Thursday, September 26, 2013

" Frozen " Second Trailer !

The second trailer for "Frozen" is now available, and here it is!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Disneyland Paris , From Sketch to Reality Book NOW AVAILABLE in ENGLISH NORMAL EDITION at the Best Price Ever - 55€ Only !

I have a great news for those of you who still don't own the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book and couldn't afford the collector's edition price of 120 euros as we are reprinting the book in its ENGLISH regular edition, and anyone who will place his order before October 31st will enjoy a special price of 55 euros only - $74 - ( plus 15€ of shipping wherever you live on the planet ) ! 

Note: For those of you who have never seen a copy of the book you'll find below a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book.

Orders can be placed by Paypal, using the Paypal Buy it now button below or by sending your Paypal payment at:
If you don't have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card or by bank transfer, please send me an email at: and i will let you know how to do.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

Now, what are the differences between the regular edition and the collector's edition? 

The english regular edition is identical to the collector's one and both have 320 pages and 750 pictures including 250 WDI artworks. What you don't have in the new regular edition is the gold printing on the jacket and cover text, a glossy paper, the four prints of Walt Disney Studios artwork and copies don't have a "number".

BUT What you will have in the new english "normal" edition is the same number of pages with exactly the same pictures and text, a printing on a beautiful "silk art matte" paper, AND, because we reprint we did an update in the Discoveryland chapter with new pages on the Buzz Lightyear ride and Space Mountain Mission 2. And also in the Adventureland chapter a gorgeous WDI artwork for the Indiana Jones Temple du Peril ride is now on a full double page. See below a full description of the book as well as a video.

We expect to ship all orders for this english updated normal edition at the end of November when we will receive the bounded copies from the printer, and of course we will let know everyone when the books will be shipped. 

Here is how to do to order the book:

So, how to pre-order a copy of this updated regular edition? First, send an email at: ( with as subject: "dlp book order" ) to let me know that you want to pre-order a copy, how many copies you want and your shipping address. Please also note that a pre-order needs to be paid to be consider as an order.

Until October 31st one copy of the english normal edition is at the special pre-order price of 55 euros, plus 15 euros only for shipping wherever you live on the planet. After October 31 the English Normal Edition will be at the price of 75 Euros. So, order your copy now to enjoy the 55€ price!

Also note that we still have a few copies of the english collector's edition available for immediate shipping and the french collector's edition is always available so you can still order these if you wish - see the choice and prices in the Paypal button menu.

How to proceed for your payment: We prefer a Paypal payment. Paypal is a very safe way to pay without giving your credit card number. For a payment with Paypal the total amount must be sent through Paypal at the email adress:

NEW! You can now order the book directly from this page and proceed to the payment with Paypal by clicking on the "Buy it Now" Paypal button below! Don't forget to let us know your shipping address and to confirm your order and payment by sending us an email at:

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

If you don't have a Paypal account: You can now pay with your credit card with Paypal EVEN if you don't have a Paypal account, or you can also pay with a bank wire transfer ( no foreign checks, sorry ). If you want to pay by credit card or do a wire transfer please let us know in your email and we will send you what you need to do it.

Below you'll find a description of the book as well as visuals of the inside pages ( click on the mosaic pictures to see them in larger scale ).

Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video.

Alain Littaye

Description of the book:

The book is a gorgeous "coffee table book" with 320 pages and 750 pictures - of which 500 are park and attractions photos and 250 are Walt Disney Imagineering renderings!

The size is 9 x 12 inches, all pages are in color and it's hardbound with a glossy dust jacket. The text (by Disney historian Didier Ghez), was written after more than 75 interviews he conducted with all the Imagineers who created the park. He goes into just about everything you wanted to know about this unique place that many describe as the best "Magic Kingdom" ever created by WDI.

It took five years to create the book, but it was worth all the time we spent on it, and the book looks just as good as we had hoped for at the beginning - in fact Imagineer Bruce Gordon told us that it was "probably the best book ever done on a Disney theme park". Coming from Bruce who did with David Mumford the great "Disneyland, The Nickel Tour" book, it was more than a compliment.

The first chapter about Main Street has 52 pages and introduces the reader to the "legend" of Main Street, USA. You'll learn all about the Disneyland Paris Railroad, the unique "Discovery" and "Liberty" Arcades; find out about the architecture, the restaurants (like "Walt's," a tribute to Walt Disney, but also inspired by Club 33 in Anaheim) and the shops; with dozens of photos, renderings, models, and reproduced for the first time here, all the "cities of the future" posters located in "Discovery Arcade."

The second chapter on Frontierland discusses the park's western side with extensive sections about its major attractions, "Big Thunder Mountain" and "Phantom Manor." In fact the book has the longest sections ever put together in a book on all the major attractions. The Pirates of Caribbean section in the Adventureland chapter is 26 pages, Phantom Manor has 16 pages devoted to it, as does Space Mountain, it's a small world, etc. The photo material was so great that we kept adding more pages to the book, which was supposed to have only 240 pages when we started... we ended up with 320 upon completion!

The Frontierland chapter also covers the Mark Twain, the River Rogue Keelboats, Fort Comstock, all the restaurants, the shops and Cottonwood Creek Ranch.and featuring stunning photos of Disneyland Paris from the air by Yann Arthus Bertrand, author of The Earth from Above that make spectacular "double-pages," and allow the reader to discover the park from a whole different angle.

The Adventureland chapter is even more interesting, as many elements of the land exist only in Paris - such as the Bazaar and Aladdin to Africa and the ex-"Explorer's Club." Plus there's a long section about "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril," "Adventure Isle" and "The Swiss Robinson Treehouse" and, of course, "Pirates of Caribbean" the land's major attraction and featuring its amazing Audio-Animatronics! All in all there are 56 full pages about Adventureland, and as in the previous chapters, there are dozens of photos, lots of concept art, and many shots of Imagineers at work. There's even a great bonus here, with the Marc Davis artwork for "Pirates" also included.

56 full pages are also dedicated to Fantasyland. There's an extensive look at Sleeping Beauty Castle, sections on all the dark rides (Snow White, Peter Pan and Pinocchio), as well as a look at "Alice's Curious Labyrinth," the "Mad Hatter's Tea Cups," "Storybookland," and "Casey Jr." There are even 14 pages about "it's a small world" with stunning photos of nearly all the scenes in it. Here the reader can discover a new attraction that exists only at Disneyland Paris, with a great view from above of Alice's Labyrinth.

Discoveryland also gets 52 pages of special treatment, with sections on the Visionarium, the Nautilus, Star Tours, Space Mountain, and everything you wanted to know about the other attractions in this land – Autopia and Orbitron. In fact the Nautilus chapter takes you on a visit with photos of every room of this detailed walk-through and two double page photo spreads, one which makes you feel you're inside Captain Nemo's grand salon, and the other showing you a unique view of Discoveyland featuring the Nautilus and Space Mountain in a kind of "CinemaScope" view.

When the book was released in early 2002, the Walt Disney Studios didn't exist, so you won't see them in the book. But there's still one last chapter about the hotels of the park, and Disney Village too, with the great Buffalo Bill Wild West show that entertains hundreds each evening.

And because every day in a Magic Kingdom should end with a parade and fireworks, we have the Main Street Electrical Parade that close the book, with also an Herb Ryman gorgeous painting in the very last pages!

Order the book directly from this page and proceed to the payment with Paypal by clicking on the "Buy it Now" Paypal button below! Don't forget to let us know your shipping address and to confirm your order and payment by sending us an email at:

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping
Pictures: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Alain Littaye 2012

Bob Iger talks on CNBC about the future of Disney, HKDL, SDL, and more

Two good news for Hong Kong Disneyland: the first one is that it seems the park didn't suffer too much of typhoon Usagi. Sure, some trees fell down, but the typhoon did not affect Hong Kong as much as they fear probably because it made landfall not directly on Hong Kong but a little bit higher, meaning that the winds were probably less strong when it arrived over Hong Kong.

The second good news came from Bob Iger as during his interview last night on CNBC with Jim Cramer he declared, basically, that Disney will continue to invest in HKDL - something we would be happy to hear him saying about Disneyland Paris!

Here is the transcript of the part of the interview when he talks about HKDL and SDL and you have the full interview embedded below: "Hong Kong Disneyland is doing extremely well. That's an opportunity not only in terms of growing the company long term but i think there are great opportunities to invest even further in that marketplace. You're right,TDL, i'm going there in a couple of weeks, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, incredible. Very strong returns for a company. We're building a theme park in Shanghai, Pudong, i can't think of an opportunity for a company i'm more excited about because the opportunity to take that great theme park experience and Disney in its most immersive form to the most populous country in the world i think is extraordinary for the company, not just when it opens but for a long time to come because there is great opportunity to expand after we open..."

Picture and video: copyright CNBC

Universal Studios Singapore Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase - New video Including On Vehicle Screen with Elmo !

When Universal Studios Singapore Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase opened seven months ago i've posted a full ride POV video but Luke, from luke and the Temple of Fun is back with a brand new video of the ride and this one include for the first time the screen on the vehicle in which Elmo character interacts with many ride elements. 

This on vehicle screen is important for a fully understanding the story, and this is why i post this new video of Universal Singapore family ride. Have a look, it's a 1080p HD video and the best i've seen so far!

pPicture: copyright universal Singapore

Video: copyright luke and the Temple of Fun

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unseen Shanghaî Disneyland Castle Artwork Posted on Twitter

These two artworks showing Shanghaî Disneyland Enchanted Storybook Castle appeared on Twitter three days ago and posted then on NewsPlusNotes. The first one shows a "south west axonometric" view while the one below shows a "south elevation" and the two were shots obviously in an office were they were displayed on the wall, that's why the castle looks a bit distorted.

On the rendering above what is specially interesting is the moat with water in the front. I guess it will be used for a fountain show but if you look well it seems that there is also two archways, one on the left and one on the right and I wonder if it could be that the boats from the Fantasyland ride which is supposed to end under the castle could show up riding outside in the front of the castle and then back inside the show building. I'm not totally sure but if yes it could give to the area a kinetic element. Or may be some parade floats will move on the moat?

Artwork: copyright Disney - Shendi

WDW Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Update

Disney Parks released new pictures of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and the first train is now on tracks at WDW Magic Kingdom New Fantasyland! The first picture below shows a WDI rendering...

...and the picture below show you - on a quite similar curve than on the rendering - the first train which today "ran under its own gravity and completed its first drop out of the station".

Earlier today "Imagineers and design and engineering" marked a milestone in the construction of the awaited ride.

I remind you that the queue decor will be highly themed with guests going through tunnels of the mine full of diamonds as you can see on the two renderings below, done by artist Chris Turner.

One lat thing: the artwork at the top looks a lot like the one officially released but it's not the same one, this one was done by Chris Smith, also for WDI, and it looks great.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Monday, September 23, 2013

Shanghaî Disneyland Update

Here is a small Shanghaî Disneyland update to start the week. Not a lot of things happened since the last update and there is nothing really to see on site. You'll still have to wait at least one year before interesting things appear but SDL released these last weeks some news that i've missed so here they are.

As the 2013 Shanghai Tourism Festival opens, construction work continues on track at the Shanghai Disney Resort build site in Pudong. The concrete pour for the resort's two themed hotels has just commenced, marking another key milestone in the development of the resort. Disney hotels are known around the world for their attention to detail and outstanding Guest services. This tradition will continue at Shanghai Disney Resort with two themed hotels - a deluxe hotel and a value hotel. Each hotel will have its own distinct theme, a unique selection of shopping and dining opportunities, and a variety of recreation options. The two hotels, providing a total of 1,220 rooms, will be located in within Shanghai Disney Resort, in close proximity to Shanghai Disneyland and to the resort's shopping, dining and entertainment area.

The Shanghai Disney Resort Management Company also announced an agreement to adopt a leading new environmental technology to supply the resort with heating, cooling and compressed air, thereby increasing the overall energy efficiency of the resort by three times and ensuring the resort’s efficient and environmentally- friendly operations. The utilities will be co-generated by a Combined Cooling and Heating Plant, to be built and operated on the resort site by the Shanghai International Tourism and Resort Zone New Energy Company Limited, a joint venture company owned by Huadian New Energy Development Company, Ltd, Shanghai Shendi (Group) Co,. Ltd, and Shanghai Yiliu Energy Group Co., Ltd.

As a key infrastructure project for Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, the Combined Cooling, Heating, Power Plant (CCHP) is a grid-tied, gas-fired power plant which co- generates cooling and heating via engine waste heat, and produces compressed air by self- generated electricity. The CCHP project will supply hot water and chilled water for space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, and all compressed air needs for the Shanghai Disney Resort’s daily operation in the most energy efficient and environment-friendly way. The project is designed, constructed and operated by Shanghai International Tourism and Resort Zone New Energy Company Limited, and will become operational in time to support the resort’s opening, scheduled for the end of 2015.

“Shanghai Disney Resort has been devoted to seeking new technology and business solutions which reduce our impact on environment, save resources, and promote sustainable technology, and to support all kinds of cooperation with our local partners,” said Mike Crawford, General Manager, Shanghai Disney Resort. “The CCHP project is an excellent example of partnership, localization and Disney’s long-term commitment to environment protection. We are excited to be creating a world-class destination here in Shanghai to showcase environment friendly and leading Chinese and international technologies.” 

Pictures: copyright Shendi
