Showing posts with label Walt Disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walt Disney. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2019

Rare 1954 Color Pictures of Disneyland Anaheim Design Sessions

Although we have plenty of pictures of Disneyland construction and its opening in 1955, pictures of its design are less easy to find. This makes these 1954 pictures with Walt and WED Imagineers priceless, so let's have a closer look at them. On the top and below Walt and Imagineers are in big discussion around a model of Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. Behind them, plenty of artworks for Disneyland Fantasyland attractions done by Disney artist Bruce Bushman.

Below, Walt and Imagineers - Harper Goff is on the right - discuss in front of rederings for Disneyland Jungle Cruise.

Another picture showing Walt and Imagineers, this time facing a wall of artworks for the upcoming Disneyland park.

Artist Peter Ellenshaw, famous for his matte paintings in Disney movies was the one who did the huge Disneyland bird-eye view artwork ( in two versions, day and night ). In the series of pictures below he is with Walt and another Imagineer, apparently talking about the artwork.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Walt Disney's 1947 Testimony Before the House Committee on Un-American Activities

This was certainly not one of Walt Disney most glorious moment, one you wish it never happened, and that you never learned about it. In 1947 the HUAC - the House Un-American Activities Committee - created to investigate subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and organizations suspected of having Fascist or Communist ties - called on Hollywood with a series of hearings between 1947 and 1958 and found many “friendly” witnesses, those who were willing to identify others in the motion-picture industry as confirmed or suspected Communists. This has been one of the darkest era in U.S history, some people saw their career destroyed by testimonies from people they knew or worked with. And on October 24, 1947 Walt Disney entered the room of the HUAC to bring his testimony and became one of those infamous “friendly” witnesses.

From Explore The Archive website: "On October 20, 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) started to interviewed fimportant people of Hollywood film industry in an attempt to ferret out communists working in the film industry. Many big stars were named as potential communists or communist sympathizers—and even more refused to speak to the panel. Humphrey Bogart, Lucille Ball, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, and others abstained from the hearing and created the Committee for the First Amendment in protest of the investigation.

But others, like Ronald Reagan ( at that time the president of the Screen Actors Guild) and Walt Disney chose to testify. On October 24, Disney began his testimony, naming many of his former employees whom he believed were communists. Most of these men were simply trying to unionize.

The men Disney discussed were cleared of formal communist charges, but many were unofficially blacklisted from the industry. A group of 10 men, called the Hollywood Ten, were not cleared and were called to HUAC to either give names or declare their Communist Party membership. They refused to speak, citing their Fifth Amendment rights. Eventually, the Hollywood Ten would each be sentenced to jail for contempt of the proceedings and were not allowed to work in Hollywood for a number of years afterwards. Some never did again.

Each of the Ten was, in fact, at one point or another, a member of the Communist Party. Nevertheless, HUAC’s actions are now viewed as an ignoble chapter in American history, one fueled by the redbaiting scare tactics and misinformation campaigns made famous by Wisconsin senator Joseph McCarthy."

Note that these committee's anti-communist investigations are often associated with those of Joseph McCarthy who, as a U.S. Senator, had no direct involvement with this House committee. McCarthy was the chairman of the Government Operations Committee and its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate, not the House.

Here is the video of Walt Disney Testimony Before House Committee, and right after the video below you have the full transcript of it, posted previously by the Disney Dreamer website from Peary & Peary's anthology, "The American Animated Cartoon," 1980.

Walt looks particularly nervous on the video during his 6.48 min long testimony ( watch his hands ) just like someone who knows that he's doing something bad that he may regret later. The kind of moment you wish no one is filming. Bad luck for Walt, all was filmed. To be fair with Walt, six years before, in May1941, he had to face a major strike by Disney Animators at the Walt Disney Studios which lasted five weeks. And Walt had really, really, bad memories of the strike and of the people who were behind it. And Walt has always been very conservative so i suppose that asking him to don't testify was too much to ask him.

Full Transcript: The Testimony of Walter E. Disney Before the House Committee on Un-American Activities - 24 October, 1947

[ROBERT E.] STRIPLING [CHIEF INVESTIGATOR]: Mr. Disney, will you state your full name and present address, please?

WALTER DISNEY: Walter E. Disney, Los Angeles, California.

RES: When and where were you born, Mr. Disney?

WD: Chicago, Illinois, December 5, 1901.

RES: December 5, 1901?

WD: Yes, sir.

RES: What is your occupation?

WD: Well, I am a producer of motion-picture cartoons.

RES: Mr. Chairman, the interrogation of Mr. Disney will be done by Mr. Smith.


[H. A.] SMITH: Mr. Disney, how long have you been in that business?

WD: Since 1920.

HAS: You have been in Hollywood during this time?

WD: I have been in Hollywood since 1923.

HAS: At the present time you own and operate the Walt Disney Studio at Burbank, California?

WD: Well, I am one of the owners. Part owner.

HAS: How many people are employed there, approximately?

WD: At the present time about 600.

HAS: And what is the approximate largest number of employees you have had in the studio?

WD: Well, close to 1,400 at times.

HAS: Will you tell us a little about the nature of this particular studio, the type of pictures you make, and approximately how many per year?

WD: Well, mainly cartoon films. We make about twenty short subjects, and about two features a year.

HAS: Will you talk just a little louder, Mr. Disney?

WD: Yes, sir.

HAS: How many, did you say?

WD: About twenty short subject cartoons and about two features per year.

HAS: And some of the characters in the films consist of

WD: You mean such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [1938], and things of that sort.

HAS: Where are these films distributed?

WD: All over the world.

HAS: In all countries of the world?

WD: Well, except the Russian countries.

HAS: Why aren't they distributed in Russia, Mr. Disney?

WD: Well, we can't do business with them.

HAS: What do you mean by that?

WD: Oh, well, we have sold them some films a good many years ago. They bought the Three Little Pigs [1933] and used it through Russia. And they looked at a lot of our pictures, and I think they ran a lot of them in Russia, but then turned them back to us and said they didn't want them, they didn't suit their purposes.

HAS: Is the dialogue in these films translated into the various foreign languages?

WD: Yes. On one film we did ten foreign versions. That was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. 

HAS: Have you ever made any pictures in your studio that contained propaganda and that were propaganda films?

WD: Well, during the war we did. We made quite a few-working with different government agencies. We did one for the Treasury on taxes and I did four anti-Hitler films. And I did one on my own for air power.

HAS: From those pictures that you made, have you any opinion as to whether or not the films can be used effectively to disseminate propaganda?

WD: Yes, I think they proved that.

HAS: How do you arrive at that conclusion?

WD: Well, on the one for the Treasury on taxes, it was to let the people know that taxes were important in the war effort. As they explained to me, they had 13,000,000 new taxpayers, people who had never paid taxes, and they explained that it would be impossible to prosecute all those that were delinquent and they wanted to put this story before those people so they would get their taxes in early. I made the film, and after the film had its run the Gallup poll organization polled the public and the findings were that twenty-nine percent of the people admitted that had influenced them in getting their taxes in early and giving them a picture of what taxes will do.

HAS: Aside from those pictures you made during the war, have you made any other pictures, or do you permit pictures to be made at your studio containing propaganda?

WD: No; we never have. During the war we thought it was a different thing. It was the first time we ever allowed anything like that to go in the films. We watch so that nothing gets into the films that would be harmful in any way to any group or any country. We have large audiences of children and different groups, and we try to keep them as free from anything that would offend anybody as possible. We work hard to see that nothing of that sort creeps in.

HAS: Do you have any people in your studio at the present time that you believe are Communist or Fascist, employed there? 

WD: No; at the present time I feel that everybody in my studio is one-hundred-percent American. 

HAS: Have you had at any time, in your opinion, in the past, have you at any time in the past had any Communists employed at your studio?

WD: Yes; in the past I had some people that I definitely feel were Communists.

HAS: As a matter of fact, Mr. Disney, you experienced a strike at your studio, did you not? 

WD: Yes.

HAS: And is it your opinion that that strike was instituted by members of the Communist Party to serve their purposes?

WD: Well, it proved itself so with time, and I definitely feel it was a Communist group trying to take over my artists and they did take them over.

CHAIRMAN: Do you say they did take them over?

WD: They did take them over.

HAS: Will you explain that to the committee, please?

WD: It came to my attention when a delegation of my boys, my artists, came to me and told me that Mr. Herbert Sorrell

HAS: Is that Herbert K. Sorrell?

WD: Herbert K. Sorrell, was trying to take them over. I explained to them that it was none of my concern, that I had been cautioned to not even talk with any of my boys on labor. They said it was not a matter of labor, it was just a matter of them not wanting to go with Sorrell, and they had heard that I was going to sign with Sorrell, and they said that they wanted an election to prove that Sorrell didn't have the majority, and I said that I had a right to demand an election. So when Sorrell came, I demanded an election. Sorrell wanted me to sign on a bunch of cards that he had there that he claimed were the majority, but the other side had claimed the same thing. I told Mr. Sorrell that there is only one way for me to go and that was an election and that is what the law had set up, the National Labor Relations Board was for that purpose. He laughed at me and he said that he would use the Labor Board as it suited his purposes and that he had been sucker enough to go for that Labor Board ballot and he had lost some election-I can't remember the name of the place-by one vote. He said it took him two years to get it back. He said he would strike, that that was his weapon. He said, "I have all of the tools of the trade sharpened," that I couldn't stand the ridicule or the smear of a strike. I told him that it was a matter of principle with me, that I couldn't go on working with my boys feeling that I had sold them down the river to him on his say-so, and he laughed at me and told me I was naive and foolish. He said, you can't stand this strike, I will smear you, and I will make a dust bowl out of your plant.

CHAIRMAN: What was that?

WD: He said he would make a dust bowl out of my plant if he chose to. I told him I would have to go that way, sorry, that he might be able to do all that, but I would have to stand on that. The result was that he struck. I believed at that time that Mr. Sorrell was a Communist because of all the things that I had heard and having seen his name appearing on a number of Commie front things. When he pulled the strike, the first people to smear me and put me on the unfair list were all of the Commie front organizations. I can't remember them all, they change so often, but one that is clear in my mind is the League of Women Shoppers, The People's World, The Daily Worker, and the PM magazine in New York. They smeared me. Nobody came near to find out what the true facts of the thing were. And I even went through the same smear in South America, through some Commie periodicals in South America, and generally throughout the world all of the Commie groups began smear campaigns against me and my pictures.

JOHN MCDOWELL: In what fashion was that smear, Mr. Disney, what type of smear?

WD: Well, they distorted everything, they lied; there was no way you could ever counteract anything that they did; they formed picket lines in front of the theaters, and, well, they called my plant a sweatshop, and that is not true, and anybody in Hollywood would prove it otherwise. They claimed things that were not true at all and there was no way you could fight it back. It was not a labor problem at all because-I mean, I have never had labor trouble, and I think that would be backed up by anybody in Hollywood.

HAS: As a matter of fact, you have how many unions operating in your plant?

CHAIRMAN: Excuse me just a minute. I would like to ask a question. 

HAS: Pardon me.

CHAIRMAN: In other words, Mr. Disney, Communists out there smeared you because you wouldn't knuckle under?

WD: I wouldn't go along with their way of operating. I insisted on it going through the National Labor Relations Board. And he told me outright that he used them as it suited his purposes. 

CHAIRMAN: Supposing you had given in to him, then what would have been the outcome?

WD: Well, I would never have given in to him, because it was a matter of principle with me, and I fight for principles. My boys have been there, have grown up in the business with me, and I didn't feel like I could sign them over to anybody. They were vulnerable at that time. They were not organized. It is a new industry.

CHAIRMAN: Go ahead, Mr. Smith.

HAS: How many labor unions, approximately, do you have operating in your studios at the present time?

WD: Well, we operate with around thirty-five-I think we have contacts with thirty.

HAS: At the time of this strike you didn't have any grievances or labor troubles whatsoever in your plant?

WD: No. The only real grievance was between Sorrell and the boys within my plant, they demanding an election, and they never got it.

HAS: Do you recall having had any conversations with Mr. Sorrell relative to Communism?

WD: Yes, I do.

HAS: Will you relate that conversation?

WD: Well, I didn't pull my punches on how I felt. He evidently heard that I had called them all a bunch of Communists-and I believe they are. At the meeting he leaned over and he said, "You think I am a Communist, don't you," and I told him that all I knew was what I heard and what I had seen, and he laughed and said, "Well, I used their money to finance my strike of 1937," and he said that he had gotten the money through the personal check of some actor, but he didn't name the actor. I didn't go into it any further. I just listened.

HAS: Can you name any other individuals that were active at the time of the strike that you believe in your opinion are Communists?

WD: Well, I feel that there is one artist in my plant, that came in there, he came in about 1938, and he sort of stayed in the background, he wasn't too active, but he was the real brains of this, and I believe he is a Communist. His name is David Hilberman.

HAS: How is it spelled?

WD: H-i-l-b-e-r-m-a-n, I believe. I looked into his record and I found that, number 1, that he had no religion and, number 2, that he had spent considerable time at the Moscow Art Theatre studying art direction, or something.

HAS: Any others, Mr. Disney?

WD: Well, I think Sorrell is sure tied up with them. If he isn't a Communist, he sure should be one. 

HAS: Do you remember the name of William Pomerance, did he have anything to do with it?

WD: Yes, sir. He came in later. Sorrell put him in charge as business manager of cartoonists and later he went to the Screen Actors as their business agent, and in turn he put in another man by the name of Maurice Howard, the present business agent. And they are all tied up with the same outfit.

HAS: What is your opinion of Mr. Pomerance and Mr. Howard as to whether or not they are or are not Communists?

WD: In my opinion they are Communists. No one has any way of proving those things.

HAS: Were you able to produce during the strike?

WD: Yes, I did, because there was a very few, very small majority that was on the outside, and all the other unions ignored all the lines because of the setup of the thing.

HAS: What is your personal opinion of the Communist Party, Mr. Disney, as to whether or not it is a political party?

WD: Well, I don't believe it is a political party. I believe it is an un-American thing. The thing that I resent the most is that they are able to get into these unions, take them over, and represent to the world that a group of people that are in my plant, that I know are good, one-hundred-percent Americans, are trapped by this group, and they are represented to the world as supporting all of those ideologies, and it is not so, and I feel that they really ought to be smoked out and shown up for what they are, so that all of the good, free causes in this country, all the liberalisms that really are American, can go out without the taint of communism. That is my sincere feeling on it.

HAS: Do you feel that there is a threat of Communism in the motion-picture industry?

WD: Yes, there is, and there are many reasons why they would like to take it over or get in and control it, or disrupt it, but I don't think they have gotten very far, and I think the industry is made up of good Americans, just like in my plant, good, solid Americans. My boys have been fighting it longer than I have. They are trying to get out from under it and they will in time if we can just show them up.

HAS: There are presently pending before this committee two bills relative to outlawing the Communist Party. What thoughts have you as to whether or not those bills should be passed?

WD: Well, I don't know as I qualify to speak on that. I feel if the thing can be proven un-American that it ought to be outlawed. I think in some way it should be done without interfering with the rights of the people. I think that will be done. I have that faith. Without interfering, I mean, with the good, American rights that we all have now, and we want to preserve.

HAS: Have you any suggestions to offer as to how the industry can be helped in fighting this menace?

WD: Well, I think there is a good start toward it. I know that I have been handicapped out there in fighting it, because they have been hiding behind this labor setup, they get themselves closely tied up in the labor thing, so that if you try to get rid of them they make a labor case out of it. We must keep the American labor unions clean. We have got to fight for them.

HAS: That is all of the questions I have, Mr. Chairman.


R. B. VAIL: No questions.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. McDowell.

J. MCDOWELL: No questions.

WD: Sir?

JM: I have no questions. You have been a good witness.

WD: Thank you.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. Disney, you are the fourth producer we have had as a witness, and each one of those four producers said, generally speaking, the same thing, and that is that the Communists have made inroads, have attempted inroads. I just want to point that out because there seems to be a very strong unanimity among the producers that have testified before us. In addition to producers, we have had actors and writers testify to the same. There is no doubt but what the movies are probably the greatest medium for entertainment in the United States and in the world. I think you, as a creator of entertainment, probably are one of the greatest examples in the profession. I want to congratulate you on the form of entertainment which you have given the American people and given the world and congratulate you for taking time out to come here and testify before this committee. He has been very helpful. Do you have any more questions, Mr. Stripling?

HAS: I am sure he does not have any more, Mr. Chairman. 

RES: No; I have no more questions.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Disney.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Ron Miller, Husband of Walt’s Daughter Diane Disney Miller Passed Away Yesterday at 85

Sad day as we learn that Ron Miller, the husband of Walt’s daughter Diane Disney Miller passed away yesterday at 85... Professional American football player, he became then president and CEO of The Walt Disney Company from 1978 to 1984 and was president of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Family Museum. Miller was the son-in-law of Walt Disney.

From the Walt Disney Family Museum: The Walt Disney Family Museum Mourns the Loss of Ron Miller: With a heavy heart and deep sadness, we share that Ron Miller, husband of Diane Disney Miller, son-in-law of Walt Disney, President of the Board of Directors at The Walt Disney Family Museum, and owner of Silverado Vineyards, has passed in Napa, California at the age of 85. At age 21, Ron, a member of the University of Southern California football team, was introduced to 20-year-old Diane Disney on a blind date. They were married in Santa Barbara on May 9, 1954.

Ron served in the Army and then played professional football for the Los Angeles Rams before his father-in-law recruited him to work at The Walt Disney Studios. There, he ascended from motion picture and television production roles to CEO of what is now The Walt Disney Company.

Ron first started working for Walt as part of the original Disneyland team, where he was employee number six. Ron’s first job in this capacity was serving as second assistant on Old Yeller (1957). Eventually, as CEO, Ron pushed the Company to expand and explore, creating Walt Disney Home Video, Touchstone Pictures, and The Disney Channel.

Ron, Diane, and Diane’s mother, Lillian, established Silverado Vineyards in 1981, four years after they purchased the property. This place, near the small town of Yountville, California, became Ron and Diane’s permanent residence.

Ron supported Diane’s pursuit in documenting the life and accomplishments of her father, from producing the documentary film Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001) to establishing The Walt Disney Family Museum in the Presidio of San Francisco in 2009.

Ron was a passionate outdoorsman. Alpine skiing, hunting, fly-fishing, and golf were lifelong pursuits. He was an experienced horseman with a cattle ranch near Montrose, Colorado.

Ron and Diane were generous philanthropists, supporting many causes, including classical music and ballet.

Ron is survived by his children Christopher Miller, Joanna Miller, Tamara Diane Miller, Jennifer Goff, Walter Elias Disney Miller, Ronald Miller, and Patrick Miller; grandchildren Annabelle Rey, Nicholas Runeare, Ryan Scheer, Danielle Durham, Sam Goff, Lily Goff, Charlotte Goff, Sebastian Runeare, Haley Scheer, Reilly Miller, Madeline Goff, William Miller, and Elias Miller; and great-grandchildren Stella Durham, Finley Scheer, and Evelyn and Mason Goff.

Donations may be made to the memorial fund that The Walt Disney Family Museum has established in honor of Ron and Diane Disney Miller. Donations will support the museum's ongoing education efforts, about which Ron was passionate. Donations and cards can also be sent to the family through The Walt Disney Family Museum, ATTN: Director's Office; 104 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94129.

Services will be private and the museum has not yet planned a public commemoration of Ron.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Rare LIFE Magazine Pictures Show Walt Disney in 1953 with Miniature Robotic Figures, Ancestors of Modern Audio-Animatronics

I've got for you this week-end a set of rare pictures of Walt Disney - all shot in 1953 by LIFE photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt - that you've probably never seen before, with Walt holding what seems to be at first sight model figures for Audio-Animatronics scenes. Were these done back in the 60's for upcoming scenes of Carousel of Progress, or another attraction? They also look like they were some sort of development from the original "Dancing Man" AA figure. As i wanted to know more i asked some good friends of mine and in fact it was not models but miniature robotic figures. Here it is:

"Walt wanted to see how small you could package animatronics into small vignette displays. There was going to be a traveling show on board a train where you saw charming Norman Rockwell style scenes of American life. This was to be a Barber Shop quartet and their movements would have been synchronized to a sound track. Part of the exhibit opened at a home show at the Pan Pacific Auditorium ( its gate was replicated at DCA and WDW Disney's Hollywood Studio ). From that experience Walt learned that small figures were not good for large crowds. This would become a major change in the course of developing Disneyland."

So, here it is: these miniature robotic figures that you can see above and below were not only the ancestors of AAs but it's even thanks to them that Walt took the decision to build large / real size Audio-Animatronics figures as we know them,

Pictures: copyright TIME - LIFE

Friday, August 31, 2018

Amazing Color Home Video Shows Disneyland in 1956 and Guests Meeting Walt Disney!

Jeff Altman discovered one year ago an incredible home movie shot by his grandfather on his Bell & Howell Filmo using 16mm Kodachrome film stock. Jeff says that this footage was taken a year after Disneyland opened, so in 1956. It was quite a surprise for Jeff to find this precious home movie and specially to see his grandmother ...meeting with Walt Disney himself!

Here is the video and we can't thank enough Jeff Altman for this great find and for the beautiful scan of the home movie, as well as to have share it online!

So, as you've seen, Walt appear in this great home movie, and we don't have to wait too long to see him as Walt appears from the start, right after a shot showing the Disneyland Railroad passing by.

Here is Walt, apparently directing a film crew, and Jeff grandmother is the one standing on the left with the white hat.

...she keep looking at Walt...

...until she introduce herself to Walt and have a chat with him during a few seconds.

Still holding her hand Walt apparently told her something funny...

...which makes her laugh. I like that moment as we’ll never know what Walt said! May be: ‘Don’t forget...I own the footage”!

By the way, i like how Walt keep holding her hand after they shake hands and try to charm her a bit and tell her a joke, and all this while she is filmed her husband!  That's all Walt :-)

The family then went to Fantasyland...

...and had a ride in the now extinct Disneyland Skyway, providing great shots of Fantasyland attractions...

Like Dumbo the Flying Elephant...

Monstro and Casey Jr in the background...

The Mad Hatter Tea Cups...

...some closer shots of Casey Jr circus train...

...and great footage showing guests on the also extinct Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship.

The next shot is in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle on Central Plaza...

And then, after a short one showing Adventureland entrance...

And Frontierland Fort...

Jeff grandmother goes then on for a ride on one of Rainbow Ridge Pack Mules...

...and meet and greet with Frontierland Native American Indians

Back in 1956 when you were speaking with them, you ended with a feather on the head!

Came next the Indian Chief with another one playing drums...

...for a Native American dance.

The following footage was apparently shot from the train and we can see the burning cabin...

As well as the Indian chief on his horse...

It's always amazing to see the difference of size with now of the vegetation which, back in 1956, had just been planted two years before.

Another shot shows the mountain lion...

And then the now extinct Disneyland Rainbow Mountain Stagecoach and Conestoga Wagon.

The footage ends on a view of the Mark Twain river boat.

Now, don't go away as i may have found something which makes this video even more valuable: as i told you the person who posted on Youtube this home video filmed by his grandfather is named Jeff Altman. And i thought: “Altman? Would he have a link with Robert Altman, the great film director?”

So i’ve been on Wikipedia to find with whom Robert Altman was married, and between 1954 and 1957 - so when this short movie was shot in 1956 - he was married with actress Lotus Corelli. Then i went to find an image of her to see if she look the same than the woman filmed in this home movie and here below is a picture of her with her two sons ( one might be the father of Jeff Altman ) and the other is a screen capture from the DL home movie where she smile the same way, front camera.

What d’you think?  If Lotus Corelli is the woman in the movie it means that we have here a Disneyland home movie shot by Robert Altman, director of MASH ( for which he won the Palme d’Or at Cannes film festival ), Nashville, The Player, Pret à Porter, and so many others great movies… And by the way, if you have a look at the others home movies from his grandfather that Jeff has posted on Youtube there is some great ones showing New York, San Francisco, Atlantic City in the 1950’s and Las Vegas in the 1960’s, Disney World end of the 70’s AND The 1967 World Fair Expo at Montreal!  Jump HERE.

Pictures and video: copyright Jeff Altman