Showing posts with label magic kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magic kingdom. Show all posts

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Update : SDL or DLP : Who is the Biggest Park?

Since months we hear that Shanghaî Disneyland will be one of the biggest park Disney has ever built, and with the biggest castle. Okay, i agree for the castle, but what about the park? Note, to be fair, that Disney always compared SDL park with HKDL and there is no doubt that SDL will be bigger than HKDL. That said, if we take as example Disneyland Paris park, certainly one of the nicest Magic Kingdoms WDI Imagineers have ever built, is Shanghaî Disneyland really bigger?

The two pictures above and below may give a better idea for a comparison between both. The picture at the top was sent to me by an anonymous source, saying that it was a SDL picture, and obviously shot from a drone. Which prove by the way - and if it is really a SDL picture - that the Chinese paparazzis who regularly sent their drones over SDL don't have the exclusivity of shooting pictures of the park using a drone. But let's come back to our comparison with DLP and the aerial picture below shot two years or so after DLP opening by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The view is more or less shot on the same angle than the one of SDL, though from a higher altitude as it was shot from an helicopter.

To be perfectly honest, it's hard to be certain that DLP or SDL is the "biggest" one as the back of SDL - specially Fantasyland - can't be seen clearly on the SDL shot. And the two pics were not shot with the same kind of lens as the one of SDL was shot using a very wide angle lens. So? So, i still think that DLP is bigger. Not only because it has a twice longer entrance street ( Main Street at DLP, Mickey Avenue at SDL ), no lost space with a parking lot or a shopping and dining area ( Disney Town at SDL ) which take some space on the park, and a few others things. That said, Shanghaî Disneyland will undeniably be a big park and if it's not as big as DLP it should be almost as big. So, nothing to worry here.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Thursday, May 1, 2014

WDW Magic Kingdom New Fantasyland and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train From Above !

Disney released a video showing WDW Magic Kingdom New Fantasyland and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train From Above. The video was shot from a helicopter and i embedded it in the article below but i repost it here for those of you who missed it.

As it is probably forbidden for anyone except Disney to fly with a helicopter right above the Magic Kingdom no need to say that we won't see another video as good as this one anytime soon. So, i did screen captures of the best shots and as the contrast was a bit poor on the video i enhanced the pictures contrast, colors and sharpness and here they are. Click on each to download them in large size!

Next, some great aerial shots of Cinderella Castle...

More aerial pics of New Fantasyland and Magic Kingdom...

And here is a greats series of night shots...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Festival of Fantasy" Parade Floats Arriving at WDW Magic Kingdom !

The new WDW Magic Kingdom "Festival of Fantasy" parade floats, including the 53 foot long Maleficent Dragon,  arrived secretly at night and Disney Parks has a video of it, have a look!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's Walt Disney World 42nd Anniversary !

Forty two years ago, on October 1st, 1971, Walt Disney world - Walt's big dream - was opening. LIFE photographers were there and the magazine did a special issue two weeks later, on October 15. You can read the whole article on Google Books and here is the LIFE memorable cover as well as the original picture from the photo shoot with 1500 WDW cast-members and characters!

Pictures: copyright Time-Life

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WDW Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Update

Disney Parks released new pictures of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and the first train is now on tracks at WDW Magic Kingdom New Fantasyland! The first picture below shows a WDI rendering...

...and the picture below show you - on a quite similar curve than on the rendering - the first train which today "ran under its own gravity and completed its first drop out of the station".

Earlier today "Imagineers and design and engineering" marked a milestone in the construction of the awaited ride.

I remind you that the queue decor will be highly themed with guests going through tunnels of the mine full of diamonds as you can see on the two renderings below, done by artist Chris Turner.

One lat thing: the artwork at the top looks a lot like the one officially released but it's not the same one, this one was done by Chris Smith, also for WDI, and it looks great.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Construction Footage Video

Here is an interesting construction footage video showing what was going on inside the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train construction site not too long ago.

It appeared four months ago - i missed it and i just discovered it on Screamscape - and first i was surprised as Disney generally never release videos showing the construction of a ride - to "preserve the magic" , as they say - ...until i realized that the video was not released "officially". So, watch it, because you might never see this kind of video again, specially an official one.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

WDW Magic Kingdom "A Pirate Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas" Scavenger Hunt Looks Really Cool

The new WDW Magic Kingdom interactive game "A Pirate Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas" opened recently and i have to say that it really looks pretty cool. One of the reason might come not only from the "Pirates" theme but also that it is located in Adventureland. I think that this kind of scavenger hunt fits better in Adventureland. 

Of course the Pirates theme is just perfect for this but i have to say that WDI Imagineers did a really great job and all the special effects whether they are small ones or others more sophisticated are wonderfully done. Yes, it's just a scavenger hunt, but it's the one you could dream of when you were a kid, with a bit more of technology in it. 


So let's have a look at it with some Youtube videos recently filmed and i also repost below the great concept-art, this time in high-def, so click on it to see it in big size.

The first video is from Walt Disney Imagineering with WDI Imagineers  Jonathan Ackley and Matt Beiler talking about this new interactive quest.

"In the game, the fate of piracy in the Caribbean rests in the hands of new pirate recruits, who, armed with magic talismans and treasure maps, embark on five different pirate raids throughout Adventureland to collect valuable treasures, while Captain Jack Sparrow’s magic compass guides them".

There is five different Pirates raids and the videos below shows four of them with, of course, what's happening and the different effects, so spoilers ahead.

Each guests receives a talisman - a RFID card - and a map and here is an example of one, click on it to explore in in big size. Picture from

There we go for the videos and the two first ones are from the always excellent Jeff Lange and show the "Heads You Lose" raid and then the "Blackbeard" raid.

The two next videos are from WDW News Today and show the "King's Ransom" raid and then the "Guardian's Curse" raid, and you better don't miss the cool final effect of this one.

I don't know what you think of all this but personally i really like it a lot. And i think that it would be very welcome if they would introduce something similar at Disneyland Paris Adventureland!

Artwork : copyright Disney

Videos : copyright Disney, Jeff Lange, WDW News Today

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rare 1971 Walt Disney World Aerial Pics

You know how i like to find for you some rare pictures you've never seen anywhere else, don't you? Last week i've posted these never seen before pictures of Walt Disney's 1965 WDW press announcement, and today i have for you rare - and probably also never seen before - aerial pictures of Walt Disney World shot in 1971, just after its opening - so these pics were shot more than 40 years ago!

Let's begin by the picture below which shows a swamp and lake on WDW Property.
The funny thing is that it almost looks like a hidden Mickey...

The next one shows the transportation center and in the background the Contemporary Resort and the Magic Kingdom.

Another view of the Transportation center and the Contemporary Resort but this one is also showing Seven Seas Lagoon and Discovery Island on the right.

On the left, an aerial view of the Polynesian Resort.

On its way to the Magic Kingdom, the WDW Monorail!

Another view of the Contemporary Resort and Seven Seas Lagoon.

Seven Seas Lagoon and the Magic Kingdom, on the right of the picture.

Flying over the Magic Kingdom, freshly opened.

A great view of Cinderella Castle with Fantasyland, and in the back, Main street and Seven Seas lagoon.

And what about seeing the Magic Kingdom from the ground with also 1971 pics, you ask? Good news, as i've also found these for you. Come back tomorrow, we will land, and you'll see how it looked inside the Magic Kingdom just after its opening!

Pictures: copyright State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mermaids Appear in WDW Pirates of Caribbean

The rumor was right: "On Strangers Tides" mermaids have appeared in WDW Magic Kingdom Pirates of Caribbean. Don't expect though to face half-naked sea creatures and make sure you look on the right side of the ride as these mermaids are introduced in the beloved attraction mostly thanks to lighting and water effects and a mermaid skeleton, the one you see on the picture above.

If you want to see ( if i can say, as it's pretty dark ) some moving images Orlando Attractions has posted a video that you can see HERE.

Screen Capture: copyright Orlando Attractions

Don't miss Disney and more contest ending October 25th, and be the lucky winner of Disneyland Paris book! It's RIGHT HERE.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Imagineering Video Unveiled WDW New Fantasyland Maurice's Cottage

Walt Disney Imagineering released a new video showing Maurice’s Cottage at WDW New Fantasyland. The video shows the whimsical garden and cottage theming which includes inventions created by Belle’s father, Maurice as well as others items participating to the theming.

But the reason why you have to watch this video till the end is to see the magic mirror which magically becomes a portal into Beast’s Castle. There is a real good trick here and after watching the video several times i still can't totally guess how they do it. Sure the pixie dust, lights and projection effects are obvious but the mirror is getting bigger little by little until it apparently becomes a door - the portal to Beast's Castle - and it's really well done. Have a look!

Picture and video: copyright Disney