Friday, March 21, 2008

Is an Indiana Jones street stunt show coming at Disneyland's Adventureland ?

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skul will be release on May 22, and the big question is: - apart "how good will be the movie?" - Will there be any changes in the Indiana Jones adventure attraction, and eventually, something new on the Indy theme in Adventureland?

For Indiana Jones adventure, it seems that we can count on improvement on the Indy Audio-animatronic, with new face that will be, this time, exactly Harisson Ford's face and also Harisson's real voice. A new AA of his son played by Shia LaBeouf? Not sure, let's say 50-50% chances...we'll see!

But something else looks more sure: the coming of a new Indiana Jones street stunt show starring at least three characters - Indiana Jones and another archeologist and one "villain".
Why? because, according the to Disneyland Casting website, a new show seems to be in the works with what is called: "Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries".

Here is what they're looking for:

Seeking Male and Female Actors for Indiana Jones’ latest live-action adventure which immerses Guests in a series of experiences that include solving mysteries, battling evil villains and uncovering ancient artifacts. For all roles stage combat experience is a plus but not necessary.

Role Descriptions:

Indiana Jones: Male, 40’s; a rugged adventurer, great physical shape; can play drama, toss off comic lines and throw a punch – all with equal ability; must interact well with children

Archaeologist: Female, late 20’s–early 40’s; English accent; starts out kind and helpful but eventually reveals a villainous side; will interact with children and lead them through a series of activities.

The Bad Guy: Male; imposing stature; physical agility and stamina a must; pursues Indiana Jones through the crowded streets of Adventureland, ending in a series of balcony and rooftop confrontations.

The auditions will start April 1st, and if you think you're the right person for any of those three characters, it's time for you to get in touch with them.

The last question is: where the show will be play? Obviously, in Adventureland, but, knowing how crowded are the streets of Adventureland during the summer season, let's hope that the fights will take place on the rooftops!

One more thing for those of you who like great pictures for their computer screen: the image at the top is a wallpaper image in high-res.

Wallpaper picture: copyright Indiana - LucasFilm Ltd


Unknown said...

The upper level above Jungle Cruise (that used to regularly host the steel drum band) comes to mind...but it would surely clog the streets. I almost expect they would use the Tom Sawyer Island "stunt area" since it can be seen "from" New Orleans Square.

Anonymous said...

boohoo. I thought you were talking about Disneyland Paris :-(
