Saturday, January 31, 2009

New UP ! clip : " Adventures with Carl and Russell "

Editor's Note: This week-end, an exclusive report on the Tokyo "World of Wall-E" exhibit! Also, Disney has released a new clip from UP! It's a totally new sequence with Carl and Russell in the jungle and you can watch it HERE.

" The World of WALL-E " Tokyo Exhibit Exclusive Report

Wall-e was released last month in Japan - six months after it was released in the U.S and Europe - and the movie is doing very well. In one month, Wall-E box office is $ 42 Millions, more than it did in the United Kingdom in 6 months! At the same time an exhibit called "The World of Wal-E" open at Sunshine City. The exhibit closed January 12, but Randie Soul, Disney and more contributor was there and did a great photographic report. There we go for the visit.

The exhibit was located at the 60th floor of the Sunshine Building - almost in space! - , called Sunshine 60 Observatory. Why "Observatory"? Because you have great view on all Tokyo up there!

Wow, 60 floors, that's really high...

A real size Wall-E is welcoming you...

...Before you enter the exhibit itself with artwork from the animated movie.

Let's have a closer look to some of the artwork...

The models of Wall-E and Eve used by Pixar animators were also displayed.

In another part of the exhibit guests could learn everything about Buy'N Large including the Buy'N Large costumes and the great ads and logos.

Guests could also learn more about Andrew Stanton and Ben Burtt...

And children can get familiar with some Buy'N Large robots.

Talking about children, Japanese young children were asked to create by themselves some Wall-E figures using cans, and they were on display in the children's area at the end of the exhibit!

In this area childrens could play to a giant Wall-E game all above the floor...

...Or another interactive game where this litlle girl has to push with her feet some projected elements to be able to see Wall-E hidden behind them...

...Or also play with remote-controlled Wall-E.

A photo location with Wall-E and Eve was also available.

But we're in Japan, and we all know that Japanese love robot merchandise, so, yes, there was a Wall-E merchandise shop at the end of the exhibit!

In the movie Buy'N Large is supposed to create all kind of robots, including a vacuum cleaner robot. The Japanese created a real one that was on display! Actually, it's one of these great vacuum cleaner robot, just re-titled "Wall-E".

Let's end with the japanese movie poster!

O-Kay, hope you all enjoyed this "World of Wall-E" exhibit report, let's all thanks Randie Soul for his contribution!

All pictures: copyright Randie Soul

All artwork: copyright Disney-Pixar