Thursday, January 31, 2019

D&M Exclusive: Land Cleaning Starts at Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure for the Awaited Jurassic Park Roller Coaster

I've got some exclusive pictures for you today showing the works on the site at Islands of Adventure where Universal Orlando will build soon the awaited Jurassic Park roller coaster. They're currently cleaning the site to make room for the coaster structure, cutting trees and vegetation, and today's pictures show the land cleaning for the area between the Jurassic Park Discovery Center and Islands of Adventure lake - as the coaster track will run too through this area.

Inside the Jurassic Park land fences are now in place all around the areas where the coaster will be built.

Recently Orlando Park Stop had posted a picture showing a layout of the coaster teack, and yesterday in her new article "Harry Potter Coaster Construction Update with Scene by Scene Track Layout" Alicia Stella has posted the picture below indicating each scene of the ride. To learn more details about these, jump to Alicia's article.

Stay tuned on D&M for more exclusive pics of the works at Islands of Adventure!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

LAST TWO DAYS For the Disneyland Paris eBook Special Offer at 19.90€ !!!

Le prix promo du livre Disneyland Paris en version eBook en français sur l'Apple iBook store à 14.99€, à la fois sur l'Apple iBook store ou sur le Google Android Book Store ou sur Amazon Kindle ( voir liens directs ci-dessous ), se termine Jeudi soir 31 Janvier! Ne le manquez pas! 

The Disneyland Paris French version eBook special offer at 14.99€will end Thursday evening Jan 31, both on the Apple iBook store or the Google Android Book Store or Amazon Kindle (see direct links below ), so don't miss it!

Pourquoi acheter la version eBook: 

- C'est exactement la même édition de 320 pages que l'édition imprimée.
- Les images n'ont jamais été aussi belles, car il s'agit directement des fichiers haute résolution d'origine, sans les changements de couleur que l'impression peut parfois entraîner.
- Les 320 pages comprennent 750 illustrations, 500 images du parc Disneyland Paris et 250 concepts-arts de Walt Disney Imagineering!
- Seule l'édition digitale comprend des liens vers une sélection des 60 meilleures vidéos du parc, des hôtels et d'Imagineering!
- L'eBook est lisible sur vos appareils mobiles, tablettes et sur votre ordinateur
- "De l'Esquisse à la Création" raconte toute l'histoire de la création du parc et vous pourrez l'avoir sur votre appareil mobile la prochaine fois que vous visiterez le parc!
- Vous obtiendrez le livre instantanément et n'avez pas à attendre l'expédition!
- Le prix avec l'offre spéciale est dix fois moins cher que ne l'était l'édition imprimée!

Pour acheter l'eBook allez sur l'Apple iBook Store ici: 

Ou sur le Google / Android Store ici:à_la?id=EsdmDwAAQBAJ 

Ou sur Amazon Kindle ici:à-Création-ebook/dp/B07FYRWKVT/ref=sr_1_10

Offre valable pour les eBook stores de ces pays: France, Belgique, Suisse, Royaume Uni, Espagne, Italie, Etats-Unis, Canada, Pays-Bas, Allemagne, Luxembourg, Japon ( pour l'Apple iBook Store ) et le monde entier pour l'Android eBook Store.

Exceptional offer not to miss to start the year the best way:

Until January 31 the acclaimed Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" in its French version digital eBook is on the Apple and Android eBook stores as well as Amazon Kindle at the incredible price of 14,90 € (instead of 29,99 €) !!!

Why you should buy the eBook edition:

- It's exactly the same FULL edition than the printed edition.
- The pictures have never looked so good because it's directly the original high-res files without the color changes that printing sometime can make.
- The 320 pages include 750 illustrations, 500 pictures of DLP park and 250 concept-arts de Walt Disney Imagineering!
- Only the digital edition include links to a selection of the best 60 videos of the park, hotels and Imagineering!
- You'll be able to red the eBook on all your mobile devices, phones or tablets and on your computer.
- The book tells amazing stories of the making of the park and you can have it with you on your mobile device next time you'll visit the park!
- You'll get the book instantly and don't have to wait for shipping!
- The special offer price is ten times less than the original price of the printed edition!

To buy the eBook - which is readable on mobile devices, tablets and on your computer -go to the Apple iBook Store here: 

Or on the Google / Android Store here:à_la?id=EsdmDwAAQBAJ 

Or on Amazon Kindle here:à-Création-ebook/dp/B07FYRWKVT/ref=sr_1_10

Offer valid only on the eBook stores of these countries: France, Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Unites States, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Japan ( for the Apple iBook Store ) and worldwide for the Android eBook Store.

Discover the FULL Disneyland Paris book in the video below!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The New Universal Studios Hollywood Jurassic World River Ride Will Have a Finale With TWO Giant Dinosaurs Fighting Above Your Heads!

I've got some great infos for you to start the week, and these are about the new version of the Jurassic Park river ride at Universal Studios Hollywood, to be re-named Jurassic World.

This is all about the finale, the last scene before the fall. Before the first version of the ride closed, the final scene that we all know was basically the one on the picture below with the real size T-Rex appearing above guests right before the fall.

Now, we've learned from Screamscape some months ago that "once you will enter the building for the finale portion of the ride, we have heard we can expect to see large screens put to use in various areas along with special effects to show off various new dinosaur threats that were previously done with Audio-Animatronics". 

But that about when the boat will go up during the lift. What i'm hearing about the final scene is that there will be a fight between TWO real size dinosaurs, one of the two being the T-Rex and the other one most probably the infamous and highly dangerous Indominus Rex!

And of course both will be fighting above your heads as you have the final drop, the boat with the guests passing right under the two giant dinos. If you don't remember their fight at the end of Jurassic World, check the video below:

Now, may be you think, wait a minute, where are they going to put a T-Rex AND an Indominus Rex up there? It's true that at first sight the room don't look that big enough but look at the picture below, showing the room before the fall...

I'm not sure they can remove the tanks on the left because they might need them for the smoke/fog effect. And on the right i don't know either if it is just show decor or if it hides in fact some tech needed for the ride. But if they remove the tanks on the left they could easily put one of the two beasts there. And the other dino, you ask? Well, may be the T-Rex won't move and stay the same way, always apppearing at the last minute, except that this time it won't be to scare you  ...but to save you form the threatening Indominus Rex! This last part is just supposition from me but it would make sense, no?

Wait, it's not over yet as there is another dino that may also appear during the ride as you might also encounter the now famous Mosasaurus "sea dino" during your tour when things will go wrong! They need a big space of water for this one so i wonder where they'll put it - may be at the end, afer the fall? ...although it could be at the start as the first lift hill of the ride as a rumor is saying that the boat is supposed to enter an enclosed new show building ...where may be the Mosasaurus will be. Originally you were going up the lift hill and curve to the left and then it said “Welcome to Jurassic Park" and the door opened, now if the rumor is right, it’s apparently all enclosed, that whole outdoor scene. Imagine Shanghaî Disneyland Pirates of Caribbean huge IMAX screens in the background with real sets in the inside... So may be the Mosasaurus will be a projection, after all? It might be too difficult to realize as an Audio-Animatronic... we'll see.

The newly themed Jurassic World ride will open in a few months so we'll see if all of this is confirmed, but in the meantime it sounds incredibly exciting!

Pictures: copyright Universal
