Thursday, February 19, 2009

Editor's Note: I don't know if you've noticed it, but since some days the "header" image depends of the article of the day. For instance, today's article is all about Star Tours 2 and the image at the top is a beautiful WDI rendering of Star Tours. I will try to keep this, not only because it allows to have a new visual at the top of the home page each time i post a new article, but also because it will allows you to know immediately each day what Disney and more is talking about. Hope you'll like it!


Matt said...

very cool! keep up the good work

Disney Is Fantastic said...

I am new to your site and all I can say is WOW. What a great job you do Alain. I will be visiting often. I really love all the Disney information you provide. Especially all the concept art your site provide.Please take it to heart when I say this is one of the top blog spots period.Thanks again Alain and keep up the fantastic work
