Friday, March 9, 2012

Disneyland Paris From sketch to Reality Book Printing Special Report !

After one long week of printing i'm pleased to announce you that the Disneyland Paris book "From sketch to Reality" is now finished, each page and cover, etc... has been printed! Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered the book this legendary book is coming back and as promised i have pictures of the printing to show you. I am extremely happy with the printing quality and to tell you the truth this new printing of the collector's edition is even better than the first printing ten years ago. Actually, the pictures are even more sharp!

What you'll see below is pictures of the printed sheets just after they went out of the printing machine. 320 pages takes quite a long time to print and now, the binding process will begin, the pages will be folded, cut, etc... Please also note that because these pictures were shot at the printer on some of them - because of the ceiling lights - there is some reflections, so these pics are posted to confirm you that the printing is now done and you won't be able to judge through these pictures of the quality of the printing which, again, is very good. Once the binding will be done they still have to put manually on each book their number, include the five lithographs of thee Walt Disney Studios artworks, pack everything and ship the books that, as it is scheduled are supposed to arrive at our facility at the end of April.

Something important now: The book is always available in its english or french edition but, as i've said before, the pre-order special price will soon be over and the book price will not be anymore at 100 euros but at its final price of 120 euros, plus shipping. This final price will start March19 which mean that you have one more week to place a pre-order and have a 20% discount. The price was supposed to change on February 15th but i've decided to keep it one more month. But on March 19 the final price will start so i you haven't done it yet please place you pre-order now! As usual you can pay with Paypal and Paypal payment must be sent at:
You can also pay with bank wire transfer or, if you live in France with bank check. Please email me at if you wish to pay in another way than with Paypal. And don't forget to let me know your shipping address!

Here we go with the pictures. Below, a pic of the front and back "end pages".

Below a picture of the cover and the dust jacket. You have another pic of the dust jacket without reflection at the top.

And now, some pictures of the inside pages. You won't see all of them as there was a lot of printed sheets but you'll get the picture.

Some additional pictures showing you more of the printed pages. The white strip on the top of each stack is of course not part of the printing.

As usual you can't see more and read a full description of the DLP book in my presentation article HERE and also on the video below showing the whole book. Again, place your pre-order NOW and get the 20% discount which will end on March 19!

Pictures: Copyright Disney - Neverland Editions

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Lone Ranger First Picture !

Disney released the very first picture from The Lone Ranger movie, and it's the one you can see above with johnny Depp playing Tonto. As it is said in Disney press release “The Lone Ranger is a thrilling adventure infused with action and humor, in which the famed masked hero is brought to life through new eyes. Native American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Armie Hammer), a man of the law, into a legend of justice — taking the audience on a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption".

Rumors say that the original script ha supernatural creatures from native american myths and i wish that this is true as they can do great things (and scenes) with this. Also, according to sources who have read recent drafts, three massive action set pieces involving trains remain, including one described as the biggest train sequence in film history. To be honest, first, i was not very interested by this Lone Ranger movie, but the more i know about it the more i have a good feeling. And of course, as usual, it's the character play by Johnny - and how he will play it - who is getting the most of my attention.

As Johnny said in an interview to entertainment weekly: “I remember watching it as a kid, with Jay Silverheels and Clayton Moore, and going: ‘Why is the f—ing Lone Ranger telling Tonto what to do?’” Depp told EW last year, recalling the 1949-1957 TV show, which was seen for many more decades in reruns. “I liked Tonto, even at that tender age, and knew Tonto was getting the unpleasant end of the stick here. That’s stuck with me.”When the idea came up to do a new movie, Depp saw a way to right what he considered a pop culture wrong. “I started thinking about Tonto and what could be done in my own small way to… ” he hesitated. “Eliminate’ isn’t possible — but reinvent the relationship, to attempt to take some of the ugliness thrown on the Native Americans, not only in The Lone Ranger, but the way Indians were treated throughout history of cinema, and turn it on its head.”

I, personally, wonder if one of the reasons that Johnny was interested in playing Tonto is his native americans origin? Although the Depp family in the United States began with a French Huguenot immigrant, Pierre Deppe or Dieppe who settled in Virginia around 1700 part of a refugee colony situated above the falls on the James River Johnny has also surmised that he is part Native American, saying in 2011, "I guess I have some Native American [in me] somewhere down the line. My great-grandmother was quite a bit of Native American, she grew up Cherokee or maybe Creek Indian. Makes sense in terms of coming from Kentucky, which is rife with Cherokee and Creek." Interesting, isn't it? The movie is scheduled to be released on May 31, 2013, and no doubt that new pictures will be released until then.

Picture: copyright Disney

New Imagineering Videos about Disney California Adventure expansion and WDW Fantasyland "Be Our Guest" Restaurant

Disney Parks just released two new Imagineering videos, and they will show you more about DCA expansion as well as the "Be Our Guest" restaurant inside the new Fantasyland at WDW. Let's begin by DCA which had the visit of Bob Iger and Tom Staggs who've tested all the new rides at Cars Land. Bob Iger also confirmed that the opening day of Cars Land, Buena Vista Street and Carthay Circle Theatre will be June 15th - as revealed by Al Lutz some weeks ago - and that DCA will be entirely closed on June 14th for the media preview and to make the final preparations for the grand opening.

Let's take a look back at all the additions to Disney California Adventure with this first Imagineering video.

Next video is all about the "Be Our Guest" restaurant which will be located under Beast Castle at WDW New Fantasyland. "WDI Senior Concept Designer Ted Robledo presents the finishing touches on one of the restaurant major elements, i.e a massive mural that will serve as the restaurant’s backdrop. In the video Ted shows how WDI combined digital technology with traditional artistry to create a sweeping landscape that gives guests the feeling that they really are walking into a part of the film."

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Legendary Song Writer Robert B Sherman Dies at 86

A true Disney legend, Robert Sherman, died yesterday at 86. With his brother Richard they wrote almost all the memorable songs that we've loved in Disney movies as well as in Disney theme parks. In the first video below you'll see Robert and Richard with Walt Disney introducing the Carousel of Progess song "It's a big, great, beautiful tomorrow".

In this next video - edited by Thatfellowcoat - takes a look at Richard and Robert Sherman's most famous collaborations with Disney and their other musical accomplishments.

In 2010 the Sherman Brothers received a dedicated window on Main Street. Robert Sherman didn't attend the dedication ceremony as he had to stay in London but i repost below the article that i did at that time.

Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman, composers of so many memorable songs in Disney theme parks and motion pictures have now their own window on Main Street, U.S.A. at Disneyland. As we know the tradition of honoring individuals with a personalized decorative window was started on Main Street, U.S.A. by Walt Disney and has continued at Disney parks worldwide. A Disneyland window is considered the ultimate honor anyone can receive from “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

Considering that the Shermans’ composed more than 150 Disney songs including such familiar Disneyland compositions like “The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room”, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” and “It’s a Small World” - one of the most translated and performed songs on Earth - the least we can say is that they fully deserved their Main Street window! Among the Sherman brothers’ honors are three Grammy Awards, 24 gold and platinum albums and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They have also been named Disney Legends in 1990.

The Main Street window ceremony was held mid-morning last thursday and Disneyland Resort President George Kalogridis, Thomas Schumacher, Marty Sklar and Tom Staggs, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts did each a great tribute to the Sherman Brothers. Robert Sherman who now resides in England was unable to attend the ceremony in person but his brother Richard was there with his family.

The ceremony was not only moving but also funny as you will see in this great video filmed by the always excellent Inside the Magic. I remind you that Inside the Magic have each week great videos and podcasts and suggest you to have a look on their site regularly HERE.

The video show the whole ceremony and i recommand you to watch it entirely to don't miss the fun parts. Enjoy!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Inside the Magic

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blue Sky Cellar WDI Road to Cars Land Video !

The Blue Sky Cellar at Disney's California Adventure reopened last week with a brand new "Road to Cars Land" exhibit, showing plenty of new artwork, models, etc...AND a 12 minutes movie in which WDI Imagineers tell you more about Cars Land creation! For those of you who, just like me, don't live in South Cal, here is the full movie shown in the exhibit!

I remind you that you can find the three Cars Land attraction posters in my previous article HERE

Taking about Imagineering, the DLP book is being reprint this week! I remind you that the pre-order period for the DLP book is ending soon and that you still can order a collector copy with a 20% discount on the book final price. So, go ahead and place your pre-order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get this special offer on this wonderful book!! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE. Paypal or bank wire transfer payments are welcome.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

John Carter Ten Minutes Clip !

John Carter is released in just a few days and two friends of mine who saw the movie in a press screening in Paris just loved it! I will see it later this week and post my review. Disney marketing has been surprisingly bad in the promotion of the film but i've been told that the movie is so good that it should be a success anyway. In a last - desperate? - attempt to introduce the story and the John Carter character Disney just released a ten minutes clip which are basically the ten first minutes of the movie, i.e the "western" part of the film, before he "goes" on Mars... I remind you that John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet.

An extended version of the fight with the white ape - on Mars, this time - was also released recently and here it is below.

Picture and videos: copyright Disney

Pixar Brave Japanese Trailer !

This new Japanese trailer of "Brave" embedded below will show you a lot of new footage from Pixar new animated film, don't miss it!

Picture and video: copyright Disney - Pixar

HKDL Imagineering Video

Here is a HKDL WDI video showing the Imagineers talking about HKDL expansion plan,. Done before Toy Story Land opening it was supposed to introduce HKDL expansion plans to asian countries before TSL open, but for unknown reasons the video was never released until today. Have a look!

Video: copyright Disney

Don't miss the new HKDL Wallpapers HD App for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
Direct iTunes link HERE!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Editor's Note : The new Apple iPad 3 will be announced next wednesday at Yerba Buena Center but if you're an Apple fan who can't wait wednesday's keynote, jump on my Innoventions Blog to check this video which will tell you more about the new features...