Saturday, March 4, 2017

A Tron Reboot May Happen Finally, and Disney is in Talks with Jared Leto to Star in the Movie

Guess what? A Tron Reboot may happen finally, and Disney is in Talks with Jared Leto to Star in the movie. The news is coming from The Hollywood Reporter, so it's a reliable one:

"After canceling a third installment in the sci-fi franchise in 2015, Disney is exploring the idea of a movie that would act as a Leto vehicle.

Disney is planning to get back on the grid. The studio is in the very early stages of development for a new Tron movie, with Oscar-winning actor Jared Leto circling to star, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

No writer has been hired at this exploratory stage, and no filmmaker is involved. Justin Springer, who co-produced Tron: Legacy and executive produced the Tom Cruise sci-fi movie Oblivion, will produce. Leto and his producing partner, Emma Ludbrook, would also be involved in some producing capacity if the project moves forward.

Tron was a 1982 Disney movie set in the fantastic world inside a computer program, a cyberspace called the Grid. Starring Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, the film wasn’t a hit at the time but was influential with its envelope-pushing special effects. It drew a cult following in the years after its release, due to its imaginative story.

In 2010, Disney revisited the world with Tron: Legacy, which starred Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde and brought back Bridges. Joseph Kosinski directed. The expensive movie made $400 million worldwide — good enough to warrant interest in a sequel.

But it’s been a series of shutdowns and restarts for a sequel, and just as it seemed it was heading toward preproduction, the studio pulled the plug for good in 2015.

But computer programs never die, it seems, they just get upgrades. Sources say this new project is not a direct sequel and is being built out of the source code of the deleted Tron 3 script. Leto would play a character named Ares, who has not appeared onscreen before, but was a key player in that script.

At this stage, it's too early to tell if Kosinski or actors from Tron: Legacy will return."

I remind you that last week TRON Legacy director Joseph Kozinski revealed details about the plot for the cancelled TRON : Ascension and may be the reboot would take elements from the script for Tron 3, but it will not be a continuation of what has come before in the franchise. Here is what Joseph Kozinski said about Tron 3 storyline:

"The movie was called, Tron: Ascension, I think that's out there. I think we got the script to about 80%. We were in good shape. We were probably eight or nine months out, which is still a good amount of distance from being ready to shoot it, but I think the script was in good shape. What I'm excited about is the concept, which is an invasion movie from inside the machine coming out as opposed to one we've usually seen. So we hinted at that at the end of Legacy with Quorra coming out, but the idea for Ascension was a movie that was, the first act was in the real world, the second act was in the world of Tron, or multiple worlds of Tron, and the third act was totally in the real world. And I think that really opens up, blows open the concept of Tron in a way that would be thrilling to see on screen. But there's also a really interesting character study in Quorra and a "Stranger in a Strange Land," trying to figure out where she belongs having lived in the real world for a few years, and where does she fit in.”

Picture: copyright Disney

Learn How to Make a Ratatouille EXACTLY Like Remy Did it in Pixar's Ratatouille Movie

I've got something great for all of you who love Pixar's Ratatouille movie. If you remember it well, the climax scene is near the end of the movie when the food critic taste the ratatouille prepared by Remy, and absolutely love it because it reminds him his childhood. At DLP Walt Disney Studios, guests can order a ratatouille when they eat in the greatly themed restaurant located at the exit of the Ratatouille ride, but unfortunately the dish is not prepared like the one Remy does in the animated movie. To be fair, the restaurant did it apparently once, on Grand Opening day - or for the press event - and, since, when you order a ratatouille the waiters will bring you a regular French ratatouille which is not the same.

Actually, what Remy prepares for the food critic in the Ratatouille movie is not really a ratatouille but a dish called "Confit Byaldi" which is a sort of a modern spin on the famous ratatouille. Now, cook Andrew Rea did the video below in which you will learn how to cook and do a "ratatouille" EXACTLY as Remy did it in the Pixar movie! Andrew Rea method even looks easier than in the Pixar animated film, and the final result looks as good!

Have a look in the video below at how he prepares the dish like in Ratatouille, and then do it yourself at home!

Picture: copyright Disney - Pixar, Andrew Rea

Friday, March 3, 2017

Discover an Exclusive Preview of the Opening Sequence of Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary Castle Projection Show "Disney Illuminations"

Just a few weeks before the launch of Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary! Discover a first exclusive preview of the opening sequence of DLP 25th Anniversary castle projection show "Disney Illuminations" thanks to this test session realized on a model of Sleeping Beauty castle! Please note that you'll see on the video only the projection effects without all the others additional effects - fountains, fireworks. This opening sequence with Mickey sounds good to me!

Video: copyright Disney

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hong Kong Disneyland Expansion is Far to Be a Done Deal, and Here is Why

Remember when Disney announced the expansion and all the new attractions coming to Hong Kong Disneyland - including a new castle, a Frozen land a a big Marvel area in Tomorrowland  - last November, and how exciting you were? Well, not so fast as it's far to be done deal. All this would come at a cost of HK$10 Billion and because Disney owns only 47% of HKDL and the Hong Kong Government 57%, it means that Hong Kong tax payers will pay 57% of this HK$10 Billion amount and Hong Kong lawmakers are outraged about this, specially because the expansion comes after the park’s first descent into the red in five years and large-scale layoffs earlier this year. HKDL lost a total of HK$148 million last year, while the number of visitors dropped 9.3 per cent. Let's have a look at all this in more details with excerpts below of SCMP articles and renderings of the proposed expansion, which are in big size so they may take some time to appear on the page.

"Even before the world’s smallest Disneyland officially opened in Hong Kong on September 12, 2005, there were plans for the theme park to eventually expand. After 11 years of operation, a major new facelift has been announced. While the need for further development is beyond doubt, the question is how to go about it. With a price tag of HK$10.9 billion – more than half of which is to come from the public coffers – taxpayers have to be fully convinced that the investment will be worthwhile.

The figures provided by Disney and the government appear to be reassuring. The number of attractions will increase from 110 to 130 between 2018 and 2023. Visitor numbers are expected to grow from 6.8 million last year to 9.5 million by 2025. Up to 8,000 jobs will be created across the tourism industry following the upgrade. The total economic benefit could reach HK$41.6 billion over a 40-year period.

Only time will tell whether the numbers are correct. If history is any guide, officials tend to be overly optimistic. During the early years, the theme park was struggling to meet some its business targets. It fell into the red again earlier this year, and some staff had to be laid off. The future is further clouded by competition from its Shanghai counterpart, which has just announced an ambitious expansion plan of its own just months after its opening in June. Its impact and that of other theme parks in the region on Hong Kong Disneyland cannot be ignored.

As the major shareholder in the venture, the government has a role to play in the expansion. But the public is also entitled to ask whether there are alternative financial arrangements. In the previous expansion, the government contributed its part through converting an old loan into equity in Hong Kong Disneyland, effectively sparing taxpayers from committing new capital. This time, the government is to ask the Legislative Council to approve an injection of HK$5.8 billion.

The funding request will no doubt be carefully scrutinised by Legco. This is, after all, the constitutional duty of lawmakers. While officials can expect a tough sell, it should not become ammunition for filibustering in the legislature."

"Commerce Minister Greg So Kam-leung played down concerns about the difficulty in securing funding from a deeply divided legislature, insisting it was “the right time” to expand for the sake of long-term tourism development. So urged lawmakers to look at the “big ­picture” and approve the spending of public money. The capital injection by the government for the expansion and development plan will be capped at HK$5.8 billion,” he said. “[Disney] is confident that the works will be completed within budget.”

Disney will brief lawmakers on Monday in an attempt to lobby enough support for the funding. Holden Chow Ho-ding, vice-chairman of the pro-establishment DAB party expressed support for the expansion, ­expecting it to attract more ­tourists to the city, but the pan-democrats raised concerns.

“The attractiveness of the park is not as good as before, and it will face competition with Shanghai opening a new Disney Park. Its competitiveness is lower than Ocean Park,” lawmaker Wu Chi-wai said, doubting whether new attractions would improve the park’s operational situation. The Civic Party’s Alvin Yeung Ngok-kiu was concerned that ­Disneyland might feel the pressure to increase its admission fees in the future, resulting in fewer ­locals visiting the park."

As you see, lot of debates about HKDL expansion and considering the amount to be spent it's understandable. Some like Peter Kamerrer - full article HERE - are going as far as saying that "it’s time that the government admitted the venture is a failure, and put the precious land it occupies to better use" and ask to "scrap loss-making Hong Kong Disneyland and put public housing on the site instead":

"Not only has it turned a profit only three times in its 12 years, but falling attendance numbers also seem to indicate it’s not going back into the black any time soon. Logic says that, given the theme park takes up 126 hectares and Hong Kong’s severe housing shortage is due to a lack of useable land, the natural conclusion is that it should be knocked down to make way for public flats. 

This is an idea that has also been floated for the Hong Kong Golf Club at Fanling, which has an area of 170 hectares. Hong Kong could build housing for 120,000 people in such as space, using a calculation of 705 people per hectare. The Disneyland site could provide for a further 89,000. The combined figure of 209,000 is a good chunk of the one million people the government has projected will need somewhere to live in the coming three decades. Most pressing is reducing the average four-year-and-eight-month wait for applicants for public housing."Most pressing is reducing the average four-year-and-eight-month wait for applicants for public housing."

But the situation is now getting worse in Hong Kong as the "City wants a new deal with Disney because Hong Kong Disneyland sends billions of dollars back to US parent company while reporting losses - Hong Kong Lawmakers told that HKDL needs to pay between 5 and 10 per cent of its revenue to its US parent as royalties every year, meaning a possible HK$3.37 billion since 2009"

"The government – the biggest shareholder in Hong Kong Disneyland – has been urged to renegotiate what critics call an “unfair treaty” with Walt Disney after it was revealed for the first time that the theme park needs to pay between 5 and 10 per cent of its revenue to its American parent as royalties every year. This means the Lantau-based park could have paid between HK$1.68 and HK$3.37 billion to the California-based conglomerate since it started releasing financial figures in 2009, the Post has calculated – despite recording losses in eight of its 11 years.

The Hong Kong government, which holds 53 per cent of the park’s shares, was pressed by lawmakers last month to disclose details of its financial agreement with Walt Disney – especially the amount of royalties and management fees paid. The request was made as part of a government bid to obtain approval for a HK$5.8 billion funding application for a six-year expansion project at the park.

“The royalty rate charged by the Walt Disney Company on Disney resorts outside the United States is largely the same at 5 to 10 per cent of revenues,” according to a Legislative Council paper submitted by the government. Tourism Commissioner Cathy Chu Man-ling told members of Legco’s economic development panel on Monday that the terms the city got were not “inferior” to those for Disney resorts elsewhere.

According to a report by Reuters in 2015, about 10 per cent of annual revenue from Paris Disneyland’s operator is taken up by such fees, while the figure for Tokyo Disneyland was 7 per cent. Simon Lee Siu-po, assistant dean of undergraduate studies at Chinese University’s business school, said the amount was “reasonable”, but the government could have been in a stronger position when negotiating the deal in the first place.

However, some lawmakers were not convinced. They passed a non-binding motion put forward by Michael Tien Puk-sun, a pro-estabilishment member who threatened to veto the park’s funding application if better terms were not guaranteed. The motion urged the government to renegotiate its financial arrangements with Walt Disney, including the possibility of exempting management fees and royalties for an appropriate period, as well as excluding interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation in calculating the fees. Tien said the motion was meant to improve the financial position of the park and was in the best interests of taxpayers."

As you can see, the HKDL expansion is far to be a done deal and i have the feeling that HK lawmakers won't give any approval before Disney accepts to reduce its royalties fee. For sure D&M will follow the case and will let you know what happen at the end in a near future!

Original full articles of the South China Morning Post are HERE, HERE and HERE.

Pictures: copyright Disney

The New Trailer for Pirates and Caribbean : Dead Men Tells No Tales is Here !

The new trailer for Pirates and Caribbean : Dead Men Tells No Tales is here and we learn more about how it all started between Jack Sparrow and the dreadful Salazar, a long time ago, when Jack Sparrow was young! And by the way, the trailer claim this will be Pirates of Caribbean "final adventure"!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Drone View Video of Universal Orlando Volcano Bay Construction Progress

Thanks to EyeAerial we have a new aerial "drone" video of Universal Orlando Volcano Bay construction progress, filmed February 28! The new water park is opening on May 25th, and more about it on the Universal Orlando website HERE.

Video: copyright EyeAerial

James Cameron and Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment Adapt AVATAR into a New Stunning Game !

While director James Cameron is preparing the next four Avatar sequels, he and his Lightstorm Entertainment production company are also teaming up with Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment to develop a cutting-edge new game based on the franchise. The folks of Ubisoft released an announcement video telling us what we can expect from the game. The video features interviews with the great people involved with the Avatar game development including Cameron, who says:
"What impressed me about Massive were the group’s passion for this project, and the power of its Snowdrop engine. With the power of [Snowdrop], and the team’s passion and obsessive focus on detail, we know they’re the right group to bring the beauty and danger of Pandora to life."

Players will have complete freedom to explore the world of Pandora in new and different ways. Considering the amount of work and detail that Cameron puts into his films, Avatar fans can expect nothing less than greatness and spectacular.

The four Avatar sequels currently in development will be filmed simultaneously. The release of Avatar 2 is expected for December 2018, followed by the three others sequels to be released in December 2020, 2022, and 2023. As for the game, no word yet on when it will be released but most probably with one of these releases.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Disneyland Paris Launch Four New Annual Pass ! - Now Edited With Access Dates For Each Pass!

Today Disneyland Paris presents a totally new program of annual passports, renamed « Annual Pass » starting Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Considering that Annual Pass is a sensitive subject for all DLP fans exceptionally this article will be both in French and English! Thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster for the whole thing!

Aujourd’hui Disneyland Paris présente un renouveau total dans son programme de passeports annuels, renommé en « Pass Annuel » mis en vente dès mercredi 29 Mars 2017 à la place de l’existant.

Premier changement, le nombre. On passe de 3 à 4 « Pass » ajoutant une complexité dans le choix et les détails, mais se comprend avec l’arrivée de grands privilèges!

Deuxième changement, les Pass eux-mêmes. La bande magnétique disparait, comme pour la majorité des tickets vendus sur les parcs (bientôt un changement des tourniquets ?) laissant place à une face décorée et les informations d’usages au verso! Une carte simple et sobre mais efficace avec des couleurs (bleu, argent, or ou noir) pour permettre de distinguer les différentes catégories de pass.

Troisième et derniers changement (outre l’augmentation des prix et les différences dans les avantages) est la mise en place de nouveaux privilèges et services, uniques au monde sur une destination Disney!

First change the number of different pass. There will be 4 different « Pass » ( instead of 3 ) adding complexity in choice and details, but it comes with the introduction of great privileges!

Second change, the Pass themselves. The magnetic band disappears, as for the majority of the tickets sold on the parks (soon a change of the turnstiles?) giving way to a face decorated and the classic information on the back! A simple and sober but effective card with colors (blue, silver, gold or black) to distinguish different categories of pass.

Third and last change ( in addition to the increase in prices and the differences in benefits ) is the implementation of new privileges and services, unique in the world on a Disney destination!

Voici les nouveaux Pass : Here are the new Pass:

Pass Discovery:

Vendu 139€ pour 150 jours d’accès dans l’année, ce Pass est parfait pour les étudiants et personnes vivant près de Disneyland Paris en pouvant aller facilement sur les parcs en semaine.

Sold for € 139 and 150 days of access in the year, this Pass is perfect for students and people living near Disneyland Paris who can easily go to the parks during the week.

Pass Magic Flex :

Vendu 189€ pour 300 jours d’accès, cet abonnement propose les premiers avantages comme le parking Disney, -10% aux boutiques ou le PhotoPass en option à 55€.

Sold for € 189 and 300 days of access, this subscription offers the first advantages as the Disney parking, -10% to the shops or the PhotoPass optional at € 55.

Pass Magic Plus :

Vendu 249€ pour 350 jours d’accès, cet abonnement reprend les avantages du Magic Flex avec en plus, -10% dans les restaurants, l’accès aux heures de magie en plus, le PhotoPass en option à 49€ ou encore -20% pour le diner spectacle « La Légende de Buffalo Bill ». Le Magic Plus offre également les premiers privilèges comme 10 billets 1jour/2 parcs par an à 39€ chacun, des invitations aux événements ou encore une entrée privative aux tourniquets des deux parcs.

Sold for € 249 and 350 days of access, this pass includes the advantage of Magic Flex with more: -10% in restaurants, access to Extra Magic Hours, the PhotoPass optionally €49 or 20% for the dinner and show « The legend of Buffalo Bill ». The Magic Plus also offers the first privileges as 10 tickets 1 day/2 parks per year to € 39 each, invitations to events and a private entrance at the turnstiles of the two parks.

Pass Infinity :

Vendu 399€ pour 365 jours d’accès par an, ce Pass a été créé pour les visiteurs désirant vivre une expérience exclusive. Cet abonnement offres des avantages avec -15% aux restaurants, -20% dans les boutiques, un accès à une zone réservée au parking Disney permettant d’être garé au plus près des parcs, mais aussi le PhotoPass offert. L’Infinity offre également plus de privilèges comme 20 billets 1jour/2 parcs par an à 35€ chacun, une inscription prioritaire aux événements jusqu'à 48 heures avant et une entrée privative aux tourniquets des deux parcs.

Mais ce qui rend ce Pass plus unique est la mise en place d’un service de conciergerie qui permet de réserver 48h avant votre visite sur le parc un emplacement VIP pour voir la Disney Stars on Parade ou encore une demie journée aux piscines des hôtels Disney’s Hotel New York, Disney’s Newport Bay Club ou le Disney’s Sequoia Lodge.

Sold for € 399 and 365 days of access per year, this Pass has been created for people who want an exclusive experience. This membership offers benefits with -15% in restaurants, -20% off in stores, access to a private area in the Disney parking to be parked as close to the parks, but also offered the PhotoPass. Infinity also offers more privileges as 20 tickets 1 day/2 parks per year at € 35 each, priority registration to events up to 48 hours before and a private entrance to the turnstiles of the two parks.

But what makes this Pass most unique is the implementation of a Concierge service which allows to book 48 h before your visit to the park a VIP location to see the « Disney Stars on Parade » or « Disney Illuminations », a half day in the pool of the Disney’s Hotel New York, Disney’s Newport Bay Club Hotel or the Disney’s Sequoia Lodge.

Comparaison - with or without the previous Annual Passes ( click to enlarge the pictures above and below ) :

Si on devait comparer les passeports annuels actuels aux nouveaux formats proposés, on peut facilement comparer les Passeports existants aux trois premiers Pass de la nouvelle gamme. Le premier élément est la légère augmentation tarifaire et le second est la réduction des avantages. Il faut le dire cette mise en place s’explique par la nécessité pour Disney d’avoir un programme encore plus rentable, influencé par ce qui se pratique dans les autres parcs Disney dans le monde et sur le marché européen.

If we want to compare the current annual passports to the new proposed formats, one can easily compare the existing passports to the first three new passeports of the new range. The first element is the slight rate increase and the second is the reduction of benefits. Must say this development is explained by the need for Disney to have a more profitable program, influenced by what is done in the others Disney parks in the world and on the European market.

Bien qu’encore perfectible, les Passeport Infinity sont intéressant, les avantages vont au-delà du passeport Dream et les privilèges associés sont une première pour le groupe Disney. Infinty, au-delà de briller par un nom et une offre intéressante est proposé également à un prix raisonnable en comparaison aux pratiques des autres parcs Disney dans le monde. Mais, marché européen oblige, il faut s’aligner sur la concurrence pour exister. En effet, les grands concurrents comme PortAventura, Europa Park, Efteling ou encore Phantasia Land proposent des passeports annuels à 169€, 195€, 170€ et 185€. Disney doit donc s’aligner, ce qu’il fait avec les Pass Discovery, Magic Flex et Magic Plus et offre égallement la possibilité d’une expérience exclusive avec le Pass Infinity, pour être en plus, Privilégié.

Ainsi, avec tous ces avantages et au vue du marché européen, le prix proposé par Disney pour le Pass Infinity à 399€ se trouve à un prix « normal » aux vues des avantages.

Par ailleurs, le passeport peut être perfectible. Ce qui nous ferait succomber seraient des avantages comme le FastPass VIP (accès illimité à la file express avec un ami) et l’accès réservé aux contrôles des sacs, près de l’accès des Cast Members. Ces deux avantages seraient de véritables privilèges qu’il serait intéressant de développer dans un avenir proche en plus des bonnes idées déjà mises en place.

Although still perfectible, the Infinity passport is interesting, as the benefits go beyond the Dream passport and the associated privileges are a first for the Disneyland Paris. Infinity offers are reasonably priced compared to the practices of the others Disney parks in the world. But we are in the European market, so it must align with the competition which exist. Indeed, the major competitors like PortAventura, Europa Park, Efteling or Phantasia Land offer annual passports at €169, €195, €170 and €185. Disney must line up, and that's what he does with the Pass Discovery, Magic Flex and Magic Plus and offers also the possibility of an exclusive experience with the Infinity Pass, to be more privileged.

So, with all these advantages and at the view of the European market, the price by Disney for its Pass Infinity at €399 is a « normal » price.

Furthermore, the Passport can be improved with the advantages like the FastPass VIP (the express queue line unlimited with a friend) and access of bags controls with the Cast Members (and win more 40mn at the entrance of the resort in the big days). These two benefits would be a real privileges that it would be interesting to develop in the near future with good ideas already in place.

Nouvelles conditions:

L’arrivée de la nouvelle gamme de passeport fait entrer de nouvelles conditions:

Programme actuel : « Passeport Annuel » : Parrainage : 1 an offert au passeport en cours de validité Renouvellement Passeport : 6 mois offerts

Nouveau programme dès le 29 mars 2017 : « Pass Annuel » : Parrainage : 6 mois offerts au Pass Renouvellement Pass : 4 mois offerts Offre de lancement : Pour tout nouveau détenteur de Pass, il sera offert 1 mois à votre abonnement Discovery, Magic Flex ou Magic Plus (soit 13 mois de validité) et 2 mois offerts pour le Pass Infinity (soit 14 mois au prix de 12). Transition : Pour les détenteurs du Passeport Annuel (programme actuel) voulant aller vers le Pass Annuel (nouveau programme), il vous sera possible de demander un échange : Le passeport Classic pour un Pass Discovery, Le passeport Fantasy pour un Pass Magic Flex Le passeport Dream pour un Pass Magic Plus.

Il vous sera également possible d’échanger un passeport Dream pour un Magic Plus. Par contre si vous désirez un Pass Infinity, vous devrez alors payer la différence, soit 150€. Dès lors, vous passerez d’un Passeport Dream au Pass Infinity. Et surprise, une carte cadeau d’une valeur de 25 € vous sera offerte pour cette transition, valable pour les achats en boutique dans les parcs Disney.

New conditions: The arrival of the new range of passport brought new conditions: Current program: « Annual Passport »: Sponsorship: 1 year of free extension Passport Renewal: 6 months free

New program from March 29, 2017: « Annual Pass »: Sponsorship : 6 months free extension Renewal Pass: 4 months free Launch offer : For all new Pass holder, will be offered 1 month for a subscription to Discovery, Magic Flex or Magic more (finaly13-month validity) and 2 months free for Pass Infinity (14 months for the price of 12). Transition: For holders of the « annual passport » (current program) wanting to move to the « Annual Pass » (new program), it will be possible to request an interchange: The Passport Classic for a Pass Discovery, The Passport Fantasy for a Pass Magic Flex The Passport Dream for a Pass Magic Plus. You can interchange a passport Dream for a Magic Plus. However if you want a Pass Infinity, then you will need to pay the difference between the Magic Plus and the Infinity, € 150. Therefore, your pass of the « Passport Dream » to « Pass Infinity ». And surprise, a gift card from a value of €25 will be offered for this type of transition, which is valid for in-store purchases in the parks.

Editing: Below, for each new annual pass - except the new "Infinity" pass as this one allows to come to the parks all year long - the access dates when you can come to the park - or not ( click to enlarge ). The DLP website has also been updated, check this HERE.

Que retenir ? What have we learned?
Disney dans son nouveau programme a actualisé son offre voulant développer un éventail de choix, plus complet pour ses visiteurs, accessibles à toutes les bourses en donnant la possibilité à ceux qui désirent et le peuvent, une expérience exclusive et privilégiée.

Disney in its new program has updated its offering, wanting to develop a range of choice more complete for its visitors, accessible to all budgets, giving the opportunity to those who want to and can, an exclusive and privileged experience.

En attendant la mise en place du programme Pass Annuel, tout achat de l’ancienne gamme de passeport avant le 29 mars 2017 sera toujours renouvelable aux mêmes conditions après introduction du nouveau produit jusqu’à la date limite inscrite sur le contrat de vente.

Pending the implementation of the new Annual Pass program, any purchase of the old range of passports before March 29, 2017 will be always renewable on the same terms after introduction of the new product until the date limit on the sales contract.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Sunday, February 26, 2017

DLP CEO Catherine Powell and France President François Hollande Celebrate 30 Years of Euro Disney Convention with France - Full Video

Thirty years ago, The Walt Disney Company and the French Government signed a Main Agreement to develop tourism with the creation and operation of Euro Disney in France. In 1987, the signature of the Main Agreement ( see picture below ) was hopeful but also had real commitments to the development of the Ile de France region. At the opening of Euro Disney in 1992, Disneyland Paris became the first European tourism destination in the most visited country in the world since the 1980's, France.

For Disneyland Paris, the year 2017 is a double anniversary. The destination celebrate 25 years since its opening and the 30 years of its unique partnership with the French State. On February 25, Disneyland Paris received the visit of France President, François Hollande, a first since 1994 for a president. Discover this institutional and significant moment in the history of the company which ties these two unique partners - the State represented by François Hollande and the Disney group represented by Disneyland Paris CEO, Catherine Powell.

France is a great source of inspiration for Disney through its culture in the company and in the artistic field. The castle of Disneyland Paris, for example, is inspired by the towers of the castle of Lucey, the roofs recall the hospices of Beaune, the colonnades of Saint-Séverin church in Paris « and, Yes, our Castle monsieur the President is French and our company too, and especially proud to be French » said Catherine Powell. Furthermore she reminded that Walt Disney descended directly from a French family living in Isigny, a town where its specialty is the production of butter and « only butter of Isigny are used in all Disney parks in the world ».

At Disneyland Paris, more 100 nationalities and 20 spoken languages work together every day on the Resort. Disney offers more than 500 differents trades that contribute to the diversity of jobs and the integration of various profiles, but also, revive some art jobs disappearing like fine gold gilding or painting letters.

In addition, a dynamic recruitment policy is at the origin of a virtuous circle for the entire sector of tourism. Also, for one job created at Disneyland Paris, nearly 3 jobs are created outside, particularly in hotels, restaurants and other services near the Park.

Catherine Powell also declared that « in 30 years two theme parks were built, but also more than 8,500 hotel rooms, 2 Convention centers, a golf, a Disney Village center and 115 restaurants and shops. Disneyland Paris has become the first European tourism destination.»

Disneyland Paris was also pleased to participate fully in the economy of the country with more than 68 billion euros generated. From the point of view of employment, Disneyland Paris is now the largest employer in France, with 15 000 employees and up to 56,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs, generated each year. The company also relies on a network of 3,000 suppliers in France and abroad, with whom she has made more than 13.7 billion euros of purchases, including 82.3% in France.

It’s a very good conclusion for tourism and for the development of France, » declared François Hollande, because Disney allowed to create « a rich economic fabric ». Then the President said that Disneyland Paris is a gift to Paris for a new light on it’s attractiveness, since 52% of its international visitors enjoy their visits to the Park after discovering emblematic places of the capital. The company allow to offer to visitors from the all over world a more complete tourist offer during their stay in France.

François Hollande welcomes this anniversary which has allowed the development of the East of Paris. Mr Hollande said that the action of the State in the years to come will continue with the project of the Grand Paris Express or the Arc Express TGV, allowing the creation of 60 stations and many metro lines to facilitate the movement of tourists and inhabitants in the Paris region. The two projects are an investment of more than 26 billion euros.

You represent 6.2% of tourism revenue of the France. It is considerable, he said referring to the 7.1 billion tax and taxes generated by the site. Disneyland Paris is a gateway for France and a brand who benefits across our country » said François Hollande. « We managed through the years, to create this relationship of trust between the State and a great private actor like Disney.»

In conclusion, François Hollande declared « here I want to thank the company you represent, Madam ( Catherine Powell ) because she allowed to have in France the first European Park»

Finally Catherine Powell’s last words were to the attention of François Hollande « as you can see Mr President, Disneyland Paris is committed to succeed in France, and more, the success of France. ». « This is the spirit of this Main Agreement that we welcome today » before concluding : « Long live France, and more than ever, long live Paris and France ».

Disneyland Paris is a unique model of success with more than 30 years of experience in the cooperation between the State and the companies."

And here is the video of Catherine Powell and François Hollande speeches at DLP Newport Bay Convention center:

Pictures and video: copyright DLP Welcome