Friday, July 13, 2012

Hong Kong Disneyland Grizzly Gulch TV Commercial

Hong Kong Disneyland just released the Grizzly Gulch TV commercial and you will find it below. What's interesting is not only that it looks like a short movie but also that they obviously choose to show the Big Grizzly Mountain ride in a humorous way. I'm saying this because in the changes on Mystic Manor - HKDL next big attraction opening spring 2013 - the ride two main characters have been "toonified", probably to don't look too realistic, and this are changes apparently trying to don't make the future ride too "scary".

And i'm just wondering if this is a request of HK Administration...might be. I think it's probably better to expect from Mystic Manor more an eerie atmosphere than a scary one, which is fine for me. In the meantime, have a look at this Grizzly Gulch commercial!

Picture and video: copyright Disney - Thanks to Michael20183 !

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drew said...

I like how the riders are in costume as part of the theme.

Anonymous said...

Y a-t-il une raison pour avoir créé ce ride pour la chine plutôt que de refaire Big Thunder Mountain comme dans les autres parcs ? Je pensais qu'il s'agissait du thème Western sans doute méconnu en Chine mais à priori ça n'est pas le cas. Quelqu'un connait une raison ?

danielz6 said...

They shouldn't have shown the backwards part...the breaking cable is a great thrilling surprise to new riders who don't know about it. Also it should've been more story driven they should've shown the miners being chased out by the bears. Then an invitation to us the guests to come explore the abandoned mine. Oh well still looks like a really fun ride!

Alain Littaye said...

Oui, l'administration de Hong Kong, co-propriétaire du parc avec Disney voulait impérativement de nouveaux rides qui n'existaient nulle part ailleurs. De surcroit ils ont une "exclusivité" sur BGM et Mystic Manor (ouverture 2013) avec un engagement de Disney de ne pas les construire dans un autre parc pendant un certain nombre d'années.

Anonymous said...

The architectural facade finishes and coloring look much better in the commercial. It would be great if they could age it all down that way in reality. They show the shadow of the bear change the switch lever on the tracks but don't really focus at the top of the ride when the cable breaks.

Anonymous said...

Like the early Indy concept ride for Disneyland with multiple ride systems overlaping, wouldn't HKDL's Grizzly Mountain have been better with both the DCA Grizzly Rapids ride and the Grizzly engineless Everest like mine car ride they have now? That would truly be unique. The rafts could have gone through tunnels as well with themed openings and views to each attraction as the Indy concept had.
