Saturday, July 2, 2011

More about Brave plot by Director Mark Andrews

Pixar's Brave director Mark Andrews unveiled more about the movie plot in a Scotland’s Daily Record interview :

Originally titled The Bear And The Bow, it's about the adventures of Merida, a feisty archery-loving Scottish princess voiced by Kelly Macdonald.

She is at odds with her controlling but loving parents King Fergus (Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson) and gets in trouble with some magic which has consequences for the whole kingdom.

Mark said: "It's all about the relationship between a mother and daughter, and how this young woman has problems with her mother...

"When she has a problem with her mother over marriage, she gets a magic spell to try to stop her mother bothering her with the suitor business.

"But it actually changes her mother into a bear."

Hmmm...didn't we see a bear in Brave's first trailer released this week? Check again below and then jump to the Daily Record web site to read mark Andrews full interview.

Pictures and video: copyright Disney-Pixar

Cars Land Virtual Drive-Through Video

Want to pre-visualize DCA's awaited Cars Land? Thanks to this video released by Imagineering, you'll be able to have a better idea of where will be what in DCA's major expansion, opening summer 2012. Virtual visualization helps a lot WDI Imagineers to have a clear view of their future creation, specially when it's a big land like this one.

Also, make sure to check the Cars Land high-res map below before you watch the video, it will help you to localize everything.

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

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Pirates of Caribbean maintenance at Disneyland

We talked recently about Indiana Jones Adventure maintenance and how many people the ride needs daily for it. This new short video released by Disney Parks shows the maintenance at Disneyland's Pirates of Caribbean. In comparison to IJA maintenance it's so much easier that it's almost a joke, but still, a check up of the ride boats, and more, is needed every day - not to mention the Audio-Animatronics maintenance when necessary.

Video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Iron Man / Stark Expo coming to Disneyland Tomorrowland ?

According to the Furious Fanboys website the rumor of an Iron Man / Stark Expo coming to Disneyland Tomorrowland is may be a reality:

" Remember the very “Disney” vibe they tried to create with Howard Stark and the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2? Well, it looks like that Disney connection may become a reality when the Stark Expo is installed in Disneyland’s Tomorrowland. What began as just a rumor on Twitter and Disneyland messageboards is apparently not really a rumor; sources say it’s well beyond that. Apparently Walt Disney Imagineering has drawings, renderings, and costume designs all ready to go.

Where will it go in Disneyland? The much hated Eisner-era infomercial building Innoventions will be renovated to hold the Stark Expo. There isn’t an announced time-frame as to when this will happen, but with Star Tours opening this summer and Disney releasing The Avengers on May 4th 2012; don’t be surprised if it’s the big addition to Tomorrowland next summer".

Next summer? May be not, but one thing is sure: keep your eyes and ears open at august next D23 convention, it might be there that we will know more about this project.

From: Furious Fanboys site

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Designing a Real " Tomorrowland "

If you love the 1960's Tomorrowland spirit, you're going to love Jacque Fresco and his "Future by design" project. Jacque Fresco was born in 1916, is now 95, and is considered by many like a modern-day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a “generalist” or multi-disciplinarian, a student of many inter-related fields. He is a prolific inventor, having spent his entire life conceiving of and devising inventions on various scales which entail the use of innovative technology. As a futurist, Jacque Fresco is not only a conceptualist and a theoretician, he is also an engineer and a designer.

His organization,The Venus Project (named after the town he lives in, Venus, Florida), works to provide a global vision of hope for the future of human kind in our technological age. The Venus Project reflects the culmination of Jacque's life work: the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern.

A documentary, also called "Future by design", was directed by academy award nominee William Gazecki. You can see below the full 1h29min movie or, if you don't have the time, the trailer of it. The first video below is the trailer and you can also learn more about Jacque Fresco on Wikipedia HERE.

And here is the full 1h29min movie (recommanded to watch!).

Pictures and videos: copyright Jacque Fresco - William Gazecki

Click HERE for direct access to the TDS Wallpapers HD iTunes page or READ my article first HERE.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Talented " Future " Imagineers...

Molly Martens, Joe Rothenberg and Jannae Fong, the USC students that you can see on the picture above, got the first prize in the ImagiNations competition sponsored by Walt Disney Imagineering, with a proposal of a ride for Shanghaî Disneyland based on Pixar's movie “Up”.

500 college students competed for an opportunity to present their ideas for a new ride and just 20 finalists were invited to WDI campus in Glendale last week for the 20th annual ImagiNations design competition. The winners represented University of South California, North Carolina State University and San Diego State University, and were first, second and third winners, respectively. The winners won also an interview for a paid internship at Walt Disney Imagineering.

And these winners are really talented as you will see below with screen captures of a video that you can see on the Orange County Register web site. Mario Salazar and Aileen Ung from Woodbury University proposed an Aladdin dark ride with a ride vehicle designed like the magic carpet...

A two-person team from San Diego State University presented an idea for a western-style roller coaster for Disneyland that would be powered by an enhanced-motion vehicle system. Dylan Olson said that “The Curse of Mythica Mine,” was not based on a Disney movie, but on the myths and folklore of the old west during the Gold Rush era as the two partners love the old frontier and the wild west. You can see below a model of their ride project.

But it is the project presented by Molly Martens, Joe Rothenberg and Jannae Fong that won the first prize. They proposed a ride based on Pixar's movie “Up”.

The attraction named “Adventure Is UP There” "integrates aspects of Chinese culture, and is a roller-coaster-style ride that would give riders the feeling of flying in chairs kept aloft by balloons, and powered by leaf blowers, through the jungles of South America".

The next pictures will show you some of the scenes they envisioned for their “Adventure Is UP There” ride concept, all inspired by Pixar's beloved animated movie.

This UP! coaster ride looks exciting, isn't it? Unfortunately Soledad Boyle, program manager of the ImagiNations competition for Walt Disney Imagineering said “We’ve never built any of the projects”. Well, i hope that in this case they will make an exception as an UP! coaster ride based on this concept would be very enjoyable! Your thoughts?

Pictures: copyright their respective designers

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pixar " Brave " Trailer

Cars 2 audiences can also discover the first Brave trailer, Pixar's next movie to be released in 2012. Set in Scotland in a rugged and mythical time, Brave is telling the story of Merida, an aspiring archer and impetuous daughter of royalty. Merida makes a reckless choice that unleashes unintended peril and forces her to spring into action to set things right.

Pixar just released the Brave trailer officially and it looks now better than ever. Have a look!

Picture and video: copyright Pixar