Friday, October 2, 2009

Roland Emmerich 2012 Movie Clip : Good Lord! It's REALLY the End of the World !!!

I've already let you know about Roland Emmerich next "end of the world" movie, but this one is REALLY about the end of the world! The movie - which will be released in theatres next november - is based on an old Maya prediction that Dec 21st 2012 should be the end of the world thanks to an astronomical planet position that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years.

Okay, great. But once you've written this in a script, you must be visually at the height of the expectations... and this 5 minutes clip showing California's destruction confirms what i've already heard: 2012 is going to be totally awesome, and most of all it will show for real the end of the world! Have a look at the clip, full screen mode highly recommanded. For those of you who may have missed the first trailer, you'll find it below, after the 5 minutes clip.

Videos: copyright Sony Pictures


Anonymous said...

Supposedly, the director wanted to show Disneyland crumbling away, when asked for permission/idea. Disney said a big fat NO =) LOL

Anonymous said...

In Steven Spielberg's Stanley Kubrick film A.I., he shows the little anamatronic boy saucering throught the gates of DCA with the large Ferris Wheel in the background. This all is shown crumbling as the boy hides out in the Disneyland Pinnochio attraction with the Blue Ferry. I dont know if permission was given for this. I believe this all started with Mickey's on the bottom of the Close Encounters space craft.

Kevin Bruehl said...

Roland Emmerich is one of the worst directrors around. Name one movie of his besides the Patriot that was actually good or didn't focus on unneccessary characters. Guess what everyone, the earth's core is already melted and there's no proof in the Mayan calendar whatsoever that the earth will end in 2012. If the Mayans could predict the future, then couldn't they have predicted their own end to their civilization? A kiddie video in the movie about how the world will end, sounds like Emmerich's video tutorial to the head of the studio about his movie. Don't go see this, it's a waste of time and nothing original.

Robert/Cologne said...

As usual Im not impressed its the same old thing he ever does and not even good.

Alain Littaye said...

Let me be clear about what i think of Roland Emmerich: he's obviously not a great director in the artistic meaning of the word - I mean, he's not Martin Scorcese or Francis Copolla, or David lynch, etc...
BUT i must give him that he is very good to create unforgettable spectacular images, strictly visually speaking.
The only problem with him is that usually the characters are totally stereotypes, with no depth, etc... and same for the script which stays always on a superficial plan. Generally in his movies the first hour is okay and the second is terrible. We'll see if it will be the case with 2012.
And of course all this Maya story is not real, 2012 won't be the end of the world but that doesn't mean that we can't believe it, just for the fun.

Anonymous said...

A.I. does not show DCA,DCA did not even exist when the movie was made - another slight indication that we do not see DCA is that the park we see is right next to New York... It´s Coney Island, of course

Anonymous said...

With this kind of movies, who cares about the story or script? This is absolutely awesome. I'd love to see this on the big screen. The effects shots look like we never seen them before. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy this rollercoaster ride!

Anonymous said...

In the movie A.I., the android boy zooms past an arched opening which says Disneyland. You have to look quick to see it, but it's there.

Anonymous said...

The end of the world comes when you die

Anonymous said...

Disneyland in A.I.? That does not make any sense - the end clearly takes place at Coney Island, David is trapped under the "Wonder Wheel" (which actually was the inspiration for the Ferris Wheel at DCA). Is it possible that the sign you mean read "Astroland", one of the parks at Coney Island?

john321 said...


Disneyland in A.I.?

It clearly reads "Coney Island". Which is quite obvious anyway. (It still is flawed, the building where David was, before he dropped in the water was in the center of Manhattan. Coney Island is still quite a few miles away. But it is a movie, you know...)

Although there is no such attraction at Coney Island, there also is no such statue at any Disneyland.

If you're looking for a movie that features some kind of dysfunctional Disneyland, go and see "Escape from L.A." (which is, b.t.w. a bad excuse of a movie).

Anonymous said...

"With this kind of movies, who cares about the story or script?" - no movie works without a good, believable story, and I have yet to see an Emmerich movie that has got one. Regardless of how good or bad he is as a director, as a writer he definitely sucks - if he stopped trying to write his own scripts, his movies would be better. What he has achieved deserves admiration, because he really build his career from scratch against almost impossible odds - but he is not a writer, sorry.

Anonymous said...

DCA and A.I.were being developed at the same time, and Steven was most likely aware of it's Coney Island resemblance and giant Ferris Wheel. DCA opened around 2/12/01 and A.I. was released on 6/29/09 months later. The Blue Ferry is depicted at the end of the Disneyland Pinnochio attraction in a mural where she faces you in the ride vehicle in a like pose to this movie. She is also within the attractions story as she appears in the feature pose.

Anonymous said...

As any true Disney fan will tell you, when the planets align ever so nicely, Hades will attempt to rule all, but Hercules will prevail!

So, Hades, how are things in the Underworld.

Oh, you know, the usual - a little dark, a little gloomy, and as always, full of dead people! But hey, whadya gonna do?!

Let's see something on Hercules, one of my favorite and underrated Disney amimated flicks!

dsi r4 said...

Love the Trailers, and definetly love Adam Lambert and his song. I will be there to see the movie.
