Saturday, April 29, 2017

First Videos of Pandora - The World of Avatar Na'vi River Journey, Flight of Passage, and more ! Now Edited With New Videos !

Media Previews have started for Pandora : The World of Avatar and the first videos appeared on Youtube! Here below is a selection of what can be watched now, filmed by The DIS, Inside the Magic or Attractions Magazine. For each different videos below ( except the first one ) the first video was filmed in 4K and generally have the best definition, BUT the others videos that i also provide the links include different shots or even shots which are not in the first ones, so make sure watch them also!

WDI Imagineers in my opinion have done an incredible job, really. Videos below include highlights of the Navi’ River Journey ride and its INCREDIBLE Navi’ shaman Audio-Animatronic - you won’t believe your eyes - and all the pre-show of the Flight of Passage ride - incredible pre-show which also include an amazing Audio-Animatronic, but you won’t see the ride itself as it was most probably not allowed to film.

We'll start by a day walk through Pandora - The World of Avatar - Valley of Mo'ara daytime tour.

The next videos will show you the awaited nighttime bioluminescence of Pandora - The World of Avatar.

Next, some great footage and highlights of Na'vi River Journey Queue and Ride. Note that the videos doesn't show the "full" ride, just "highlights" of it, the websites have been probably asked to don't show the whole ride.

Don't miss the videos below showing the INCREDIBLE Na'vi Shaman of Songs Audio-Animatronic in the Na'vi River Journey boat ride - the more "lifelike" Audio-Animatronic you've ever seen in your life!

Next, the amazing Flight of Passage ride queue walkthrough and pre-show. Note: you won’t see the ride itself as it was most probably not allowed to film.

Another incredible "Avatar" Audio-Animatronic is in the pre-show of the Flight of Passage ride!

Next, some videos of the Satu’li Canteen restaurant inside Pandora - The World of Avatar.

We'll end with videos showing the Pandora merchandise available inside the Windtraders merchandise store, including a fun remote controlled mechanical Banshee.

Thanks to The DIS, Inside the Magic, and Attractions Magazine for their great filming!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Rare 1992 WDEye Issue Included DLP Imagineers Stories About DLP Making and Great Artwork Cover by Hani El Masri Showing Disneyland Paris Show-Producers Crossing the Atlantic !

You may not know it but from 1989 to 1999 a WDI in-house magazine was released for WDI Imagineers only. Jeff Kurtti was the first editor of WDEye and sent in 2008 to my co-author Didier Ghez for Didier's Disney History blog the following information about it.

"The magazine was created in the Communications department at WDI, since the Imagineer population had increased so much (a lot of "newbies"), and had spread all over the world. The idea was to create a communication that educated, updated, and helped bind the culture together.

The art, writing, and photography were pretty much all in-house and volunteer, and we had meetings to solicit ideas, contributions, and content.

Betsy Richman was in charge of the thing, I was the editor of issues One through Eight (I moved over to a new job at the Studio after that). I also wrote a large chunk of the content.

And of course, as always, Marty Sklar pored over every word with his relentless red pen! ;-) Gino De Young in the WDI Graphics Department designed and produced the first five issues, it then got to be too much for him to keep sacrificing every evening and weekend for free to do it, so an outside firm began to do the design.

It went away for a while, cam back with a whole new creative team, mission, and form, then went away again."

Above: WDEye 1998 Issue about Disney's Animal Kingdom

Here is the list of WDEye issues as listed by Didier Ghez in 2008:

November 1989 - Issue 1 - Wonders of Life
December 1989 - Issue 2 - MGM Studios
January 1990 - Issue 3 - 3 Men and a Business Plan
February 1990 - Issue 4 - Love Imagineering Style
April 1990 - Issue 5 - Jungle Fever
Summer 1990 - Issue 6 - Old Kids on the Block
Winter 1990 - Issue 7 - Fantasia is 50
Spring 1991 - Issue 8 - Lifestyles of the Budget
1991 - Issue 9 - Cartoon Sketching Map of WDI 1991
Spring 1992 - Issue 10 - Crossing the Atlantic
Fall 1992 - Issue 11 - Molding the Magic
Winter 1992 - Issue 12 - WDI 40th Anniversary
Spring 1993 - Issue 13 - TDL 10 Years Old
Summer 1993 - Issue 14 - Unsung Heroes of WDI
Winter 1993 - Issue 15 - Disney America
Spring 1994 - Issue 16 - WDW Tower of Terror

July 1996 - Fantasia Gardens - Premiere Issue
August 1996 - The Disneyland Resort
September 1996 - First E Ticket at EPCOT
September 1996 - Marty Sklar's 40 Years with Disney
Oct / Nov 1996 - WDW 25th Anniversary
January 1997 - Happy New Year
April / May 1997 - Club Disney
Summer 1997 - The New Amsterdam Theater
Winter 1998 - 1997 Year in Review
Summer 1998 - Disney's Animal Kingdom
Fall 1998 - Disney Cruise Line
Winter 1999 - Test Track

Now, for the Spring 1992 issue, the cover artwork was created by the great Hani El Masri who, at that time, was a very new Imagineer at WDI. Hani was charged with doing caricature portraits of Disneyland Paris five show producers and Tony Baxter? But at that time Hani he didn't know them and he sure didn't know what they all looked like because they were all working in Paris and Hani was in Glendale! So, he had to get all sorts of reference photos from anyone and everyone who could help him with that. It was a real job for Hani and he was worried that their caricatures were accurate. Marty Sklar was the one who ultimately approved that cover below and those likenesses.

Hani's illustration of WDI’s creative leaders for EDL was inspired by the 1851 Emanuel Leutze painting, “Washington Crossing the Delaware,” and features (clockwise) senior vice president Tony Baxter and show producers Eddie Sotto (Main Street), Chris Tietz (Adventureland), Tom Morris (Fantasyland), Jeff Burke (Frontierland), Tinker Bell and Tim Delaney (Discoveryland). With the triumphant opening of EDL behind them, this hardy band of Imagineers returns to the U.S. — “Imagineering Crossing the Atlantic.”

This artwork is currently on display in a very private but gorgeous exhibit at Walt Disney Imagineering of original artwork done for the creation of DLP. The exhibit is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Disneyland Paris, and it's a wonderful tribute to the team of concept designers who contributed to the creation of DLP. There's work by a lot of former Imagineers: Tim Delaney, Nina Rae Vaughn, Julie Svendsen, Frank Armitage, Bryan Jowers, John Horny, Eddie Sotto, the great Dan Goozee and many others.

In the same 1992 issue, many DLP Imagineers were telling short stories about the making of DLP. The WDEye article continues:
"They are safely back home now like soldiers of old, back from the wars, their ranks tired but victorious and proud. For years these Imagineers had been in the trenches, had toiled in the mud, rain and snow. Days beyond counting. Weeks without end. Like an earlier generation these men and women had fought on French soil, but this time there was no Maginot line nor an enemy about to invade their kingdom. Their common foe was the clock and the budget and ultimately theirs was the uncommon victory of making EDL happen, on time, on budget. Theirs was a feat without precedent on the continent of Europe. So before the colors fade and the sound of fanfares die, let us hear some of the stories of those hearty souls just back from the front…

Stan Abrahams
Animation Development
 “The sword-fighting pirates was the most complex sequence we’ve ever tried to program. These two guys nearly destroyed each other as they were being programmed. They’d tangle up their swords, punch each other, even tear the hair off of each other. We replaced clevies (U-shaped hackles), strengthened the arms, changed the swords. Doug Griffith and Eric Swapp did an incredible programming job, but not without a battle — a literal battle!”

Mark Handon
Ride Development
“Last December, we had a day where we were testing the steam trains. We’d alerted everyone to the fact that we were going to take the trains out and away we go through the Pirates of the Caribbean tunnel to the Fantasyland Station. There we come to a grinding halt, because there’s a contractor pouring colored concrete, positioned over the train tracks. He’s just finishing up the train station platform. So we have a little conversation, and it’s decided that they’ll move their rig. Before they can do that, however, they have to clean out the concrete hose. To do this, you pump a foam ball through the hose, and it clears out the concrete. They’re in the process of doing this, and all of a sudden, there’s a huge explosion when the foam ball emerges. Six guys standing near the freshly poured platform topple backwards into it. The hose is whirling wildly overhead, like a sprinkler gone wacky, spraying the trains, the station, and all twenty or so people in the vicinity with fresh, wet, sticky colored concrete. You can’t wash concrete out of a beard or mustache — you have to cut it out.”

And more: “I was in the roundhouse with Bob Harper, our railroad guru from Walt Disney World. In walk Jim Cora and Dick Nunis. They talk with Bob about the corning October 12 press event, because they want to run the trains during the event. ‘Well, Bob, there’s no question about who’s going to drive the train,’ says Dick, but who’s going to be your fireman?’ At which point, I yell out, ‘I’ll do it.’ ‘Not with that beard,’ says Dick. ‘Not a problem, I’ll shave it off,’ I say. Dick says, ‘You’re on. Just send me the before and after photos.’ The evening of October 11, I shave. The next morning, my wife rolls over in bed, opens her eyes, and screams-she didn’t know who was in bed with her. I patch that up, get into full costume and go drive the trains with Bob. I have to tell you, it was the happiest day of my life. My beard is now part of my marital contract. And Dick’s still waiting for those photos.”

Aric Adolph
Production Management
“In support of the effort to ‘light up’ Euro Disneyland, about 5,008 light fixtures had to be designed, procured and shipped to France. By January ‘92, the team had successfully completed and shipped 4,989 fixtures-or so we thought. In late January, we received the painful breaking news that 510 lighting poles we had sent to France were cracking and if we couldn’t send replacements within 30 days, we risked delaying the Park opening. The then disbanding themed lighting team regrouped to expedite a ‘crash pole recovery program’ and, within 28 business days, shipped all 510 replacement poles to France-on schedule!”

Beth Ann Brody
Show Set Design
“For the jewel scene in Pirates of the Caribbean, we used over 30,000 gold coins to dress the area. There I was, happily pasting coins down with silicone gel, when all of a sudden I leaned back and sat in a pool of the stuff all over a new pair of pants and a sweater. It doesn’t come out, let me tell you. The only way to get out of the scene was to jump off the boat to get to the other side, and many times we missed the boat and fell into the water. You think silicone gel is bad, try being wet when it’s 20 degrees outside! I was assisted in this noble endeavor by a great crew of French and British nineteen or twenty-year-olds, all extremely talented.”

Geoff Puckett
Special Effects
“The Fantasyland castle team was racing against time to get the castle finished for the October 12 press event. We’d had numerous meetings to discuss installing the three ‘polage’ windows, the stained glass windows with special polarized images and colors. The tallest tower window, ‘T-1,’ was scheduled to be lifted into place two days before the big celebration. At installation, during the ten-minute lowering of the crane’s platform, Chalmer Day, the castle coordinator, asked me if I had a problem swapping the T-1 window with a regular stained glass window, so the polage would be positioned facing Fantasyland instead of Main Street. Chalmer said Tony Baxter thought it would make more sense. Tony was right it did but there went all those months of planning, the trip to the production vendor in Milan, Italy, and countless discussions with the project engineer, not to mention the steel modifications to allow access for equipment installation that would now be necessary. The French have a way, when they don’t want to do something, of saying ‘it’s imposseeble,’ and at this point I said ‘it’s impos-seeble.’ The next thing I knew, two guys were hacksawing the custom-built illuminator frame to make it fit into the newly designated window. An hour later the pieces were in the tower and two days later the reversed polage was impressing everyone from its highly visible position above Fantasyland. So much for meetings and paperwork!”

Katie Olson
Show Design
“In January, the paint would literally freeze on the brush before you could get it on the walls. We had to tent the buildings on Main Street and use salamander heaters (gas-burning cooking ovens) to get the temperature up to paint. Sometimes I had to tell the guys to stop painting because it was too cold, and there’d be a big cheer! The funniest sight was walking down Main Street at tea time and seeing everyone roasting weenies and heating food up on the salamander heaters because they had big flames.”

Keith Goodrich
Show Production
“I lived in Esbly just minutes from the site, and in the spring and summer, I rode my bicycle through the French countryside to the site and back. There is this beautiful town on the way called Coupvray with a scenic canal off the Marne River Riding through the site, the workers were unaccustomed to seeing someone arrive to work on a bike. I got the strangest looks! Of course, I rode with a helmet and a Walkman.”

Don Winton
Show Production Design
“The funniest moment I remember was when we almost had an international incident because one nationality was working on the floor above another nationality. It is customary in Europe for men to urinate in the open, and the men working on the lower floor walked off the job because they were getting wet. A major negotiation took place to get the men back to work. Similar bizarre peacemaking efforts went on all the time.”

Eddie Sotto
Concept Design
“There’s a recording of a barking dog on Market Street that plays all night long, even when the Park is closed. As we all know, EDL Security Hosts walk the Park with their security dogs late at night. One night, as one of the guards passed Market Street, he heard the howl of a dog emanating from the second story of one of the buildings. Thinking that one of the beloved security dogs was accidentally upstairs, the guard summoned help until there was a swarm of fellow officers combing the upstairs catwalks and rafters of the empty show building. The frantic guards searched in vain until they finally found the ‘dog’ peering out of an upstairs window-disguised as an audio cable and a loudspeaker!”

Mark Stutz
Show Production Design
“While most of the CIRCLE-VISION®360 set was built in the States, we had the new EDL Central Shops design a steel lean rail for us in Europe. Because the rail had to go all the way around the set, we specified that it be made in sections, but our instructions suffered in the translation and we ended up with a solid steel railing 30 to 40 feet across. Nobody knew how to move it. It took about 20 Irish workers just to pick the thing up and hoist it onto an enormous flatbed truck. And we blocked traffic for an hour it was an epic.”

Terry Villosenor
Show System Coordination
“A representative from the French Bureau Veritas came to the Park to witness a safety test on a prototype canoe. We piled 20 Operations kids into the canoe and had them paddle about, rock the boat and stand up. We even had them dump it over, then flip it right-side-up and sit inside, waist-deep in water. Convinced this thing was perfectly safe, the guy motioned the canoe back to the dock. Everyone was happy, shaking hands and as we ushered him out, one of the guys slipped and fell in what had just been determined a safe canoe.”

Ken Lennon
Show Lighting
“One Monday morning at 6 a.m., I noticed I was low on gas and pulled off the highway to find a gas station. I was still asleep, but it’s no excuse-I don’t speak French. I put what I thought was gas in the car from a dispenser marked GASOLE. The car died about 1000 yards out of the station. I hike back to the station, call EuropCar, and at that time in the morning, no one speaks English. Finally, a woman who speaks limited English tells me I’ve put diesel instead of regular gas in the car. There’s a smile in her voice — she’s amused. She tells me she’s sending a tow truck. It’s zero degrees outside. I wait. At 7:30, the tow truck pulls up, and I climb in. The driver speaks no English. We get to my car, and he tries to start it. He points to the gas level-he knows the car’s full. He’s confounded. I start the car, and snowy white smoke billows out of the tailpipe. There’s a big smile on the guy’s face. All he says is Euro Disney?’ I figure he’s seen this little problem several times in the past few years.”

Yvette Robledo
Show System Coordination
“ In Fantasyland , we wanted to do each attraction in its language of origin and decided to do Snow White in Dutch. When the finished main marquee arrived in Europe, Eric Van Dijk (who is Dutch) took a look at it, went bright red in the face and very carefully explained that the literal translation of this sign was a derogatory Dutch term for a part of the female anatomy and could not be used.”

Jenna Frere
Show Design
“A crane was once brought in to help on Adventure Isle, but it sank midwheel into the mud. A second crane tried to rescue the first, but it toppled over sideways and sank, too. Then a third crane tried to pull the first two out and it got stuck. It was — amazing three enormous crashed cranes, just trying to do one little thing on the island, stranded-for days-until someone was finally able to dig them out.”

Richard Brown
Show Production Design
“Last December, Dick Fleshman (Ride Systems) asked me if I would dive under the Rivers of the Far West with him to see why the riverboat was still attached to one of its four mooring pylons. Dick and I are both licensed divers, and you always dive in pairs, so we went out and bought dry suits, put them on over our clothes and waded into the river. The only problem was that it was around 20 degrees outside, with a water temperature of 34 degrees. Luckily, the water was only chest deep, but it was covered with an inch of ice, so every few feet we had stop, break the sheets with our elbows and keep going. At first we snorkeled, but there wasn’t any visibility, so we decided we’d better dive. We went into Phantom Manor to warm up, then put on our tanks to dive. We had to swim in from the stern down an 18-inch tunnel of swirling silt. Visibility was less than arm’s length with flashlights. It was cold, forbidding. My face became numb and the cold crept into my suit. I could see the beam of Dick’s light for awhile, then nothing. I lay under the boat listening to my bubbles, wondering what to do, and thinking how unfun this was. Finally, after what seemed forever, I felt a sharp pounding on my shoulder. Dick had gone out another way and came around for me. After surfacing, the first thing he said was, ‘I got it figured out, so let’s get out of the water.’ All that was needed was to raise the water level of the river another foot. I was glad it was over.”

Steve Blum
Ride Systems Engineering
“Project management relieved a lot of tension with practical jokes. I still don’t think Brad Borgman knows Val Usle was the one who rigged the battery-powered water pistol to empty itself on Brad when he sat down in his chair. The cruel thing about it is that not only did Val get Brad with the gun, he convinced him that Mike Strong was the guy who had done it and stayed up with Brad until the wee hours of the morning to help him play the joke on Mike.”

John Hogg
Show Set Design
“I was walking through Discoveryland early one morning. It was freezing and everyone was minding their own business. All of a sudden, my left foot sticks in something. I look down, and I’m up to my ankles in freshly poured concrete. No markers, no signs, no workers, no warning. I look up, and there’s the OPM (Tony Carton) scowling at me all the way across Discoveryland. To cover my embarrassment I began yelling ‘Where the hell are the barricades? ‘ Twenty minutes later, Mark Stutz does the same thing. Job security for the pavers?” (Tony Catton says, “@#$%^&**@, John and Mark!”)

Nancy Candy
Ride Systems
“The EDL Star Tours motion system test-and-adjust period was six weeks. It was a site regulation to wear steel-toed boots and I chose the smallest size boot available. I wore those things every day, backandforth across the muddy trail to Star Tours. After the first few days, my left foot really hurt. Four weeks later I went to the doctor, who diagnosed gout, and told me if my foot continued to hurt, to get an x-ray if I wasn’t better in a week. Finally, I got an x-ray (my husband insisted), and voila! my foot was broken. The cast took two days to dry! I had to finish up the last eight hours of test and adjust by phone with a stand-in witnessing the remaining tests.”

Francine Agapoff
“I worked with Theme Lighting at EDLI, and part of my job included visits to vendors to monitor the production of lighting fixtures for the park. Clive Dinmore (also of Theme Lighting) and I made a trip to Marrakesh, Morocco in July of ‘91. It was 126 degrees (seriously), and Clive and I (unwisely) drank orange juice in the bazaar on our first day. We both became very ill the Moroccans called it Khadafl’s revenge. We were exhausted Imagine how we felt when we heard that the purchasing agent (with a contracting firm) who had accompanied us on this business trip had been at the hotel all day, shopping, suntanning, having a massage, you name it.”

Pictures: copyright Disney

 Text: copyright Didier Ghez, Spring 1992 WDEye Issue

Thursday, April 27, 2017

First Official Pictures For Disneyland Paris Hyperspace Mountain New Trains - Plus: DLP July 8 Electroland Party !

A short Disneyland Paris update today as for Disneyland Paris Hyperspace Mountain It's D-10 before the first blast-off, and DLP Press office released the first official pictures of the new trains ! "Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain will provide Disneyland Park guests with a brand new mission in the Star Wars galaxy, where they can join the famous Rebel Alliance and experience the thrills of an epic battle, totally immersed in the universe of the Star Wars films. From May 7, guests will take their places in brand new vehicles, with a new built-in sound system that will enhance the experience even further. Here they are, awaiting their first passengers…"

Now, all this looks good indeed and we can see new speakers near the head and the seats which will be also equipped with a new kind of harness BUT who the hell had the idea to choose this garish blue and the burgundy colors?!? And by the way, why did they needed to change the train colors when the previous ones were perfect? There is an old American quote that apparently someone forgot at DLP Imagineering: "When it's not broken, don't fix it!"

Disneyland Paris also released today a press release and pictures ( from a previous event ) for the Electroland party happening on July 8, tickets are already on-sale now at:

Disneyland Paris announces Electroland

A brand new immersive one day music extravaganza at Disneyland Paris STEVE AOKI / NERVO / MICHAEL CALFAN/ RICHARD ORLINSKI Saturday 8 July 2017

Disneyland Paris is launching a ground breaking electronic music concert Electroland and will open its gates to 10,000 music fans to enjoy DJs, immersive partying and of course, theme park rides. American superstar DJ, record executive and producer Steve Aoki will headline the concert along with Australian sister duo NERVO. They will also be joined by french DJs Michael Calfan and Richard Orlinski

Taking over the park for one exclusive night, Electroland will transform DLP into an EDM haven. This very first edition of Electroland promises to be nothing short of magical. The event will give ticket holders exclusive access to the park rides by night as well as the acts on the breathtaking outdoor stage. With giant LED screens, projection mapping on to one of the park’s most iconic attractions – The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, some very special guests and surprise immersive elements, all set against a magical Disney backdrop, Electroland needs to be seen to be believed.

Steve Aoki, Grammy-nominated electronic dance music superstar is renowned for his pandemonium inducing sets! As a recording artist, Aoki’s 2014 studio album Neon Future I— which soared to No. 1 on the Dance/Electronic Album chart—features the Gold-certified single “Delirious (Boneless)” with Chris Lake and Tujamo featuring Kid Ink. But I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead reveals a lesser known dimension of the entertainer: Aoki’s self-made success which has propelled Aoki as an entrepreneur and performer. Founder of the taste-making record label Dim Mak and a chart-topping producer-remixer-DJ Aoki has his finger pressed firmly to the pulse of cutting-edge youth culture.

NERVO are a sister DJ and song writing duo from Australia. Having written and produced hits for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Ke$ha, The Pussycat Dolls, Afrojack, Steve Aoki and Miley Cyrus to name a few, the sisters have risen to stardom. Add to this a DJ schedule spanning over 200 live shows world-wide per year with main stage slots at some of the world's biggest festivals, Las Vegas residencies at super clubs Omnia in Las Vegas and Ushuaia in Ibiza, NERVO are one of the hottest electronic music acts in the business.

Michael Calfan is a French artist who brings a fresh perspective to the electronic music climate. His attitude is about having fun and not taking life too seriously, while creating music with feeling, depth and emotion: “I find inspiration in all kinds of art, anything with emotion. Maybe I’m idealistic but I want to give people feelings; create memories and nostalgia.” Hits like Treasured Soul, Nobody Does It Better and Thorns have helped create a lot of those nostalgic moments for people. They have garnered chart positions, millions upon millions of streams and helped to make Michael one of the most sought-after DJs around.

Richard Orlinski is the best-selling French contemporary artist in the world. His sculptures are designed around the theme ‘Born Wild’ and reflect a deep reflection on animal instincts and human nature.Curious by nature and eager to express his sensitivity through other disciplines he also developed a passion for music. He launched his first single ‘Heartbeat’ last year featuring famous Dutch singer Eva Simons which was number one in the French charts for three weeks in a row. He is currently working on other titles featuring more international music star. As part of DLP’s 25th Anniversary Richard Orlinski has created a one off sculpture of Mickey Mouse!

Electroland is a made to measure musical event that reaches out to the generation born with the Disneyland® Park 25 years ago, offering the chance to see the park as it has never been seen before. Tickets are on-sale now at:

A new Disneyland Paris update will come soon, in the meantime i remind you the "DLP 25th and D&M 10th Anniversaries Special Offer for the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book ( De L'Esquisse à la Création en français ) and it's a chance for you to get this gorgeous 320 pages book at the best price ever!

You'll hardly find a better gift for a Disneyland Paris fan so don't miss it as it is the last copies of the book which will not be reprinted!

NOTE IMPORTANTE:  Il ne reste que dix exemplaires de cette édition collector française, l'offre spéciale est terminée et chaque exemplaire est maintenant au prix de 175 € + 22 € de frais d'envois. Ceux qui ne peuvent pas se permettre le prix de 175 € pour l'édition collector française peuvent m'écrire à: et je verrais si je peux trouver des exemplaires qui sont légèrement endommagées sur la couverture mais parfait à l'intérieur, et si tel est le cas, le prix sera évidemment moins élevé. Les frais de port de 22€ sont inclus dans le montant total avant le paiement.

The Special Offer is now for the English updated edition ONLY and the English edition is at 60€ / $65 ( instead of 85€ ) and the shipping worldwide is 22€ ( $24 ).  Shipping takes 3-4 days for France, 10-15 days to European countries, 2 to 3 weeks for countries outside Europe. Sorry for what may seem a high shipping cost but the package with the book is heavy ( 2,5 Kgs ) and the French post office also increased its prices. We also ship the books in the best box you've ever seen for a book to make sure they arrive in good condition, and this has a cost.

Usually the Special Offer includes a great additional surprise gift, but because we celebrate two anniversaries, this new special offer will include TWO great surprise gifts ( and believe me, you'll be VERY happy to get them! )!

Special note to buyers with a shipping address in Italy or Belgium : For shipments to Belgium or Italy, the shipping cost is 29 €.

To place your order please send an email to: Please let me know in your email if you want the english or french edition!

You can pay with Paypal by sending the full amount - including shipping - by Paypal to: or you can use the Paypal buttons below. ( make sure to choose the right button for the rich edition ). Thanks to confirm me by email or in your Paypal payment which edition you want ( english or french ). Also note that the Paypal button includes an additional discount for those who want to order 2 or 3 copies instead of one.

If you do NOT have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card, or bank transfer, just send me an email about it at: and i will let you know how to do.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality Book ENGLISH Edition

Livre Disneyland Paris De L'Esquisse à la Création Ed Francaise

Those of you who have never seen the book will find below a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book AND you can see more pictures on the book website HERE

Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tokyo Disney Sea Imagineers Unveil More Details About TDS Port Discovery "Nemo and Friends SeaRider" Attraction

Tokyo Disney Resort released a new Imagineering video providing plenty of new details for Tokyo Disney Sea's Port Discovery new ride "Nemo and Friends SeaRider" opening on May 12 at TDS!

Riders will enter the redesigned show building called now "Marine Life Institute"...

The goal for TDS Imagineer was to make immerse the guests as much as possible. To achieve this they had the idea that guests will enter in a "SeaRider" submarine designed like Nemo, though with different colors...

But how do you do when you have 122 guests per ride? In the storyline the submarine is built with a new material which shrink when you apply electricity to it. And that includes everything or everyone on board. So, the SeaRider submarine will give to all Nemo and friends the illusion to shrink to the side of a fish and then travel on an awesome undersea journey.

And the way TDS Imagineers will give to guests the feeling they are the size of a fish is thanks to the beautiful curved screen in the front of the simulator with ten others small screens above, left and right, through which guest can look up to the ocean, and they've also added sound effects of  rumble in the seats and all kind of magical tricks to make guests feel like they are really immersed undersea during this journey.

Nemo and friends SeaRider will open on May 12, in just two weeks from now,  and soft-openings started today so a video of the ride should arrive very soon. In the meantime don't miss this great Imagineering video below!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Oriental Land, Disney Geek

New Cars 3 Trailer !

The new Cars 3 trailer has been released and it looks great! Above, a screen capture from the trailer of Cars "Monument Valley"

Picture and video: copyright Disney - Pixar

D23 Release All Details About D23 Panels at D23 Expo 2017, July 14–16!

D23 release all details about D23 panels at D23 Expo 2017, July 14–16!

BURBANK, Calif., April 26, 2017 – D23: The Official Disney Fan Club has announced the lineup of the most highly anticipated presentations at D23 Expo 2017, July 14–16. The Disney Legends Awards Ceremony, hosted by Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger, will kick off the Expo on Friday morning, July 14. Later that same day, The Walt Disney Studios will give fans a sneak peek at all the latest from Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar. On Saturday morning, The Walt Disney Studios will preview the coming slate of live-action films from Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm. Then, on Saturday afternoon, fans will get a preview of what’s in store at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts during a presentation hosted by Parks and Resorts Chairman Bob Chapek. Sunday afternoon, Disney Legend Alan Menken will take fans on a musical journey during an all-new concert.

These Expo favorites will take place in “Hall D23,” the 6,800-seat venue located in Hall D of the Anaheim Convention Center. The schedule of Hall D23 Events and Presentations are as follows (all events subject to change):

The Disney Legends Awards Ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. Friday, July 14. The ceremony, hosted by Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger, will once again honor those visionaries and artists who have made significant contributions to the Disney legacy. This year’s recipients are: Carrie Fisher, Clyde “Gerry” Geronimi, Manuel Gonzales, Mark Hamill, Wayne Jackson, Stan Lee, Garry Marshall, Julie Taymor, and Oprah Winfrey.

The Walt Disney Studios will present a behind-the-scenes look at its blockbuster collection of upcoming films in two jam-packed Hall D23 sessions. At 2:30 p.m. on Friday, fans will discover what’s on the drawing board for the acclaimed filmmakers at Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios. On Saturday at 10:30 a.m., Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm showcase the Studios’ exciting slate of live-action films. As always, attendees will be treated to exclusive footage, special guest appearances, and more!

On Saturday, July 15, at 3 p.m., step into the worlds of magic of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts with Chairman Bob Chapek to find out what’s new and what’s next for resorts around the globe.

To round out the weekend, Disney Legend Alan Menken will perform his exciting new one-man show, A Whole New World of Alan Menken. The eight-time Oscar®-winner introduced new generations to musicals through such box office hits as Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Enchanted, and Tangled, as well as the Broadway shows Little Shop of Horrors, Sister Act, Newsies, and A Bronx Tale, as well as the ABC television series Galavant. Menken will perform his own music and share entertaining anecdotes about his unrivaled career during the show, which will be performed Sunday, July 16, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. in Hall D23 at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Tickets for D23 Expo 2017 are available for $81 for a one-day adult admission and $59 for children 3–9. Members of D23: The Official Disney Fan Club can purchase tickets for $72 for a one-day adult admission and $53 for children 3–9. Multi-day tickets are also available. For more information on tickets and D23 Expo 2017, visit

Picture: copyright Disney

Walt Disney Family Museum to Exhibit Work by ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Artist Eyvind Earle

The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco will feature a new exhibition on the life and work of iconic Disney artist Eyvind Earle, beginning May 18 and running through Jan. 8.

Eyvind Earle is best known for his lush landscapes and as the lead stylist behind Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” (1959). He has produced concept art for other Disney classics, including 1955’s “Lady and the Tramp” and “Peter Pan” (1953). His work for Sleeping Beauty was largely the inspiration for Disneyland Paris Sleeping Beauty castle.

“Awaking Beauty: The Art of Eyvind Earle” is co-curated by Eyvind Earle Publishing CEO Ioan Szasz and Michael Labrie, director of collections and exhibitions for the museum and the Walt Disney Family Foundation.

Full Variety article HERE.

Picture: copyright Disney

"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" will hold its World Premiere at Shanghai Disneyland on May 11 !

"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" will hold its World Premiere at Shanghai Disneyland on May 11. Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Javier Bardem, Brenton Thwaites, directors Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, and producer Jerry Bruckheimer plan to attend.

Disney noted the event will mark the first time a Hollywood movie has premiered in Mainland China. The red carpet will take place in Disneytown at Shanghai Disney Resort, with the screening in Walt Disney Grand Theatre at Disneytown.

Here is a marketing idea which is smart to promote Shanghaî Disneyland... More details in the full Variety article HERE.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Get Ready to Rock Out on Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT!

Just released by the folks of D23, and it's about the music in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy ride at DCA: "Get Ready to Rock Out on Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT!:
Guardians of the Galaxy is just as well known for its awesome music as it is for its irreverent comedy and lovable, quirky characters, and the brand-new attraction at Disney California Adventure park is no different. If you’ve been wondering which of the songs would be on the attraction’s awesome mix, wonder no more! We got the inside scoop from the folks behind the new attraction, opening May 27 at Disney California Adventure park.

John Dennis, executive creative director of music at Walt Disney Imagineering (how cool is that job?), told us about the process for coming up with the six songs you can hear during a rockin’ ride on Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT! John and his team used Star-Lord’s awesome mix as a starting point, and ended up testing out 100 different songs to find the right fit. The six chosen for the attraction are the perfect mix of fun and funky and help make each ride on the thrilling attraction a truly unique experience. Check out the “playlist” below and let us know which song you’re most excited to hear during your first ride on Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT!"

“I Want You Back” – The Jackson 5
“Hit Me With Your Best Shot” – Pat Benatar
“Give Up the Funk” – Parliament
“Born to Be Wild” – Steppenwolf
“Burning Love” – Elvis Presley
“Free Ride” – The Edgar Winters Group

Now, i have to say - even if i'm among those who is not specially excited by this GoG ride - that it's a pretty smart move from WDI Imagineers. Why? Because it's true that the soundtrack of the first GoG movie did a lot for the spectators enjoyment of the movie and even if the ride has nothing special - after all we all know that it'll be a elevator which will fall because this has not been changed - people will most probably enjoy the famous songs and so they may get out of the ride liking it when in fact it's the music played during the ride that made it special or even memorable. See what i mean? Very smart move from WDI folks.

Picture: copyright Disney

Monday, April 24, 2017

Universal Studios Orlando Volcano Bay Video Update

With just one month prior to its opening let's have a look to Universal Orlando Volcano Bay water park which is almost ready to welcome its first guests. 

Eye Aerial has posted a great new drone video - and filmed in 4K - of Universal Orlando Volcano Bay water park, which provide stunning footage as seen from above. The pools have not yet been filled with water so you'll need to imagine how it will look with a crystal clear turquoise color water! 

That said, my main concern is about the immersion feeling as i'm curious to see if it will work with the highway located right behind Volcano Bay... 

Let's have a look now closer to the ground with this other video filmed by Alicia Stella posted just three days ago!

Can't wait to see how it will look on opening day next month!

Videos: copyright Eye Aerial, Alicia Stella

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality Book Special Offer to Celebrate DLP 25th Anniversary and D&M 10th Anniversary !

Disneyland Paris launched its 25th Anniversary this week-end - though DLP "real" 25th Anniversary date is on April 12 - and, guess what, it's also the 10th Anniversary of Disney and more! So, to celebrate both DLP 25th and D&M 10th i launch today the "DLP 25th and D&M 10th Anniversaries Special Offer for the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book ( De L'Esquisse à la Création en français ) and it's a chance for you to get this gorgeous 320 pages book at the best price ever!

You'll hardly find a better gift for a Disneyland Paris fan so don't miss it as it is the last copies of the book which will not be reprinted!

NOTE IMPORTANTE:  Il ne reste que dix exemplaires de cette édition collector française et l'offre spéciale pour l'édition française est terminée, chaque exemplaire est maintenant au prix de 175 € + 22 € de frais d'envois. Ceux qui ne peuvent pas se permettre le prix de 175 € pour l'édition collector française peuvent m'écrire à: et je verrais si je peux trouver des exemplaires qui sont légèrement endommagées sur la couverture mais parfait à l'intérieur, et si tel est le cas, le prix sera évidemment moins élevé. Les frais de port de 22€ sont inclus dans le montant total avant le paiement.

The Special Offer is for the English updated edition ONLY and the English edition is at 60€ / $65 ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( $24 ).  Shipping takes 3-4 days for France, 10-15 days to European countries, 2 to 3 weeks for countries outside Europe. Sorry for what may seem a high shipping cost but the package with the book is heavy ( 2,5 Kgs ) and the French post office also increased its prices. We also ship the books in the best box you've ever seen for a book to make sure they arrive in good condition, and this has a cost.

Usually the Special Offer includes a great additional surprise gift, but because we celebrate two anniversaries, this new special offer will include TWO great surprise gifts ( and believe me, you'll be VERY happy to get them! )!

Special note to buyers with a shipping address in Italy or Belgium : For shipments to Belgium or Italy, the shipping cost is 29 €.

To place your order please send an email to: Please let me know in your email if you want the english or french edition!

You can pay with Paypal by sending the full amount - including shipping - by Paypal to: or you can use the Paypal buttons below. ( make sure to choose the right button for the rich edition ). Thanks to confirm me by email or in your Paypal payment which edition you want ( english or french ). Also note that the Paypal button includes an additional discount for those who want to order 2 or 3 copies instead of one.

If you do NOT have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card, or bank transfer, just send me an email about it at: and i will let you know how to do.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality Book ENGLISH Edition

Livre Disneyland Paris De L'Esquisse à la Création Ed Francaise

Those of you who have never seen the book will find below a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book AND you can see more pictures on the book website HERE

Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video!
