Showing posts with label Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18, 2008

LIVE from Cannes Film Festival : The Indiana Jones Party

The World Premiere of Indiana jones and the crystal Skull at Cannes Film Festival tonight was amazing. No Pictures yet available of the famous red carpet, but you can watch the video of it HERE

After the screening, a big party was organised almost on the beach, and Disney and more have the pictures for you!

First, some photos of the location before the arrival of the guests.

All photos: copyright Getty images

LIVE from Cannes Film Festival : Indiana Jones 4 Cast Photocall

Today is the big day at Cannes Film Festival for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with the World Premiere tonight, and this afternoon was the famous "Photocall" with Spielberg, Lucas, and the main actors/actresses of the movie. Here are the pictures!

By the way, i must say that i'm really impressed how Harrison Ford is still incredibly handsome at 65...!

See you later for the "red carpet" pictures if available!


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Wallpaper pictures

Here is a special Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull wallpaper pictures topic, double click on each to get them in big size!

All photos: copyright Lucas Film Ltd

George Lucas talks about a future Indiana Jones 5 !

The Indiana Jones 4 will be released in four days, but Georges Lucas is already talking about an Indiana Jones 5 !

From the excellent web site: caught up with George Lucas at Cannes who had a lot to say about the new Indy film and its future.
"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this," he said. "But I have an idea to make Shia [LaBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out."

"And it’s not like Harrison is even old. I mean, he’s 65 and he did everything in this movie. The old chemistry is there, and it’s not like he’s an old man. He’s incredibly agile; he looks even better than he did 20 years ago, if you ask me."

MTV already went looking for reactions to this idea of Ford being reduced to a sidekick in the Indiana Jones 5, and returns with responses by stars Harrison Ford and Shia LaBeouf themselves.

"I have no cheeky answer for [that]. I just work here. I'm glad to work here," Ford told MTV News at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday (May 16). "Till they tell me otherwise, I will continue to be Indiana Jones."

More about it and the Shia LaBeouf reaction HERE

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Shia LaBeouf LIVE from Cannes Film Festival !

Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Shia LaBeouf - the Mount Rushmore of action movie - as ABC's Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer called them are LIVE from Cannes Film festival on the video below, and may i remind you that the big world premiere of the Indy 4 will be tomorrow in Cannes at 8 pm GMT !

Disney and more french readers who don't understand well english will be happy to see this other interview of Steven and Harrison in Canal + Grand Journal show, just click HERE

Video : copyright ABC

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull : Here is the final trailer !!

The highly awaited second - and probably final - trailer of indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull is released, and here it is below!

And believe me, this new Indy movie looks reaaaaly good! Less than three weeks now to have a confirmation!

You can also watch it in HD directly on the web site, which is even better, just click HERE

video: copyright Lucas Film Ltd

Friday, May 2, 2008

Last news from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull !

Less than three weeks now before the release of the highly awaited Indiana Jones and the crystal skull. And those of you living in the U.S who will go to see the Iron Man movie ( i saw it last night and it's excellent, by the way ) should have the pleasure to discover the new and probably final trailer.

A new TV trailer was released, it's short but there is some few new shots and you can watch it below.

Indiana also released plenty of new photos and some like the one on the top give some infos. This one above shows a market scene and it's a Peruvian market - it's easy to recognize Peru with the typical clothes and hats. Which means of course that part of the action is set in Peru, and may be not in Mexico as we thought before...

Here are the other pictures showing Cate Blanchett and Shia LaBeouf who plays Indy's son.

The movie will have its world première May 18 at legendary Cannes film festival and is released in France on May 21, one day before the U.S!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A new Indiana Jones 4 featurette and Harrison Ford trapped at the Nickelodeon kids choice award !

Two short videos for this sunday. The first one is a short featurette released by Lucas Film, and showing Shia LaBeouf - who play Indiana Jones son - on location, during the filming of the movie. Harrison Ford is there too, so, warning, possible spoilers!

Being a superstar movie can be full of surprises. Look to what happened to Harrison Ford at the Nickelodeon 2008 kids choice award, in a ceremony inspired by a famous sequence of Raiders of the lost ark!

And, finally, the picture on the top is a wallpaper picture, for those interested.

Video: copyright Lucas Film Ltd

Friday, April 18, 2008

Last news from Indiana Jones - the awaited movie and the Disneyland "Summer of Mysteries" show.

Here are the latest news both about the Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull and the new Adventureland "Summer of Mysteries" show. And, above, a new picture from the movie.

Let's begin by the "Summer of Mysteries" show for Disneyland, Anaheim. The excellent web site have some news about it and it seems that the show should begin on may 22:

"...As if we Indyfans don't have enough going on that day! Yep, May 22nd is the day that Indy returns to the big screen and will be making his appearance on the crowded streets of Adventureland!

Now lets talk a little about the show! While most Disney message boards have painted the image of this being a full out stunt show, that is not the case. Nor is it the case that there would be a show similar to the recent Pirates Lair show. Not even that scale. Why? Because we're in Adventureland. The smallest area of the park, and certainly the most populated. "We already have the Indy attraction in Adventureland, that's the big one. Our "show" is made to compliment the attraction," says the Creative Team Member.

The Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries will be made of 2 different street shows! I don't know if I'm right, but I'm thinking they could be similar to the shows seen at the Disney Hollywood Studios on Sunset Blvd, or maybe even like "Laughing Stock" in Frontierland!

So what can we expect to see on May 22nd?? Well lets start with one show, the one that involves the female Archaeologist. Aparently, she gathers up some kids for an expedition, and they set off to find some artifacts in Adventureland. Only in the end, she pulls an Elsa Schnieder, double crossing her dig team. But don't fear, Indy makes an appearance and sets things straight!

The second show involves Indy, who is going after an artifact, but beware, Bad Guys are right around the corner, trying to get the artifact for themselves! This will consist of some hand-to-hand combat, on the rooftops, on the balconies, and possibly even on the rope bridge in Tarzan's Treehouse... Well, we all know how Indy will get out of that one! How awesome would that be?

Behind-the-scenes, I've been told that all members of the creative team are very much into making this an amazing experience for guests. The Creative Team Member continued by saying that "even members of the Art Department were coming over and saying they HAD to be a part of it, that it had to be true to the characters, that certain things would, or would not, happen in the world of Indiana Jones!"

That even while it may not be a large scale show, there will be a lot of "layers" to it. There will be little "things" added into Adventureland that only the die hard Indyfans will understand! So if this is done correctly, it could be very cool to find more Indy relics in Adventureland. All that's there now is the "Coronado" life saver that can be seen on the dock from the Jungle Cruise!

Long story short, the Disney Entertainment Department is very dedicated to making this a great addition to the summer entertainment. This will NOT be a permanent addition to the park, and is just a summer promotional piece and no word yet on how long it will stay, so be sure you don't miss it on May 22nd!!"

Good news isn't it? Now, about the movie, here are some excerpts of a long interview that Spielberg and Lucas gave to Entertainment Weekly:

EW: So what took so long to get to installment No. 4? It's been 19 years since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the last of the original trilogy of films.
LUCAS: When we got to [the idea of making a fourth] one, I had already said, ''No. I can't think of another MacGuffin.''
SPIELBERG: There's not one that hasn't been supernatural.
LUCAS: The supernatural part has to be real. [He taps the table] Which is why they're very hard, and you run out [of options] very fast. You have to have a supernatural object that people actually believe in. People believe that there was an Ark of the Covenant, and it has these powers. Same thing with the Sankara stones, same thing with the Holy Grail. We may have exaggerated some of its powers, but basically there are people who believe there is a Holy Grail, brought back by the Knights Templar.

EW: Well to bring us into Indy 4, what kind of developmental push and pull went on once you decided to set the new film in the 1950s?
LUCAS: The idea was to take the genre of Saturday-matinee serials, which were popular in the '30s and '40s, and say, ''What kind of B movie was popular in the '50s, like those B movie serials were popular in the '40s?'' And use that as the overall uber-genre. We wouldn't do it as a Saturday-matinee serial. We'd do it as a B movie from the '50s.
SPIELBERG: The Cold War came to mind immediately, because if you're in the '50s, you have to acknowledge the Cold War.
LUCAS: If you're going to make a movie about the 1930s, it's almost impossible to do it without the Nazis. And it's the same thing when we got [to the '50s] here. We have to deal with the Russians because that's where we were. It's not like we set out to make a film about Russians. It was, What was going on in the world? What were the issues? Who was doing what?
LUCAS: You do a whole lot of research around the subject matter to try to get it as plausible as possible. We don't deal with time machines. We don't deal with phony notebooks that don't exist. We don't deal with pyramids in 10,000 B.C., because there weren't any.

EW: So, Nazis out, Russians in. And that led you to a Russian villainess.
SPIELBERG: Well, we had a villainess last time, too [in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade]. But blonde Elsa wasn't bad from the get-go.
SPIELBERG: Right. Irina Spalko is a villain when she [first] gets out of the car.
LUCAS: She's an uber-villain.
SPIELBERG: The privilege for me was working with the great and talented Cate Blanchett. Because she is really a master of disguise.
LUCAS: She's just amazing.
SPIELBERG: She is so unrecognizable in this movie. But she's been unrecognizable in many of the choices she's made in her career, to play characters, like Bob Dylan, that are so removed from who she is as a mom and a wife in real life. She's a very threatening villain. Of all the villains I've been able to work with in the Indiana Jones movies, I can say she's my favorite. And I think Cate made her that way. We gave her a template for this, but she invented the character.

EW: You've made Indiana much older in Crystal Skull. The character is nearly 60. And Harrison Ford turned 65 while you were making the film.
LUCAS: There was never any question about the fact that we were going to have Harrison play his age.
SPIELBERG: There's a line that was thematic for me, and it's not a line that's actually in the movie. And it illustrates why I was comfortable letting Harrison age 18, 19 years. In the first movie, he says, ''It's not the years, sweetheart, it's the mileage.'' Well, my whole theme in this movie is, It's not the mileage sweetheart, it's the years. When a guy gets to be that age and he still packs the same punch, and he still runs just as fast and climbs just as high, he's gonna be breathing a little heavier at the end of the set piece. And I felt, Let's have some fun with that. Let's not hide that.

EW: Plus he's got a sidekick to show him up Shia LaBeouf, who plays a young ''greaser''. Did he even know what a greaser was?
SPIELBERG: He didn't.
LUCAS: I had to train him. Shia got sent to the American Graffiti school of greaserland. And I became the consultant on his comb.

More of this long interview can be read on the Entertainment Weekly web site.

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull is released May 22 in the U.S, but on May 21 in France!....and the running time of the movie will be 2 hours, as now officially announced by Paramount Pictures.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Is an Indiana Jones street stunt show coming at Disneyland's Adventureland ?

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skul will be release on May 22, and the big question is: - apart "how good will be the movie?" - Will there be any changes in the Indiana Jones adventure attraction, and eventually, something new on the Indy theme in Adventureland?

For Indiana Jones adventure, it seems that we can count on improvement on the Indy Audio-animatronic, with new face that will be, this time, exactly Harisson Ford's face and also Harisson's real voice. A new AA of his son played by Shia LaBeouf? Not sure, let's say 50-50% chances...we'll see!

But something else looks more sure: the coming of a new Indiana Jones street stunt show starring at least three characters - Indiana Jones and another archeologist and one "villain".
Why? because, according the to Disneyland Casting website, a new show seems to be in the works with what is called: "Indiana Jones Summer of Hidden Mysteries".

Here is what they're looking for:

Seeking Male and Female Actors for Indiana Jones’ latest live-action adventure which immerses Guests in a series of experiences that include solving mysteries, battling evil villains and uncovering ancient artifacts. For all roles stage combat experience is a plus but not necessary.

Role Descriptions:

Indiana Jones: Male, 40’s; a rugged adventurer, great physical shape; can play drama, toss off comic lines and throw a punch – all with equal ability; must interact well with children

Archaeologist: Female, late 20’s–early 40’s; English accent; starts out kind and helpful but eventually reveals a villainous side; will interact with children and lead them through a series of activities.

The Bad Guy: Male; imposing stature; physical agility and stamina a must; pursues Indiana Jones through the crowded streets of Adventureland, ending in a series of balcony and rooftop confrontations.

The auditions will start April 1st, and if you think you're the right person for any of those three characters, it's time for you to get in touch with them.

The last question is: where the show will be play? Obviously, in Adventureland, but, knowing how crowded are the streets of Adventureland during the summer season, let's hope that the fights will take place on the rooftops!

One more thing for those of you who like great pictures for their computer screen: the image at the top is a wallpaper image in high-res.

Wallpaper picture: copyright Indiana - LucasFilm Ltd

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Indiana Jones tribute part one - The making of Raiders of the lost ark

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull will be released in three months, and, even if we all would love to watch it right now, i'm afraid we have to wait.

So, in the meantime, i thought we could have a look back at the making of the previous Indiana Jones movies, beginning by the first one, Raiders of the lost ark.

Let's begin with some concept-art by Jim Steranko, wonderful comic book artist, and magician, too. And if Indiana Jones don't look like Harrison Ford on them, it's normal, as these production artwork was probably done before the final casting.
The first one above shows a scene which don't really exist in the final movie.

The one below shows the snake sequence, but if you look well, the temple is not an egyptian temple like in the movie.

This next one shows the famous battle between Indy and the pilot of the flying wing.

And this last rendering is about the truck chase scene.

Let's have a look now to some production shots. Here is Spielberg filming in Hawai's jungle.

This picture show the filming of the opening sequence, with the indians.

Here is Georges Lucas and the crew, always in Hawai.

This next picture shows one of the huge studio set.

Harrison Ford and Spielberg, probably talking about the opening sequence.

I mean, this sequence.

Spielberg and Karen Allen during the "streets of Cairo" filming. Note that this sequence was filmed in Morocco, and not in Cairo.

Here is the sea plane which appears in the movie.

Spielberg and Ford near the cargo ship.

The making of a mask for the final sequence of the opening of the ark of the covenant.

And here is another one, probably for the same sequence.

In the part two, coming soon, we will have a look at the making of Indiana Jones and the temple of doom!

All pictures and artwork: copyright Lucas Film Ltd.

Pictures coming from the Indiana Jones official web site.