Saturday, February 11, 2017

Starting today i take a break all next week and posts on the D&M Facebook page as well as articles here on Disney and more might be limited. As usual i'll do my best to post here depending if i have a good WIFI connection, and of course i'll keep an eye in case there will be a big announcement. See you soon anyway and don't forget to enjoy the Valentine's Day special offer on the Disneyland Paris book before it ends on February 14 ( see post below ) !
Editing: I had the time to finish before leaving a great article about "the real origin of HKDL Mystic Manor" and it will be posted here next Tuesday, so don't miss it!

Only Two More Days to Enjoy the Disneyland Paris Book Valentine's Day Special Offer - Ends February 14th !

Good news for those of you who missed the Christmas special offer on the Disneyland Paris book last December as you can enjoy a Valentine's Day special offer from February 1st until the 14th, and you won't find a better Valentine's Day gift for the one you love if she - or he - is a Disneyland Paris fan!

During these two weeks the DLP book is at 60€ for the English regular edition and 75€ for the last copies of the French Collector's edition. Additional shipping worldwide for both editions  is 19€, except for Belgium or Italy for which it is 29€.

For all orders send me an email with your shipping address at:

Payment can be done with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. Paypal payment of the amount ( including shipping ) can be sent directly to: or by using the Paypal button below. Do NOT use the Paypal button on the right column which is not coded with these special prices. For others payment by credit card or bank transfer, please send me an email first at:

The book is still available but we are entering the final copies - especially for the French edition - so order your copy while it last as the book will NOT be reprinted!

Disneyland Paris Book

Never seen the book before? Watch the video below showing each of the 320 pages of the book!

Johan Souply Latest Not-to-be-missed Video Filmed at Disneyland Paris is Both Hilarious and Truly Magical !

Johan Souply is a true Disneyland Paris fan and a formidable director. I've posted previously his others fan videos that you enjoyed a lot. His latest one is titled "Le Vrai Disneyland" ( the real Disneyland ), was filmed in the park without DLP being involved in the production and it's the best one he did yet.

As a true DLP fan Johan knows the flaws of Disneyland Paris and the first part of the video is hilarious as anyone who has visited the park recently will recognize the situations that the young couple is going through. But Johan also knows that the park can be magical if you've kept a child soul and he did a wonderful job - including perfect visual effects - to show this in the second part. The video is in french BUT there is subtitles in english all along so make sure to click on "subtitles" at the bottom right of the video if french is not your native language. Don't miss this video!

Video: copyright Johan Souply

Friday, February 10, 2017

How Disney Major Announcement Will Change The Future of Disneyland Paris - Include FULL Press Release in English AND French Versions !

An important announcement was done on Friday by the Walt Disney Company. Here are the facts first and right after you have my take aout all this and what it means for DLP's future.

So, it was announced that Disney will increase its stake in Euro Disney to 85.7% from 76.7%. Disney is also offering to buy the rest of the company for €2 per share, bringing the potential value of the transaction to €356 million ($379 million).

Disney is acquiring a 9 percent stake in Euro Disney SCA from Alwaleed’s Kingdom Holding Co. for 2 euros ($2.13) a share, payable in Disney stock. Kingdom Holding will have a 1pc share of Euro Disney following the deal, which it said was worth $151m and was in line with its investment strategy and continued confidence in the Disney brand.

Disney is also offering 2 euros in cash per share to others shareholders willing to sell. That’s 67 percent more than Euro Disney’s closing price Thursday. Even more important, Disney said it will support Euro Disney’s recapitalization of as much as 1.5 billion euros to "address the parks financial needs.". That follows the 2014 rescue package, when the resort was pledged at least 1 billion euros over 10 years to add attractions and spruce up grounds.

The new plan “affords maximum flexibility to shareholders, addresses the group’s financial needs and reflects its ongoing support for the long-term success of Disneyland Paris,” Disney said.Disney said Friday that the operation's financial position has been "significantly and negatively impacted" by the November 2015 terror attacks in Paris and what it described as "challenging business conditions" in Europe. The number of visitors to DLP dropped to 13.4 million in 2016, from 14.8 million the previous year. Hotel occupancy rates and average spending per rooms have also declined.

Okay, that's for the basics of what was announced, now here is the details with the press release below both in its english and french versions:

English version:

The Walt Disney Company Announces an Increase in its Interest in Euro Disney; its Intention to Launch a Tender Offer for all Remaining Euro Disney Shares and a mandatory buy-out if the 95% threshold is reached; and a Proposal to Restore Disneyland Paris' Financial Position

The Walt Disney Company ("Disney") announces the acquisition of 90% of Kingdom Holding Company's ("Kingdom") interest in Euro Disney S.C.A. ("Euro Disney"), representing 9% of Euro Disney's outstanding shares.

The proposed transaction will increase Disney's interest in Euro Disney to 85.7% from 76.7%.

The price for the transaction is €2.00 per share and will be paid in shares of Disney common stock.

Disney also announces its intention to make a cash tender offer for all remaining outstanding shares of Euro Disney at a price of €2.00 per share, representing a 67% premium to Euro Disney's trading price at its close on February 9, 2017.

Subsequent to the completion of the tender offer, Disney is committed to support a recapitalization of up to €1.5 billion for the Euro Disney group of companies ("Group") to address the Group's financial needs.

PARIS, Feb. 10, 2017 -- Today The Walt Disney Company ("Disney") announced that it will acquire through one of its subsidiaries 90% of Kingdom Holding Company's ("Kingdom") shares in Euro Disney S.C.A. ("Euro Disney") at a price of €2.00 per share, increasing its interest in Euro Disney to 85.7%. Disney also announced that this subsidiary intends to make a cash tender offer for all remaining outstanding shares of Euro Disney at a price of €2.00 per share, representing a 67% premium to the trading price at the close on February 9, 2017. Moreover, Disney has informed Euro Disney that it is committed to support a recapitalization of up to €1.5 billion for the Euro Disney group of companies ("Group") to enable the Group to continue implementation of improvements to Disneyland® Paris, reduce debt and increase liquidity.

As previously reported by Euro Disney, despite the recapitalization announced in 2014 that enabled the Group to make attraction and hotel improvements which have generated positive guest feedback and set the stage for the Resort's 25th Anniversary celebration this year, the Group's financial condition has been significantly and negatively impacted by the November 2015 events in Paris and the challenging business conditions that continued through 2016 in France and throughout Europe. The comprehensive proposal announced by Disney affords maximum flexibility to shareholders, addresses the Group's financial needs and reflects its ongoing support for the long-term success of Disneyland® Paris.

Euro Disney's Supervisory Board has expressed its support of these developments, and its interest in evaluating this proposal. The Board has asked its audit committee, which is comprised solely of independent members, to make a recommendation for the appointment of an independent expert to deliver a fairness opinion in connection with the proposed tender offer.

Transaction Details:

The acquisition of Euro Disney shares will occur through an off-market block trade and is scheduled to close on February 15, 2017. The purchase price of €2.00 per share will be paid in shares of Disney common stock, based on Disney's closing price on the New York Stock Exchange on February 14, 2017 and the Euro-U.S. exchange rate published by the European Central Bank on the same day. The seller will be Kingdom 5-KR-11, Ltd, a subsidiary of Kingdom, and the purchaser will be EDL Holding Company, LLC ("EDL"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Disney through which Disney historically has held its interest in Euro Disney. As a result of this transaction, Kingdom's ownership interest in Euro Disney will decrease from 10.0% to 1.0%.

In connection with this transaction, EDL intends to make a voluntary tender offer for all of the Euro Disney shares not already owned by Disney subsidiaries at a cash price of €2.00 per share. If EDL and the other Disney subsidiaries acting in concert with it collectively own at least 95% of Euro Disney's common shares following completion of the voluntary tender offer, EDL will promptly proceed with a mandatory buy out and delisting of the Euro Disney shares from Euronext Paris. An indicative timetable is attached to this press release.

Disney has also informed Euro Disney that it is committed to support a recapitalization of up to €1.5 billion as described below:

If Euro Disney remains a listed company, Disney would expect the recapitalization to take the form of a subscription by the applicable Disney subsidiaries of their pro-rata share of a €1.23 billion rights offering by Euro Disney together with a backstop of (and at the same price as) the rights offering by one or more of such subsidiaries, ensuring that Euro Disney will be able to raise the full amount contemplated by the rights offering, combined with a direct €270 million cash investment in equity at the level of Euro Disney Associés S.C.A., the main operating subsidiary of Euro Disney, and contribution of the proceeds of the rights offering by Euro Disney to Euro Disney Associés S.C.A. to maintain the ownership level of Euro Disney Associés S.C.A. by Euro Disney at its current 82%. Proceeds would be used to enable the Group to continue implementation of improvements to Disneyland Paris, repay most or all of the Group's indebtedness and increase liquidity. The rights offering described above would be subject to the prior approval of Euro Disney's shareholders at a shareholders' meeting.

If Euro Disney is delisted, Disney would expect the recapitalization to be in the same amount and to also consist entirely of equity contributions to the Group, but the allocation of such contributions between Euro Disney and its subsidiaries could vary compared to what is described above. The proceeds would be used for the same purposes as described above.

The proposed tender offer will be subject to review and clearance by the Autorité des marchés financiers of a Tender Offer Prospectus (Note d'information). In addition, any rights offering will be subject to review and clearance by the Autorité des marchés financiers of an Offering Prospectus (Note d'opération).

Version Française:

The Walt Disney Company annonce une augmentation de sa participation dans Euro Disney ; son intention de lancer une offre publique d'achat sur la totalité des actions Euro Disney restant en circulation suivie d'un retrait obligatoire si le seuil de 95% est atteint ; et une proposition visant au rétablissement de la situation financière de Disneyland Paris Français

The Walt Disney Company (« Disney ») annonce l'acquisition de 90 % de la participation de Kingdom Holding Company (« Kingdom ») dans Euro Disney S.C.A. (« Euro Disney »), représentant 9 % des actions Euro Disney en circulation.

L'opération envisagée portera la participation de Disney dans Euro Disney de 76,7% à 85,7%.

Dans le cadre de l'opération envisagée, le prix par action sera de 2,00 € et sera payé en actions ordinaires de Disney.

Disney annonce également son intention de lancer une offre publique d'achat en espèces pour la totalité des actions Euro Disney restant en circulation à un prix de 2,00 euros par action, représentant une prime de [67] % par rapport au cours de bourse de l'action Euro Disney à la clôture du marché le [9] février 2017.

A l'issue de la réalisation de l'offre publique d'achat, Disney s'est engagé à soutenir une recapitalisation des sociétés du groupe Euro Disney (le « Groupe ») pour un montant allant jusqu'à 1,5 milliard d'euros afin de répondre aux besoins financiers du Groupe.

PARIS, le 10 février 2017 -- The Walt Disney Company (« Disney ») a annoncé ce jour le projet d'acquisition, via l'une de ses filiales, de 90 % de la participation de Kingdom Holding Company (« Kingdom ») dans Euro Disney S.C.A. (« Euro Disney ») au prix de 2,00 euros par action, portant sa participation dans Euro Disney à 85,7 %. Disney a également annoncé que cette filiale a l'intention de lancer une offre publique d'achat en espèces pour la totalité des actions Euro Disney restant en circulation au prix de 2,00 € par action, représentant une prime de [67] % par rapport au cours de bourse de l'action Euro Disney à la clôture du marché le [9] février 2017. Disney a également informé Euro Disney de son engagement à soutenir une recapitalisation des sociétés du groupe Euro Disney (le « Groupe ») pour un montant allant jusqu'à 1,5 milliard d'euros afin de permettre au Groupe de poursuivre la mise en œuvre des améliorations au sein de Disneyland® Paris, de réduire son endettement et d'améliorer sa trésorerie.

Comme indiqué précédemment par Euro Disney, en dépit de la recapitalisation annoncée en 2014, qui a permis au Groupe d'améliorer ses attractions et ses hôtels à la satisfaction de ses clients et de préparer la célébration du 25ème anniversaire du Parc cette année, la situation financière du Groupe a été affectée de façon significative par les événements de novembre 2015 à Paris ainsi que par les conditions économiques difficiles qui ont perduré en France et dans le reste de l'Europe durant l'année 2016. Le projet global annoncé par Disney confère aux actionnaires toute flexibilité, répond aux besoins financiers du Groupe et atteste de son soutien continu au succès à long terme de Disneyland® Paris.

Le Conseil de surveillance d'Euro Disney a exprimé son soutien aux projets exposés ci-dessus et son intention d'analyser les termes de ce projet. [Le Conseil de surveillance a demandé à son comité d'audit, qui est composé exclusivement de membres indépendants de lui faire une recommandation concernant la nomination d'un expert indépendant chargé de remettre une attestation d'équité en lien avec l'offre publique d'achat projetée.]

Les détails de l'opération proposée:

L'acquisition des actions Euro Disney sera réalisée par l'acquisition hors-marché d'un bloc de titres, dont la réalisation est prévue le 15 février 2017. Le prix d'achat de 2,00 euros par action sera payé en actions ordinaires Disney, sur la base du cours de bourse de l'action Disney à la clôture du New York Stock Exchange le 14 février 2017 et du taux de change euro / dollar publié par la Banque Centrale Européenne le même jour. Le vendeur sera Kingdom 5-KR-11, Ltd, une filiale de Kingdom, et l'acheteur EDL Holding Company, LLC (« EDL »), une filiale détenue à 100 % par Disney, par l'intermédiaire de laquelle Disney détient traditionnellement sa participation dans Euro Disney. A l'issue de cette opération, la participation de Kingdom dans Euro Disney passera de 10,0 % à 1,0 %.

En lien avec cette opération, EDL a l'intention de lancer une offre publique d'achat en espèces pour la totalité des actions Euro Disney non encore détenues par des filiales de Disney, à un prix de 2,00 euros par action. Si EDL et les autres filiales de Disney agissant de concert venaient à détenir collectivement au moins 95 % des actions d'Euro Disney à l'issue de la réalisation de l'offre publique d'achat, EDL procèdera immédiatement à un retrait obligatoire et à la radiation des actions Euro Disney de la cote d'Euronext Paris. Un calendrier indicatif est annexé au présent communiqué de presse.

Disney a également informé Euro Disney de son engagement à soutenir une recapitalisation pour un montant allant jusqu'à 1,5 milliard d'euros, tel que décrite ci-dessous.

Dans l'hypothèse où les actions d'Euro Disney restent cotées sur Euronext Paris, Disney prévoit que la recapitalisation prenne la forme d'une souscription par les filiales de Disney concernées, au prorata de leurs participations respectives au capital d'Euro Disney, à une augmentation de capital d'Euro Disney avec droits préférentiels de souscription d'un montant de 1,23 milliard d'euros, accompagnée d'un mécanisme dit de « backstop » (au même prix que l'augmentation de capital) par une ou plusieurs de ces filiales, garantissant la faculté d'Euro Disney de lever la totalité des fonds prévus au titre de cette augmentation de capital. A cela s'ajouterait un investissement direct en espèces de 270 millions d'euros au niveau d'Euro Disney Associés S.C.A., la principale filiale d'exploitation d'Euro Disney, et un apport par Euro Disney du produit de l'augmentation de capital à Euro Disney Associés S.C.A. afin de permettre à Euro Disney de maintenir son niveau de participation dans Disney Associés S.C.A. à son niveau actuel, à savoir 82%. Le produit de l'augmentation de capital serait utilisé afin de permettre au Groupe de poursuivre la mise en œuvre des améliorations au sein de Disneyland Paris, de rembourser la plupart voire la totalité de l'endettement financier du Groupe et d'améliorer sa trésorerie. L'augmentation de capital décrite ci-dessus serait soumise à l'approbation des actionnaires d'Euro Disney réunis en assemblée générale.

Dans l'hypothèse d'une radiation des actions Euro Disney de la cote d'Euronext Paris, Disney envisage d'effectuer la recapitalisation pour un montant identique et également sous la forme d'apports au Groupe en capital. Cependant, la répartition de ces apports entre Euro Disney et ses filiales pourrait varier par rapport à ce qui est décrit ci-dessus. Le produit de la recapitalisation serait utilisé à des fins identiques à celles décrites ci-dessus.

L'offre publique d'achat projetée sera soumise à l'établissement d'une Note d'information et à la déclaration de conformité de l'Autorité des marchés financiers. En outre, toute augmentation de capital avec droit préférentiel de souscription devra faire l'objet d'une Note d'opération qui serait soumise au visa de l'Autorité des marchés financiers si la société est cotée lors de la réalisation de cette augmentation de capital.

D&M Take on all this: Just in case you didn't get it yet, the Walt Disney Company try to have as much shares as possible of EuroDisney, the goal being to own EuroDisney in full and to get out of this unbelievable financial mess in which DLP is since 20 years. Once they'll have 95% of the shares EuroDisney will be delist from Euronext Paris.

Basically the WDC try to have the hands totally free ( legally and financially speaking ) to do what they want as they have with the Disney parks in the U.S. Then there is the recapitalization of up to €1.5 billion which at first view is a good news as DLP desperately needs money to build new attractions, as we know.

So, is it all good news? Not so fast: DLP has in plans the building and opening of at least one new hotel ( if not two ) as well as an expansion of Disney Village - DLP Shopping, dining and nighttime entertainment area - and chances are that a big part of this money will be spent in these projects.

But what about new rides and the WDS expansion? This surely will come as they are not more stupid than we are, they know perfectly that the WDS are the most urgent problem to resolve. Yes, a Star Wars land and a Marvel land are envisioned for the WDS and surely will be built, and they also have plans for an Avatar land. In addition, plenty of backstage offices have been moved ( or will be ) to the new building being built at Val d'Europe. And one of the reason they remove them is to have more land available for future expansions.

So, yes, Disneyland Paris is on good tracks, better that it has never been until now and the future should look bright, though we may have to wait a few more years to see the expansion and the new attractions that we're hoping for. But this will come at a price, because you don't think that the WDC will pour in EuroDisney billions of euros without finding a way to get them back, do you? Expect the price of entrance tickets to the parks to rise like they did in the U.S, as well as for the hotels rooms, and more. Let's just hope that Disneyland Paris won't become a destination only for some rich "happy few".

Version Française:

Au cas où vous ne l'avez pas encore compris la Walt Disney Company essaye d'avoir autant d'actions que possible d'EuroDisney, l'objectif étant de posséder EuroDisney dans son intégralité et de sortir de cet incroyable désastre financier dans lequel EuroDisney est depuis 20 ans. Une fois qu'ils auront 95% des actions, EuroDisney sera retiré d'Euronext Paris.

Basiquement, la WDC essaie d'avoir les mains totalement libres ( légalement et financièrement parlant)  pour pouvoir faire ce qu'ils veulent comme ils font dans les parcs Disney aux U.S. Ensuite, il y a la recapitalisation de 1,5 milliard d'euros qui est à première vue une bonne nouvelle car DLP a désespérément besoin d'argent pour construire de nouvelles attractions, comme nous le savons.

Alors, cette annonce est-elle une bonne nouvelle? Pas si vite: DLP a dans ses plans la construction et l'ouverture d'au moins un nouvel hôtel ( si ce n'est deux ) ainsi que l'expansion du Disney Village et il y a fort à parier qu'une grande partie de cet argent sera consacré à ces projets.

Et au sujet de nouvelles attractions et de l'expansion des WDS? Ce sera sûrement pour bientôt et comme ils ne sont pas plus stupides que nous ne le sommes, ils savent parfaitement que les WDS sont le problème le plus urgent à résoudre. Oui, un Star Wars land et un Marvel land sont envisagés pour les WDS et ils ont également des plans pour un Avatar land. Egalement, de nombreux bureaux backstage ont été déplacés ( ou le seront ) dans le nouveau bâtiment en cours de construction à Val d'Europe. Et la raison pour laquelle ils les transfèrent est d'avoir plus d'espace disponible backstage pour une future expansion.

Donc, oui, Disneyland Paris est sur de bons rails, meilleurs qu'ils ne l'ont jamais été jusqu'à présent et l'avenir devrait être radieux, quoique nous pourrions avoir à attendre encore quelques années pour voir l'expansion et les nouvelles attractions ardemment souhaitées. Mais cela aura un cout, parce que vous ne pensez tout de mème pas que la WDC va verser dans EuroDisney des milliards d'euros sans trouver un moyen de les récupérer, n'est-ce pas? Il faut donc s'attendre à ce que le prix des billets d'entrée pour les parcs augmentent comme ils l'ont fait aux États-Unis, ainsi que ceux des chambres d'hôtels, et dans d'autres secteurs. Espérons juste que Disneyland Paris ne deviendra pas une destination uniquement pour quelques riches "happy few".

Picture: copyright Disney

Thursday, February 9, 2017

First Look at DCA Guardians of the Galaxy ex-TOT Re-Designed Facade

Part of the canvas covering Disney's California Adventure Tower of Terror during the transformation of its facade with a Guardians of the Galaxy theme has been removed giving us our first look to the new facade while painters are working on it. It's of course far to be finished but it gives an idea and so far i'm sorry to say that it looks as bad as we feared. With all the respect i have for Joe Rhode i still can't believe they replaced a perfectly themed attraction inspired by one of the best and most known TV series of all time by one inspired by a Deluxe-B movie which will be forgotten in ten years...

Anyway, here are some of the shots posted by different fellows on Instagram, let us know what you think in the comments. 

And here is a video filmed by houseofthemouse.

I remind you that once finished the building should look like on the official artwork below.

Pictures: copyright Disney, princess_krisstina, zomgmedic, walts.iphone

Video: copyright houseofthemouse, a New Website to explore Pandora – The World of Avatar Opening at Disney’s Animal Kingdom This Spring.

Disney launched today a new website to explore Pandora – The World of Avatar coming to Disney’s Animal Kingdom later this spring. Guests of can learn about the floating mountains, flying banshees and other flora and animals of the exotic world. was created by Alpha Centauri Expeditions (ACE), the exclusive provider of tours to Pandora – The World of Avatar – taking you inside this extraordinary environment – up close and personal.

Picture: copyright Disney

Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary "Disney Stars on Parade" Steampunk Dragon Float !

Disneyland Paris released the official picture above - shot backstage - of the "steampunk" dragon float which will be part of Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary "Disney Stars on Parade"! Looks gorgeous, doesn't it?

Picture: copyright Disneyland Paris

All Details About Universal Orlando Volcano Bay Water Park and the "TapuTapu" !

Universal Orlando released detailed infos about the awaited Volcano Bay water park and the Tapu Tapu device! Official video and details below!

The Volcano

At the heart of the island stands Krakatau™, the mighty Fire and Water Volcano. Towering 200 feet above the tropical landscape, Krakatau streams waterfalls during the day and fiery lava effects at night. Inside the cavernous volcano the Waturi people dare you to brave a variety of heart-pounding water slides.

Krakatau Aqua Coaster

Honorary Waturi can experience the power of Krakatau on this amazing ride. Four-person canoes slide upward through the mists and into the dark twists and turns within the volcano before emerging with a plunge through a shimmering waterfall.

Ko’okiri Body Plunge

Join in the centuries-old tradition of honoring the volcano god, Vol, by braving the incredible Ko’okiri Body Plunge. Featuring a 70-degree fall through a drop door and 125 feet of screaming, white-knuckle fun, this dizzying descent ends with a watery tribute from Vol himself.

Kala & Tai Nui Serpentine Body Slides

Join Kala and Tai Nui where sea and sky meet and take a leap of faith from high atop the volcano. Twin trap doors simultaneously drop two guests down clear, intertwining tubes before sending them joyfully splashing into the turquoise waters below.

Punga Racers

A favorite among Waturi children of all ages, Punga Racers send single riders on their manta ray mats sliding down four lanes through underwater sea caves.

Wave Village

This peaceful escape overlooks the sparkling waters of Waturi Beach at the base of the volcano.

Waturi Beach

Locals know — the surf’s always up at Waturi Beach. Swim, splash and relax right along with them in the sparkling waters and warm waves of this sparkling lagoon at the foot of mighty Krakatau™.

River Village

The scenic River Village has fun for people of all ages, including the very youngest Waturi.

Honu ika Moana

Just like the ancient Waturi people who rode the ocean waves on friendly sea turtles and whales, guests can enjoy these two twisting, turning, multi-person slides. Honu sweeps up two massive walls, while ika Moana sprays water on riders from the center of the raft.

Runamukka Reef

The little ones can frolic among the splashy slides and fountains of the Tot Tiki Reef toddler play area, while Runamukka Reef delights older children with its bubbling geysers, water guns, slides and dump cups.

Kopiko Wai Winding River

Take a slow ride on the Kopiko Wai Winding River. Sprays of water surprise along the way, and beneath the lava rocks, Stargazer’s Cavern reveals the magical night sky above.

Rainforest Village

Rainforest Village stretches along the shores of an action-packed river and features the perfect mix of relaxation and exhilaration.

Ohyah & Ohno Drop Slides

Test your mettle and get into the Waturi spirit. Ascend cliff side and plummet down the twisting waters of Ohyah before dropping out four feet above the pool below. To achieve even greater bragging rights, brave the rope bridge and plunge down Ohno, a serpentine adventure that ends six feet above the pool below. Be sure to yell your battle cry on the way down.

Maku Puihi Round Raft Rides

Ready for the high adventure of the Maku Puihi lava tubes? This six-person rafting adventure is a favorite of Waturi families, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Choose one of two paths or try them both—just be ready for a thrilling ride. Puihi careens through a dark, winding tunnel before the stomach-flipping thrill of zero gravity hang time. Maku slides you through a deep volcanic gorge before spinning wildly around bowl-like formations.

TeAwa The Fearless River

Up for an adventure? Take a thrilling whitewater ride along TeAwa The Fearless River. Race along a roaring, watery onslaught of churning rapids and choppy waves hanging tight to your inner tube.

Taniwha Tubes

There’s a place where the puka trees grow abnormally tall. Inspired by their twisting roots, the Waturi built four twisting water slides called the Taniwha Tubes. Riders can try all four twisting tracks, but beware — mischievous tiki statues spray jets of water when you least expect it.

And what about the TapuTapu you ask? Well, here it is and how it works:

TapuTapu™ Makes Fun As Easy As A Wave Of Your Wrist

At Volcano Bay™, every guest is granted the powers of TapuTapu™. With just a wave of your wrist you’ll be able to hold your place in the ride lines and discover wondrous surprises.

Last but not least Midway Mayhem has filmed some tests runs on some of the water slides and here is the video below.

Videos: copyright Universal Orlando, Midway Mayhem

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Best Deal of the Month: The Twilight Zone Complete Original TV Series 24 Blu-Ray Discs Box is TODAY at $71.99 on Amazon!

DEFINITELY THE BEST DEAL OF THE MONTH: The Twilight Zone complete original TV series Blu-Ray box is TODAY at $71.99 on Amazon ( instead of $127 ). The box includes 24 Blu-Ray discs of the full four Twilight Zone seasons episodes ( the original series aired between 1960 and 1964 + bonus, which makes each Blu-Ray disk at less than $3! And if you live in the U.S and have an Amazon Prime account there is even a $70 instant discount if you choose to subscribe to an Amazon VISA card ( which don't have any annual fee ), making the whole thing for $1.99 !!!

I've added the product to the Disney and more Grand Emporium a-store HERE and if you place your order through it you even help D&M ( the order is done and process directly through Amazon like a normal order ). Don't miss this Twilight Zone Complete Series Blu-Ray box at the best price ever and make sure to check that the price is still at $71.99 as it can change from a day to another!
Note: the Blu-Ray Discs are in ENGLISH language with english subtitles only.

To place your order jump HERE.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

FULL Show Video of Rivers of Light at Disney's Animal Kingdom!

We have the first FULL show video of the long awaited Rivers of Light night show at Disney's Animal Kingdom, thanks to the footage below filmed last night during a private event for the Disney Social Media Moms. Apparently several minutes have been cut since the cast member previews some months ago. Note that the show itself don't start on the video before 7.30 min.

Picture: copyright Disney

Star Wars Land and Avatar Land Opening Dates Announced !

During the WDC earning calls this afternoon was announced the opening dates for Star Wars Land and Avatar Land! For Star Wars land both lands at Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios will open in 2019 - two more years to go, folks!

As for Pandora: the World of Avatar at Disney's Animal Kingdom the opening date will be May 27th of this year, in just three and a half months from now! Now, let's see if the final result will be like the beautiful rendering below!

Pictures: copyright Disney

A Tribute to Rod Serling, The Genius Creator of The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling, as you know, was the creator of the Twilight Zone TV series which were aired between 1959 and 1962 and he was a genius, so let's pay a tribute to the man who is considered by many as the creator of the best TV series ever done, which decades later lead to the creation of the Tower of Terror.

Interviews of Rod Serling are rare but i found two for you, one in B&W from the Mike Wallace show in 1959...

...and this other one in color filmed in 1970.

One of the most famous episodes of the Twilight Zone was titled "To Serve Man". Most of you have probably seen it but if you didn't you must see it now!

But before The Twilight Zone series were aired, Rod Serling did for Desilu - the company of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball - some medium length movies like this one titled "The Time Element" telling the story of a man going to see a psychiatrist because he do each night the same dream. Totally "Twilight Zone" in his spirit and script with a "twist" at the end, The Time Element is considered by many as a Twilight Zone Episode 00 or "pilot" and there is no doubt that it was probably used to convince CBS for the upcoming Twilight Zone series. You have the full episode below, and i'm sure you will enjoy it if you've never seen it!

Videos: copyright CBS, Desilu

Sunday, February 5, 2017

New "Super Bowl" Trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

A new trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales has been released for the Super Bowl! The movie hits theaters May 26, 2017 in 3D, RealD 3D and IMAX 3D!

Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar (Bardem), escape from the Devil’s Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea…including him. Captain Jack’s only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Super Bowl Trailer !

A new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was also released during the Super Bowl and here it is!

"Set to the backdrop of ‘Awesome Mixtape #2,’ Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team’s adventures as they traverse the outer reaches of the cosmos. The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mysteries of Peter Quill’s true parentage. Old foes become new allies and fan-favorite characters from the classic comics will come to our heroes’ aid as the Marvel cinematic universe continues to expand."

Picture and video: copyright Disney