Sunday, December 9, 2007

WALT DISNEY STUDIOS TOWER OF TERROR OPENING - Full Photographic Report by Alexandre Rosa

Hello, all. That's it! the Tower of terror at the Walt Disney studios opened this week-end for its first guests - the annual pressholders - and , thanks to Alexandre Rosa and his great pictures, you'll see everything about it ! As always, click on each picture to see them in bigger size.

Here is the usual warning: please note that this article is full of spoilers, and if you don't want to see anything before you ride the attraction, do not go further in this article!

O-kay, let's discover now the last wonder of Walt Disney Imagineering. First, the "Hollywood boulevard is now open to everybody, with direct access to the tram tour. As there is so many details in this area, i will comeback soon on it in a future article.

The least we can say is that it makes a big change to see so much decors and theming at the WDS

The access to the TOT can be done through the former "la terrasse" building

At the left corner, here is the shop entrance - or exit depending where you come from!

A long outside corridor will be welcome to protect the guests during rainy days

A close shot on the elevator doors

We all know that this version of the TOT is similar to the one at DCA, but at the WDS guests can go all around and behind the tower, which is not the case, i think, in California.

Let's come back in the front to have a look at the wonderfully themed FastPass area. Undoubtedly the best themed FastPass in all the resort.

The imagineers did a great job on the TOT gardens, and it brings more vegetation to the WDS, which is perfect.
I love these "T" shape trees - two of them for "T"ower of "T"error.

Great statues, too, all around the garden.

The fountain with the famous "Tower of terror - The Twilight zone" fiber optics effect sign is here, of course!

It's time to enter the lobby, and the theming work here - and everywhere else , by the way - is beyond perfection. Almost all of the decor props are real antiques purchased by the imagineers. As you will see on the pictures below, the guest who enter the hotel have the immediate sensation that something happened here 70 years ago. Two words - four, actually - "Hooray for the imagineers! "

The reception desk and the key boxes, as well as the formerly damaged elevator door, and another beautiful antique

The next stop is the library room for the pre-show, also full of real antiques. Note on one picture , over the television, the red "Jack in the box" it was part of an episode of the 1960's twilight zone series.
The pre-show movie on the tv screen is similar to the one in the U.S, as the Twilight Zone tv series are perfectly known by the european audience.

The whole boiler room area - on two floors like in DCA - is as eerie as possible - fantastic lighting, and here, too, theming beyond perfection.

The next pictures are from the ride itself. So, double-warning: do not go further if you don't want to see anything of the ride itself!
The scenes are similar to the one in DCA - the mirror scene , the hallway scene with the ghosts, etc...and then, of course, the drops. It seems that the imagineers improved the lighting effect in this new version.

The view on the WDS, when the elevator doors open is great, up to the Disneyland hotel!

The exit corridor lead to the shop, but we can find some themed element inside, too

Inside the shop, different type of merchandise: some related to the Tower of terror, others about the Nightmare before christmas and even Stitch - let's not forget that a "Stich encounter" will open in march at the WDS.
The great art-deco mural is there, too, and the above first image of this article is a rare high-res of the original artwork.
It's also here where you will be able to buy the on-ride photo.

Let's end by some pictures of the Tower of terror at night. As you will see on the pictures below, from sunset to full night, the lighting is fantastic, and for sure the TOT will be now the main icon of the WDS.

"Bravo!" is a small word to thanks the imagineers for this wonderful addition to the Walt Disney Studios. The Tower of terror with its detailed theming is exactly what was missing in the park. And no doubt that it will be a tremedous success!

I want to thanks again Alexandre Rosa for all his wonderful pictures - i am sure you join me - he is a young talented photographer! And you can see many more pictures of the Tower of terror on his personnal site at:

Artwork by Christian Hope: copyright Disney

All photos: copyright Alexandre Rosa - no reproduction allowed without his authorisation.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for well done job! Hope hkdl will build this great attraction in the nearly future!

NotesfromtheBarn said...

nice report again Alain.. Its a pity we have to put up though with the redundant corridor in between the q and the elevator. It bugs me in DCA
