concours, j'espère que cela a été amusant!


Anonymous said...

Regarding the first question: my answer was 12, and I read your question *very* carefully, because I wasn't completely sure what you meant. In the end I figured "supposed" was the most important word in the question, since it indicated the hotel was supposed to have 12 floors, but it "actually" has 13. It should have 12 floors according to the story, but the 13th floor is part of the storyline and somewhat fiction. So that's why I answered 12. :) I know you counted both as correct but I wanted to explain why I had chosen 12, since I thought this was the hardest question. ;)

As for the 1928/1929.. The sign obviously states the correct answer, but I'm absolutely sure it says 1928 somewhere on the internet (I don't have photographic memory so I couldn't really remember that sign ;) ).

Aside from that all my answers were correct. Once again thanks putting the contest together, I enjoyed it!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the lucky winners!

Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeeeees i won !!!
i've really enjoy to found out all answer... it was sometimes easy, and sometimes hard, specially the last question !! (beautifull concept art ;))
As for the 1928/1929 sign, i was surprised to know that 1928 was quote on internet... anyway, i've taken the picture to show one of these plaques (there are 3 plaques with 1929 - two with "the hollywood tower hotel" name and another just with the date 1929)

Thanks alain for your website and the fun you bring us...

Anonymous said...

You're right Simon, I also found an article on the internet stating 1928 for the opening of the Tower of Terror. I also went for this date because of it being the year of Mickey's birth, LOL!!

Anyhow, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the three winners and a big THANK YOU to Alain for hosting another enjoyable contest.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting actually, since there are quite a few sites which state it was opened in 1928, although they're not about the Tower in Paris (the question is about the one in WDS). Did they change the story for the Paris version, and if so, why change something like a year of opening? :P If you google [b]"tower of terror" 1928[/b] I get a lot of sites mentioning it opened in 1928. There's one site which says it was [i]built[/i] in 1928, but it doesn't really state it was opened in 1929. Maybe that's where the confusion comes from? Built in 1928, opened in 1929.

(I am seeing a lot of Dutch results as well saying it opened in 1928, but I guess you should see an equal number of English sites)

Oh, and I forgot in my first comment earlier today, but I would like to congratulate the winners as well. Maybe they can enlighten us on the 1928/1929 thing? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oops, actually this is a better search:

Brer said...

Interesting contest! The most interesting part for me, though, was the last image showing the Lion king Theatre. What fascinates me is the other planned building: "Soarin Over the World."

I never knew Soarin' was originally planned in Orlando for MGM! I also find it illustrative of Disney cost-cutting measures that they were going to have a version beyond California (which makes a lot more sense in Orlando!) I love the version at EPCOT Center (the theatre is bigger than in DCA), but it just feels *odd* to see images of California when you're in Orlando.


Anonymous said...

the concept art is particulary beautifull and have lot of "clues"...
The evidence that this attraction will be opening someday in WDS is here... it's more than a rumor now !!

other thing : why some buildings are colored in pink and others in orange ? and all these trees ! it's beautifull

Alain Littaye said...

Hello, Alain, here. About this question 6 and the "1929" answer, let me remember you that the question was : "which year the Hollywood Tower Hotel is supposed to have OPEN its gates for the first time?".

And so, the answer was in relation with the "gates opening" year and not the year it was built.
And, as you've seen the picture of the inauguration plaque on the tower clearly say that it was 1929.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't questioning the correct answer Alain. :) It's definitely 1929. I just found it odd that so many sites got it wrong. :D Shame really. :P At least now I'll never forget it was opened in 1929, and built in 1928. :)

Anonymous said...

Vous m'excuserez de commenter en français...

Au sujet du nombre d'étages, n'y a-t-il pas aussi le fait que les ascenseurs n'aillent pas jusqu'en haut de la tour, qui aurait 12 étages de chambres, + le Tip Top Club au 13è étage mais sans ascenseur ?

Et puis pendant qu'on y est, même si on chute de "seulement" 12 étages, avec la chaufferie au sous-sol en plus, ça fait bien 13.
Mais comme on voit clairement les indicateurs monter au delà du 12è, ça ferait finalement une chute de 14 étages si on touchait le fond.

A peine compliqué les étages au HTH :-D
