Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tom Scherman's Submarine Apartment

Thanks to Rowland Scherman and Dave Scherman - Tom's brothers - you will discover today a very rare document, Tom's scrap book that he did when he created a Nautilus decor in his Los Angeles apartment in 1966. Only one copy of this book exists, the one that Tom did to keep pictures of the whole transformation from the renderings to the final result.

From the cover to the last page of this fantastic document, each page of Tom's book is here. And I also did scans of each page most interesting pictures. You must click on each picture to see them in big size as Tom himself details each step of this amazing creation.

Pictures: copyright Tom Scherman & Rowland Scherman. No reproduction of these pictures is allowed and they can't be posted on other web sites without prior authorization.


Marco Antonio Garcia said...

It's awesome! When I was a child, I wanted to build a Nautilus and live in it (under the water tough).

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this guys TOTAL obsession, and that Disney hires him to use it!! It was exciting to sit near him at a recent special screening of 20kLeagues, knowing that he is THE man for this, besides Harper Goff. Fascinating to see his home was like this too. Does the "steam-punk" movement know how much they owe to these guys and Disney?
Thanks for ALL the amazing stuff on this site.
