Thursday, February 14, 2008


Indy is back! The highly awaited trailer of Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull is now "officially" released and you can see it below, on Disney and more!

And now, here is a detailed analysis on the trailer and what we can learn from it about the story line. All the pictures below are screen capture of the high-definition trailer, so, don't hesitate to double-click on them to watch them in big size and explore each details. Also, please don't forget that what you will read below are only my personal deductions, and that i may be wrong ...

WARNING: From this point it's absolutely full of spoilers!

First, one thing is sure: it looks great, Indy is back for real, including his hat!

Two, he is in trouble! And, because the action is in late 50's - during the cold war - it's with russian agents.

And he's not alone in trouble. The interesting element on this picture below are the wooden boxes on the left. It should reminds you something...

That's right, the scene is in the huge warehouse where the ark of the covenant was secretly stored at the end of Raiders of the lost ark...and i think we can deduct that the russians are after it. It's Cate Blanchett who plays Agent Irina Spalko.

In one of the best stunt idea i've seen since a long time, Indy try to stop her...

...miss her...

... and land inside the truck just behind!

The chase is going on...

But the interesting shot is this one, as we can see an open box on the left: did the russians already stole the ark of the covenant?

Of course, it's not that easy for the bad guys...

Another extremely interesting shot of the trailer is this one, showing the words "Roswell". This seems to confirm rumors talking about a link between the "crystall skull" and aliens...

Also confirmed by this other shot showing a base in the desert - the famous area 51?

And what about this other shot - not from the trailer - showing Indy and a skeleton behind him which looks really not-from-this-world...

However, it seems that another fight happen in this place...

Action move to another country...

And, yes, the famous shot of the plane and the map are back!

We are now in South America, as the map above let us know, as well as the falls below...

Where a dangerous chase happens again between Indy and Agent Irina Spalko...

Although Indy is not really without lethal weapons...

Indy's son - played by Shia LaBeouf seems to feel some danger...

Is it these hostiles indians?

Or is it the usual temple's booby traps...

They will get in the temple, if these columns don't crash them...

Now, if they want to find the truth, they have to go down the stairs...

Or to escape to these very angry indians...

And there is a lot of indians!

The last shot of the trailer - but of course not the last one of the movie - show Indy and his son.

Trailer and all screen capture pictures: copyright Lucas Film Ltd and Paramount pictures


Anonymous said...
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Court said...

The screen caps are nice but almost all of your "plot" points are speculation at best based on rumors gathered from other sites. The fact is, we don't know that aliens are involved for sure or even that the warehouse is the same one that contains the ark. There's nothing in the trailer that confirms either of those points. There's a lot they could do with the Roswell connection that doesn't have Indy discovering an alien lifeform.

Alain Littaye said...

As i've said in the text ( if you've read it ) , i may be wrong. But i'm ready to bet, and right now, that i'm right. You want to bet?

Wouter said...

I'm so looking forward to this movie!

Maybe it will spark something and Imagineering will go nuts by giving Paris a Indie themed Splash Mountain or something... ;-)

Wavecritter said...

May 22nd will be a banner Day! To quote Indy...It is one of my pastimes :) "Dam, I thought that was closer" Brilliance with extra sparkle and shine....Indy rocks! Stephanie Haile Google Me :)
