Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Walt Disney World stunning pictorial report - by Geert Jan Bijlstra

Today's article is more an exhibit than an article. It's an exhibit of stunning Walt Disney World pictures from a highly talented photographer, Geert Jan Bijlstra.

One month ago, Geert ordered to me a copy of my Disneyland Paris book. Also, he told me that he was coming back from one week vacation at Walt Disney World. He had some good pictures and wanted to know if i wanted to see them. Sure, i'll be very pleased to see them" i answered. And when i received by email me some of them, i thought i was going to fall down from my chair.

Not only the definition is awesome, but it has been a long time since i've seen pictures of WDW this close to perfection. As you will see, not only each frame is incredibly perfect, not only the light is beautiful, but - and specially when there is some people on the picture - what is happening in that frame is interesting. His two cast-members portraits are also beautiful, full of humanity...

When anybody takes a picture, he always try to find the best possible frame. But then come what is "happening" on the picture... and there, it's a question of "eye". Very few people have it, only the great photographers, and Geert do have it. And when it's the case, that's when a simple picture becomes "Art".

Geert is 40 and grew up in a small village in the north of the Netherlands. He is now living in Amsterdam, and he is currently working as free-lance art director for some impressive clients. Okay, the fact that he is an art director helps to have the sense of beauty, but in his pictures, there is something else, it's a different look on Walt Disney World.

There is no captions with each picture below, because they don't need to, you all know the places. All you have to do is to think you're in a gallery, not on internet, double-click on each picture, and take the time to look at it, enjoy the perfection of the picture or what is "happening" in them. I hope your pleasure will be as big as mine was when i've discovered them.

Geert will come back soon on D&M with another incredible photographic report, but in the meantime you can see a full-screen presentation of his art and more great pictures on his Designland site.

And of course, i want to thanks Geert a lot for all these gorgeous pictures.

All pictures: copyright Geert Jan Bijlstra - Designland


Nic said...

Indeed, some of the most beautiful
pictures of WDW I've seen in a long time. Thank you!

Unknown said...

i'll go to WDW for the first time in september....
haaaa i'm so hurry !!

Matt said...

wow - you're right, these are exceptional!

Sebastiaan said...

Amazing pics! Thanks to both of you for sharing! Proud to be a Dutchman!

Anonymous said...

Truly amazing stuff - this are exactly the sort of thing that Disney should be doing to promote themselves, rather than throwing money at Annie Leibovitz and her horribly artificial and heartless celebrity stills. But I guess if you're looking for the 'heart' of Disney, there's no better place to find it than with the fans like Alain and Geert who clearly love the place. Good work guys!

Dutchduck said...

I really value this website, and I think the pictures are okay. But they are not "new" or something different for me. But everybody has his one taste and expectations

Anonymous said...

truly a-ma-zing stuff!!!

Guillem said...

Great stuff to publish in a book! Or how about an exhibit? Impressive reportage!! Thanks for sharing!

Jack said...

The best photos I´ve ever seen from WDW. I think it´s great material for a book as Guillem said. Looking forward to seeing more great stuff like this :-)

Anonymous said...

truely amazing pictures!!!! What an eye this guy has! especially love the ones of people, the way he captures their expressions is fascinating. well done Geert-jan!!
