Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tokyo Disney Sea Attractions Posters - Part One

Today's article will be all about Tokyo Disney Sea's attraction posters thanks to TDS pictures that my friend Daniel bring back from Japan. The attraction posters are always difficult to shoot as most of them are displayed behind a window glass and it's sometime difficult to avoid reflection but as usual i did my best to enhance the pictures and, most of all, all of them are in high-res!

Let's begin with Mysterious Island. Above is the 20000 Leagues attraction poster and below the one for Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Next one is the one for the Molly Brown, one of the boats from TDS Cape Cod.

The attraction poster below is the one for the Sindbad attraction in Arabian Coast.

Always at Arabian Coast, here is the poster for the Magic Lamp attraction.

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In Lost River Delta, the attraction poster of Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull.

In Port Discovery, the attraction poster for the Storm Rider attraction (sorry for the big reflection).

Inside the S.S Columbia TDS guests can now experience a "Turtle Talk with Crush" at the "Undersea Observatory".

There is more, as in the next part which is now online HERE you'll find great visuals from Tokyo Disney Sea's Tower of Terror!

All pictures by Daniel Rous. Attraction Posters: copyright Disney Enterprises - Oriental Land Co.


Anonymous said...

TDS est définitivement le meilleur parc Disney ! Le soucis du détail, les lands et attractions inédits en font vraiment un parc sublime !
Même l'attraction Indiana Jones a été largement améliorée par rapport à la version Californienne... Un must !

Carsten said...

Hi Alain.

I hope you'll one day write a book about Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea.

I own your book on Disneyland Paris and it's one of the best theme parks book ever written.

Greetings from Denmark

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to post something like this on my website and this gave me an idea. Cheers.

Marco Antonio Garcia said...

I love Tokyo Disney Sea!

Unfortunately it is really far away for me, and I only had the opportunity to go there once.

If you ever write a book about the Tokyo Resort Alain, I'll definitely be among the first buyers.

Cory Gross said...

Great photos! I tried to get shots of the Mysterious Island attractions - my favorite rides of any Disney park anywhere - but got too much glare off the glass. Thanks for posting them!
