Monday, August 13, 2007

Hello, all. Disney and more is back after this short summer break.
Since the beginning of the blog four months ago, you may have noticed that there was no advertising on the site. Now there is some, mainly on the right column or at the end of the topics.If you don't have your own website, you may don't know it, but it really takes a loooong time to find the best documents for each topic, or scan them, etc...and any support from you will really be welcome. I've tried to insert the ads as subtle as possible - and it will be improved later on.
At the end of each new topic you will find an Amazon link, and the product is generally in relation with what the article talks about, when available. I personally know each of the books or dvds that i choose for these Amazon links, and they are really great !
Last but not least, you also have now the possibility to do a Paypal donation if you wish, you'll find the Paypal button right after the "Have a look at the new articles " on the right column. To all of you, Disney and more fans, thanks for your support!
And now, on with the show with Walt Disney's Mars and beyond!

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