Sunday, January 10, 2010

Disneyland Paris Update : A Frozen Magic Kingdom

How cold is it at Disneyland Paris Magic Kingdom right now, you ask? Well, as you'll see on the pictures below: that cold. Really really cold. So cold that i'm very happy that David from the excellent Ravenswood Manor web site sent me these great pictures so i don't have to go there to shoot them myself!

And David's pictures are beautiful: Above and below Big Thunder Mountain under snow and ice - even the Rivers of the Far-West are frozen!

Not so far from BTM, the Colonel Hathi Pizza Outpost in Adventureland is far from tropical temperatures...

...And in Fantazyland the entrance of It's a Small World Celebration is also covered by snow.

However, as cold as the temperatures are right now in Paris, it's also the best time to shoot amazing pictures of the park so don't hesitate to go at DLP!

As promise i will post later this week another DLP update about the future of the resort, but in the meantime don't forget to check the offer below about the great Disneyland Paris book if you don't own it yet!

Again, many thanks to David, make sure to check his fantastic web site about DLP Big Thunder mountain and Phantom Manor HERE

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

All Pictures: copyright David "Ravenswood"


Hani El-Masri said...

You know it's a good design when it looks THAT good under a blanket of snow... Congratulations to Jeffrey Burke and Pat Burke for an ever-enduring product ! You make all Imagineers proud !!!

Anonymous said...

Seems like 1991 was only yesterday that the park was getting ready for that opening and we had these same winter conditions to work with. It was fun to watch the birds walking on the frozen Rivers of America while looking for their breakfast.

Anonymous said...

es magico, preciosas fotos

Major Pepperidge said...

Wow, beautiful! I've seen similar pictures of Tokyo Disneyland in the snow, and in spite of the cold I'd love to see it that way.

Angeline said...

Very nice photos indeed! With this temperatures the nicest place is the redwood bar (sequoia lodge) with a big hot chocolate ;-)

David C. Matthews said...

Those are beautiful photos, but...

Is the park actually open during weather cold enough to support snow? I don't know which is scarier: the idea that the park would open in such weather, the thought that there'd be enough attendance to warrant staying open, or the prospect of having to work outdoors! I'm a pastel artist at Disney World, and temperatures below 60 degrees F. are enough to send me into layered clothing and a heavy coat, praying for an early close. (Okay, I'm a wimp. But still...)

Phil Johnson said...

Neat pictures! It almost looks like real snow! Oh wait, it is real snow. Disney sometimes blurs reality in my brain. ;)
