Monday, February 14, 2011

When Indiana Jones Adventure will be build at Disneyland Paris ?

This is THE attraction that everybody is waiting for at DLP Magic Kingdom: Indiana Jones Adventure and the temple of the Forbidden Eye. Any DLP fans knows that the land to built the attraction is kept in Adventureland but they are waiting for the attraction since so many years that the hope to see it built some day is vanishing...

As you will see on the document below, WDI imagineers not only envisioned to build IJA at DLP, but they also did blueprints. Although this blueprint was probably done many years ago, when the park will finally decide to built the attraction - translate: when they will have the money to build it - you can be sure that WDI imagineers will be happy to bring this beloved attraction at DLP.

To tell the truth, all the WDI Imagineers that i've met agree on the fact that bringing Indiana Jones Adventure at DLP will be not only one of the best choice that DLP management could make, but also that it will be an instant hit among DLP visitors.
Yes, but...there is two problems: the first one is the price: Indiana Jones Adventure is a VERY expensive attraction to build, and the second problem is the maintenance cost of the attraction which is very high, too. And, as maintenance costs at DLP are already very high DLP execs are of course trying to avoid to increase them.

How much is the cost of Indiana Jones Adventure, you ask? Frankly, i don't know the real numbers, but not less than 150 millions of dollars, and probably more now. As i think that DLP is paying at WDI the new attractions in dollars, and although the change rate between the dollar and the euro changed the last two years, it's still a pretty good deal for the park's management to order at WDI an Indiana Jones Adventure. Of course, even with the favorable change IJA is still a very expensive ride but it would be so popular...

Anyway, let's come back to the document below where you will see that the facility envisioned for Indiana Jones Adventure at DLP's Adventureland will take a big part of the land still available, with its back wall close to the Pirates of Caribbean building. It seems, too, that the entrance will be through another small temple located in front of the "Temple du péril".

To give you a better idea, here is a satellite view of the park with the blueprint upon it. It's more easy to locate exactly where will be what, if some day the park build Indiana Jones Adventure.

Let's talk a bit now about the maintenance problem and, as you will see, it might give us an idea of when the attraction could be build. One the main maintenance problem have always been the IJA vehicles. Whether it's at Disneyland or at Disney Sea (where, i think, the cars are electric) they always had problems with them. I mean, real problems almost every day. Which means lot of (expensive) maintenance.

So, where is the solution? Well, you see, when Cars Land will open next year at DCA not only Radiator Springs Racer will be a major E-Ticket ride but the ride vehicle system invented by WDI will be a brand new one. AND, from what i've been told, IF this new ride system proves to be more reliable - and with less maintenance than IJA vehicles - THEN it will be envisioned again to bring Indiana Jones Adventure to DLP - and even to HKDL.

Knowing that Cars Land will open in 2012 and that they will need more or less one year to be sure that the new ride system is more reliable it would mean that no decision to "import" IJA at DLP will happen before 2013. Considering that WDI Imagineers needs two years to build Indiana Jones Adventure you'll understand that you better don't expect an Indiana Jones Adventure opening at DLP before 2015 - and this if DLP management takes his decision in 2013, which is not guaranteed.

I agree that there is a lot of "IF" in all this, but i wanted to explain to you in detail where is the problem - and where is the hope - so you won't waste your time waiting at DLP for this beautiful attraction before 2015 at the earliest.

Photos and document : copyright Disney


Robert /Cologne said...

Althogh its a great attraction ,lots of young people will not even know the films.
Id prefere Carsland even now it looks amazing...only problem ,lota of the ride is outside.

Joel said...

You really think they will build a second indy attraction? What about the other Indy attraction? Perhaps they should retheme it...

David N. said...

Nice plans, would be nice to see it for the 25th anniversary :)
Maybe they could just include the existing Indy-Ride into IJA - a mixture between dark ride and rollercoaster would be something new, and you already have a working ride system :)

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the cars of Radiator Springs Racer would use the same system of Epcot's Test Track.
Isn't this the case anymore?

Richard said...

Now why is DHS getting left out of this? Cali, Paris and Tokyo all have real indy attractions and WDW just has the stunt show at DHS. No talks about wdw in this news?

un mec bien said...

Could anyone explain me why WDI keeps working on Disneyland Paris developement or brand new attractions since we all know they have no money to do anything?

Side question : will the banks continue to give some credits to DLP like they already did for the package Buzz Laserblast/Toon Studio/Tower of terror/Toy Story Playland?
They won't do that forever, right?

Alain Littaye said...

Some answers to your questions:

To Richard: If i didn't talk about WDW in this article it's because i didn't had any info about it, which doesn't mean that IJA will never come at DHS - although i wouldn't bet on it.

To un mec bien: The above WDI blueprint was done at least 12 or 15 years ago. Yes, at that time DLP already had financial problems but the Imagineers kept the room for IJA from the start. As a matter of fact they always envisioned to build the two rides at DLP, that's why they're still keping the room for it (later, they also had plans for another kind of attraction on this piece of land, but that's another story).
About the banks question: will they give money to the park forever? Probably, as they will prefer this to the end of DLP as this would mean much more money lost for them. However, as they are not totally fools, the amount of money that the banks agree to give to the park depends probably on DLP's financial results (poor results = small additional money from the banks).

Anonymous said...

Radiator Springs Racers is the same ride system as Test Track, which is the EMV ride system from Indy (& Dinosaur at DAK) minus the motion base. The vehicles at all of these attractions run on electricity supplied by a bus bar beneath the roadbed surface. The motion base featured on the Indy & Dinosaur is hydraulic. Just because they planned for it years ago doesn't mean that it will be eventually built. At this point, you're talking about putting in a 17 year old ride based on a 30 year old movie. Neat to see the artwork, but the wild speculation is a little bothersome.

Anonymous said...

There's no new information in this article.

Personally, I don't see any link between Radiator Springs Racers and the Indiana Jones Adventure. Radiator Springs Racers uses the Test Track ride system, which is totally different to the Indiana Jones Adventure ride system. The Test Track vehicles seat 6 passengers, and move at very high speed. The Indiana Jones Adventure vehicles seat 12 passengers and move at slow speed, but have enhanced motion; they're essentially a simulator on wheels.

Using the Test Track ride system for the Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland Paris would result in a very boring version of it. There would be none of the bumping, swaying, rocking and dropping of the original Disneyland version.

Alain Littaye said...

To Anonymous: Did i say in the article that they're planning to use the Test Track system on IJA at DLP?

No. And for a good reason: there is something you DON'T know about Radiator Springs Racer technology which will make it different than the one used for Test Track - although i agree that there will be some elements of the Test Track tech. By the way, the Test Track technology is also the one used at TDS in the Journey to the Center of the Earth ride and Japaneses had also a lot of problems with it.

M.Sedlar said...

To anonymous who said it's based on a 30-year-old movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (the last film) came out in 2008. And Spielberg, Lucas and Ford keep talking about another movie. The Indiana Jones franchise has proven it has legs; although one would hope the next movie is better than the last.

Brian said...

To be honest, it would feel really weird to me if DLP would really build this ride, considering the latest rides they built.
DLP is focussing on Pixar rides. An option I'd expect sooner is Mermaids adventure, because that one will open in California soon.

Carsten said...

I've tried the original Indiana Jones ride in California. It's probably the best Disney ride so far, so let's hope it's going to DLP in the near future. It's imagineering at its best.

Marco Antonio Garcia said...

Alain, I'm almost sure that in California the ride vehicles are also electric. I've been to where they make the maintenance, and they showed that the engine noise comes from speakers inside the car, and so does all the sound of the attraction. They've also showed us how the very complex hydraulic system works!

IJA is one of my favorites Disney attractions of all times, but maybe with USD 150 million or more they can develop a better, more advanced and original ride for DLP, because as said, it's already a 15 years old attraction, but it would still certainly be a major improvement to the park and it would greatly increase its attendance.

Owen said...

I love DLRP but it does need improving. For me - the current Indiana Jones ride could be extended and improved along with IJA. Also Little Mermaid is a MUST, it will be fantastic and a much needed addition to the Disneyland Park - the current attractions seem to be dating and therefore it needs a boost!

For the park overall - WDS needs to keep on improving! The Ratatouille addition will be good but this doesn't improve the current attractions and park in general. More toilets and restaurants! It is no good to keep adding food stands.

Unknown said...

I'd say this is never going to happen. WDW doesn't have an indiana jones ride, why would DLP get two?

Anonymous said...

Alain, now that Radiator Springs Racers is open (10th June 2012) do you have anything to add to this article?

Alain Littaye said...

Well, if DLP had all the money available to build a ride like Indiana Jones i would say that now that the technology used on Radiator Springs Racer seems to work well, may be it will increase the chances to have IJA at DLP Adventureland. But, considering that the priority of DLP execs is to make a full day park of the WDS, what is sure is that they will put the money - when they have some - on new rides for the WDS instead than at DLP, at the exception probably of Star Tours 2.
In two words, it don't mean that IJA will never come at DLP, but my guess is that we might have to wait a looong time to get it. Which is not good news, not only because of the wait but also because if it takes too long DLP execs might think in a few years that Indiana Jones is becoming a forgotten license, and that it might not be a good idea to spend so much money on it. Of course it'll be stupid to think this, but it might happen, so we better cross our fingers to have the ride being build someday.
