Saturday, July 18, 2009

An important message to you, dear Disney and more readers

Before you go further and read below the two tributes to two legendary men - Walter Cronkite, CBS anchorman and the great voice of Spaceship Earth, and Disney Legend Marty Sklar leaving WDI after 54 years of a great Disney career, i would like to bring answer to some questions that some of you have about the new Disney and more blogs.

First, it's not "new" blogs. Although they indeed have a specific url adress, i use them only as "subsections" of the main site. So you don't have to feel lost in all this. The D&M "Artwork" and "Movies" sections are just like in any normal web site when you click on a button which sends you to another part of the web site.

The reason why i created these new blogs is because with Blogger it's not possible to have a different design on each section, except if you create a new blog that you use as a sub-section as i do. The url adress is different but as i've said don't worry about that.
ALL future articles will always be posted on D&M main blog, the one you're reading now, but the "full" articles may be on the specific section - like yesterday's article about Disneyland or the one coming tomorrow. All you may have to do will be to click on the "full article after the jump" link to be redirected on the section page, which is not that difficult, is it? This simple click is a very small price to pay - i think - to have a better and more enjoyable D&M design. If you have other questions, feel free to ask me in the comments, i will answer them.


Anonymous said...

Hats off to Cronkite, of course, but the original voice of Spaceship Earth was Vic Perrin. Cronkite did the 2nd version, which opened about 1985 or so. Great blog!

Alain Littaye said...

Oh, okay, thanks to have let me know, i will correct this right now.
