Showing posts with label iron man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iron man. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2015

D23 Expo : More About HKDL Iron Man Experience, Opening in 2016

In this last article about D23 Expo we'll have  a closer look to the awaited HKDL Iron Man Experience attraction opening next year at HKDL Tomorrowland. As always, we have to thanks Andy Castro for his great pictures that he took all along the Expo!

If you've missed D&M others D23 reports with Andy's pictures here are the direct link. Don't miss them, these were the most extensive reports you'll find on the web!

D23 Expo Parks and Resorts Pavilion : Part One : Shanghaî Disneyland 

D23 Expo Parks and Resorts Pavilion : Part Two : Pandora – The World of AVATAR

WDW Animal Kingdom Avatar Land Pandora "Travel" Posters 

Star Wars Lands Officially Announced for WDW DHS and Disneyland - High-Res Artwork !

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Announces New Lands, Entertainment and Experiences

What a Day at D23 : Star Wars Land, Shanghaî Disneyland, Parks and Resorts Projects, and more

Star Wars Land : What We Know and What We Don't... and When It Should Open

As you can see D&M reports on D23 were mostly about new attractions and Imagineering but more happened at D23 and you can find others pictorial reports of Andy Castro on Mice Age HERE including his latest one about the great Disney Archives exhibit about Disneyland HERE. And you can always follow Andy's pictures on Dateline Disneyland HERE.

Let's come back to HKDL Iron Man Experience now and the attraction will start by a Stark Expo which will be a showcase of Tony Stark / Iron Man inventions...

HKDL guests will be introduced to the history of Stark Industries...

...and his latest technologies.

By the way, you may remember this rendering released two years ago, showing the entrance of the Iron Man Experience area at HKDL Tomorrowland...

Now, they've shown it again during the presentation but it's not totally the same one, i let you find the differences...

Then the presentation by a WDI Imagineer introduced the design of the simulator shuttle in which guests will feel like being inside an Iron Man suit.

Then came more details about the ride itself showing first the Hong Kong Stark tower...

...with a close shot on the top of it.

As expected something will go wrong and riders will experience an attack by the dark forces of Hydra, and fight along with Iron Man Hydra robots...

...and we'll discover  some never seen before faces of Hydra...

A few seconds of the ride movie was shown at D23 and here it is, filmed by Inside the Magic.

Now, here is something interesting that you may have noticed in the pictures or ride footage above: it's raining! And so what, you ask? Well, as we know the ride will be a simulator ride using the same technology than Star Tours but with the latest simulators available, so hopefully better. But creating a simple simulator ride has always seem to me not enough, even with a 3D movie. Now, seeing the rain in these pictures or footage makes me think that HKDL Imagineers may introduce an additional effect inside the simulator, and it's something they know well to do as they did it in Tokyo Disney Sea's Storm Rider ride. Yes, i'm talking about having rain inside the simulator. This is not at all 100% sure as it is just my guess and i may be wrong. At TDS the "alibi" to have rain inside the simulator was that it has been hit by a rocket but here it could be different and it wouldn't be too difficult to introduce  in the script a good reason to justify rain inside the simulator. Again, it's just my feeling. A simple simulator ride with no others effects than 3D might look a bit disappointing so i'm sure they've thought to add others effects. But the choice of effects inside a simulator cabin is limited so that's why when i saw the rain i thought about having rain inside the cabin. We'll see if i'm right or not next year!

Let's end with the video of the full Iron Man presentation at D23, also filmed by Inside the Magic.

Pictures: copyright Andy Castro, Disney

Friday, July 18, 2014

More Infos About Avengers : Age of Ultron ! Warning : Spoilers Ahead !

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly we have more details about Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as a scene description from the film. Spoilers below so make your choice of reading or not!

As reported before, Tony Stark is the one who creates Ultron, and what's interesting is that Stark gives Ultron elements of his own personality, but chooses to display the negative side of it and focuses on Stark’s cynicism. So, Ultron embraces rage instead of compassion. Chris Hemsworth tell us more:
“It’s not the good version that could’ve come from Stark's intellect and personality. It’s the bad son.”

Entertainment Weekly provide additional informations:
"The Avengers sequel begins with Stark’s latest plan to fix the world: Ultron will be an all-seeing, all-knowing captain of a planetary police force known as the Iron Legion, a team of robotic beat cops who resemble blue-and-white versions of the Iron Man suit but have no human core—and less soul than a Carpenters album. If it all works out, the superheroes can rest easy..."

As usual something went terribly wrong and doesn't go as planned, so hell is unleashed on earth. Here's a detailed description of  the scene of The Avengers and their first horrific encounter with Ultron:
"In one of the opening scenes, the gang is celebrating with a swank party in the peak of Stark’s New York City skyscraper—formerly Stark Tower, it’s now the headquarters for the Avengers.
Stark sees the soiree as a chance for the Avengers to schmooze with the city’s powerbrokers in a post-S.H.I.E.L.D. environment, showing that they are not merely superpowered vigilantes. Half-filled glasses of wine, bottles of beer, and partially eaten plates of sushi and cookies litter the tables in this three-story marble and steel structure, constructed entirely within the soundstage—complete with a loading dock for the Quinjet and an upstairs laboratory for Stark and Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to blind themselves with science.
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has put aside the cape and chest plate for a t-shirt and slacks, while Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow has swapped her leathery catsuit for an empire-waist cocktail dress with a billowing skirt—which helps hide the actress’s real-life pregnancy.
Banner looks a little uptight in his purple button-down and tweedy jacket, while Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye is in wallflower mode, lingering on the periphery by himself, ever the loner. Chris Evans’ Captain America is making small talk with former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders). Most of the partygoers have left; now it’s just the old friends lingering.
That’s when all hell breaks loose. The Legionnaires have suddenly activated, and are inexplicably trying to kill the heroes. In the chaos, Ultron—in one of his first, metallic forms—announces his new plan to bring peace to the planet—by eradicating the most destructive thing that walks on it: humans.
In the midst of the assault scene, Downey finds himself suspended 50 feet above the set, riding piggyback on an actor in a motion-capture suit who will be digitally replaced with a hovering, hostile Legionnaire.
With no armor at his disposal, Stark grabs the only weapon handy—a fondue fork—and jams it into the robot soldier’s neck as they bang around the ceiling. “The deadliest fondue fork in all the land!” Whedon jokes. “From Odin’s melted cheese, I shall destroy thee!”
Even without their battle gear, the Avengers make short work of the traitorous, mechanical assailants. But Ultron is just getting started. He’s now thinking for himself … and they are not happy thoughts.
“I know you’re ‘good’ people,” he tells them. “I know you mean well… but you just didn’t think it through… There is only one path to peace… your extermination.” In the next shot, focused on the heroes’ reactions, the patronizing snarl of Ultron is delivered off camera by Whedon."

Talking about Stark tower, we also have news also about it thanks to Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios President, who talked with IGN:

"Last time we saw Stark Tower, from The Avengers, it had gotten beat up a little bit thanks to Hulk and thanks to Loki and the Chituari, and Pepper and Tony were standing over a table looking at plans. That's where we pulled out and all the letters had fallen away except the 'A' in Stark. So what they were doing was retro-fitting for The Avengers. And that's what we see in this next film.
"S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone – for people who are following along. S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded and brought down at the end of The Winter Soldier because it turned out to not be the best organization ever. So Tony's bank-rolling The Avengers now. And he's bank-rolling their headquarters. So it's now Avengers Tower.
"Tony designed it so in addition to a hanger for a brand-new Quinjet, laboratories, places where he can build and store his Iron Man suits, there are I believe two bars. Beautiful multiple space living rooms which are perfect for parties and social gatherings. But it’s a primary location in the film this time around."

All this sounds great and with a bit of luck the described scene above will be shown at Comic-Con next week!

Pictures: copyright Marvel

Monday, February 17, 2014

More About Hong Kong Disneyland Iron Man Experience Ride !

New details about the awaited Iron Man Experience ride that will open at Hong Kong Disneyland Tomorrowland in 2016! Some months ago, a presentation of the ride was done at the Hong Kong legislative council - you probably remember that teh Hong Kong Government is the biggest shareholder of HKDL with 52% of the shares so this explain why each project has to be submit to the HK council - and a fan had the good idea to took some screenshots of what was shown on the TV screens. 

It started by a view of the rendering that we know showing the new area...

But the next one was more interesting. As you know Iron man Experience will be a simulator ride - like Star Tours but with the latest generation of simulator - and some of you wondered how will be designed the simulator as obviously it can't have the same look than Star Tours' Starspeeder. Although it appeared a bit on the poster released at the announcement - that you can see on the top - here is a picture showing how it will look precisely with a photo of the model that was shown during the meeting.

Also shown during the legislative council session a series of storyboards renderings, some more explicit than others... this one showing Iron Man flying over cars...

...or this one in which he apparently fight with the ride villains.

What we don't know yet is if this Iron Man ride will have only one movie or 2, 3, or 4 movies to be shown randomly in the simulator like in the new Star Tours. But to be sure of that, i'm afraid we'll have to wait until 2016!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thoughts on HKDL Iron Man Experience...

Here are some thoughts on the HKDL Iron Man Experience simulator ride as someone on Mice Age - who reposted all in one my three articles you saw last week - asked how the Iron Man ride could be a simulator ride more advanced than Star Tours.

In fact, where they could have a more advanced simulator ride - if we except a new and smoother generation of simulators - would be to have everything that Star Tours have PLUS in-theater effects. For instance they did in Storm Rider at TDS in-theater effects with a missile - supposedly launched by us and which comes back "in boomerang" because of the hurricane - which suddenly upsurge INSIDE the shuttle, as well as rain effect always inside the simulator - yes, it's really raining upon guests in Storm Rider! For the Iron Man ride WDI could create different kind of in-theater effects but what i'm saying is that we could have at the end something which could be a mix of Star Tours 2 for his digital / 3D / random scenes technology with Storm Rider for its in theater effects...

And, talking about rain effect, guess what? If we look at this other rendering supposedly showing a scene of the ride we can see storm lightning in the sky. And generally, when there is lightning, rain is not far...

If you've never ride Storm Riders watch the video below. It'll be hard to see the rain effect but at 3.15 min you'll see the upsurge of the missile in the shuttle - although it's better to watch the video from the start to understand why this happen.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Theme Park Review

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where Exactly Will Be Located Iron Man Experience at HKDL Tomorrowland ?

The big news yesterday was of course the announcement of the Iron Man Experience coming to HKDL Tomorrowland in 2016, but where "exactly" will it be located? Well, in my yesterday's post you saw an aerial picture showing you where the show building will be built and the location was right but today i can give you a more precise location.

See on the above concept-art something which looks like a dome on the bottom right of the artwork?  This is in fact the dome under which is currently the giant Buzz Lightyear statue...

...that HKDL guests can see at the entrance of the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters ride.

Now if you have a look at this picture below you'll notice that there is a big space on the left of the Buzz Lightyear statue and merchandise shop...

This is where will be located the big Iron Man building that you can see on the foreground of the above artwork, the entrance of the ride itself will be located where you can see the trees in the background of the picture above, with the show building itself located on the other side of the HKDL Railroad track.

Here is a night shot of how it looks right now with the Tomorrowland Merch carts on the left. Imagine that the carts will be removed and instead in this big space and up to the back of the picture you'll have the building you see on the foreground of the artwork, with the Buzz Lightyear statue on the right. That's where HKDL guests will start their Iron Man Experience!

Pictures: copyright Disney Marvel, DR

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

" Iron Man Experience " A New $100M E-Ticket Ride Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland in 2016 !

I told you on August 18 that the next big ride coming to Hong Kong Disneyland would be a E-Ticket ride in Tomorrowland and today, Tom Staggs announced and confirmed that an Iron Man ride called "Iron Man Experience" will come to HKDL in 2016 as the first Marvel ride to open in a Disney theme park! 

Iron Man Experience is supposed to have a cost of $100M and it will also include a photo pavilion with an Iron Man meet and greet as well as a shopping area. HKDL is doing very well since the opening of the three new additions and an exclusive Iron Man ride could greatly increase Hong Kong Disneyland’s momentum as “Iron Man 3” took in $121.2 million in China this year. “It’s important for us to have a story for our Hong Kong guests, a little bit of bragging rights that they have something that nobody else has,” said Bill Ernest, the president of Disney’s theme parks in Asia.

Iron Man Experience will be a simulator ride like Star Tours but with an even more advanced technology and you can see on the pictures above the simulator shuttle with an Iron Man design. The attraction will be located at HKDL Tomorrowland behind the Buzz Lightyear ride and on the left of Autopia, where Star Tours was once envisioned to be built, and not on the land available behind and on the left of Space Mountain where was previously envisioned a Marvel land. The reason why is that HKDL has decided to keep the space behind Space Mountain available for future additions - may be for upcoming Star Wars attractions?

Editing : Don't miss the part two of the article where i reveal where precisely will be located Iron Man Experience HERE.

Tom Staggs did the announcement at Hong Kong Disneyland in front of Iron Man wall of armors but gave just a few details about the ride itself, saying only that it will allow guests to take flight with the superhero as he fights alien invaders - see artwork above - across the streets and skyline of Hong Kong. In addition a kind-of Stark Expo with Tony Stark inventions will be on display, too, probably in the pre-show line.

Here is Tom Staggs official statement as posted on the Disney Parks blog:

"As I’ve often said, one of the greatest things about Disney is the treasure trove of characters and rich stories we have to draw upon for the immersive experiences we provide our guests around the world. With Marvel joining the Disney family in 2009, our character and story base grew even further, and the anticipation for how Marvel comes to life in our parks and resorts continues to energize our guests and Cast.

That’s why it was so exciting earlier today at Hong Kong Disneyland to announce that the very first Disney attraction based on a Marvel character experience will debut in Hong Kong Disneyland. And I’m excited to be able to share some of the initial details with you today about this Iron Man Experience.

Audiences around the world have been captivated by the amazing inventions and innovations of Tony Stark and we’re basing this experience within a piece of the Stark Expo. Located in Tomorrowland at Hong Kong Disneyland, the Expo will allow guests to see firsthand the progression of Tony’s Iron Man suits and many other Stark innovations.

Upon entering the ride vehicle our guests will be able to take flight with Iron Man on an epic adventure that not surprisingly pits Iron Man, and our guests, against the forces of evil. This adventure will take place in the streets and skies of Hong Kong, which will make an even more unique and special experience for our Hong Kong Disneyland guests. In addition, guests will be able to meet and take photos with Iron Man.

It’s obviously no secret that Marvel’s Iron Man movies are immensely popular, and we expect this experience will emulate the success of our most recent expansion – Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point – all of which have been huge hits with our guests.

We are extremely confident in and committed to the continued growth and success of Hong Kong Disneyland. I’m excited to see Iron Man become a part of that success when we welcome guests to the attraction in late 2016."

For sure we'll be at Hong Kong Disneyland in 2016 to enjoy Iron Man Experience, a ride that WDI promise to be full of thrills!

One more thing: when i did my HKDL update on August 18 i knew that the attraction would be an Iron Man ride but was asked at that time to don't reveal it. However, as i told you in the article comments i had introduced two hints in the article ( one for the Iron Man ride and one for another coming attraction that i still can't reveal ) and now i can tell you where was the hint about the Iron Man ride. If you look at the picture in the article HERE with all the Marvel super-heroes Iron Man is the very first one of them all on the top left, voluntarily placed there by me as a hidden hint!

Another one more thing! : Note that the ride attraction poster on the top of the article is here in full size - 70 X 103cm ! - and with enhanced colors and contrast. Probably the first time ever that you can get an attraction poster of a E-Ticket ride three years before its opening!

Pictures: copyright Disney Marvel, Hong Kong Disneyland

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

I've been in theater this afternoon to watch Iron Man 3 and here is my review - with no scene spoilers. So, what do i think of the film? Well, if you're looking for an entertaining super-heroe movie - which Iron Man 3 is supposed to be, finally - i suppose that you'll have a good time. But if you're looking for a real good movie, i mean something which also transcend the genre, then forget about it.

Let's say it, the first 20 minutes of Iron Man 3 are dreadful, incredibly bad and uninteresting  at a point i couldn't believed my eyes. The movie starts to be more interesting from the Chinese Theater sequence but i've found that the script, although not too badly written with some good ideas and a surprise twist that i will not reveal, is also weak in the non action scenes. In two words, action scenes are as good as you can expect but don't expect any genius in-between.

The other problem that i had was with the non-esthetic filming of it. It's not badly filmed, and the editing is perfectly done, but the movie is not stylized at all. Avengers had a much better filming - always esthetically speaking -  and Captain America too, with real stylized sequences. You don't have this here, the framing is never interesting, it's just filmed as good as a good TV episode can be but not more. I suppose that most of the spectators won't mind about this as they will mostly expect a thrilling movie and there is plenty of thrilling scenes in Iron Man 3 that kids will love.

Because Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sir Ben Kingsley are such good actors Iron Man 3 acting is good, with a special mention to Guy Pearce - the real bad guy of the movie, you'll see why - but since the first Iron Man, i don't know why, but i always have the feeling that Robert Downey Jr is not "totally" in the role. Don't get me wrong, he plays Iron Man and Tony Stark perfectly because he is extremely talented - when Downey started his career he was acclaimed as the best actor of his generation - but i always have the feeling that he is not duped of what the character is, i.e a super hero character who doesn't really exist in real life. Wrong or right i've always feel a kind of "distance" in the way he plays Iron Man and i wouldn't be surprised if he was happy that the three films contract he had on Iron Man was finally finished. Gwyneth Paltrow, by the way, probably agree with him as she said recently that "there won't be an Iron Man 4", at least with her as her three films contract has ended too with Iron Man 3. The problem is that Iron Man 3 is highly successful, is probably on its way to make one billion dollars at the box office and execs in Burbank will probably want a fourth one. I don't know if Marvel and Disney will succeed to get on board Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow for a fourth movie but i have the feeling that it's gonna cost them quite a lot of money to convince them.

As i've said, Iron Man 3 is exactly what it is supposed to be: a super-hero movie, with all the limits of the genre. You'll have probably a good time watching it, specially if you don't ask more than it can deliver.

Picture and video: copyright Disney - Marvel

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Iron Man 3 Trailer !

Disney released the very first Iron Man 3 trailer as well as the poster above. The trailer looks not bad at all, i have the feeling this Irom Man 3 might be better than the no 2... Have a look, and the trailer is in english with french subtitles!

Picture and Video: copyright Disney - Marvel

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Iron Man / Stark Expo coming to Disneyland Tomorrowland ?

According to the Furious Fanboys website the rumor of an Iron Man / Stark Expo coming to Disneyland Tomorrowland is may be a reality:

" Remember the very “Disney” vibe they tried to create with Howard Stark and the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2? Well, it looks like that Disney connection may become a reality when the Stark Expo is installed in Disneyland’s Tomorrowland. What began as just a rumor on Twitter and Disneyland messageboards is apparently not really a rumor; sources say it’s well beyond that. Apparently Walt Disney Imagineering has drawings, renderings, and costume designs all ready to go.

Where will it go in Disneyland? The much hated Eisner-era infomercial building Innoventions will be renovated to hold the Stark Expo. There isn’t an announced time-frame as to when this will happen, but with Star Tours opening this summer and Disney releasing The Avengers on May 4th 2012; don’t be surprised if it’s the big addition to Tomorrowland next summer".

Next summer? May be not, but one thing is sure: keep your eyes and ears open at august next D23 convention, it might be there that we will know more about this project.

From: Furious Fanboys site

Click HERE for the direct access to the TDS Wallpapers HD iTunes page.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now that DLP CEO revealed that DLP third gate might be a Marvel Super-Heroes park, let's see how could look a park in tribute to Marvel Universe ?

Yesterday's announcement by DLP CEO Philippe Gas in the Telegraph article that DLP's third park could be a Marvel super-heroes theme park was a clap of thunder in DLP fans community. And of course everyone is now talking about it. Some like the idea, others hate it, and if you want my opinion here it is: i think it could be a good idea for a land, even a big one, but not for a whole park.

But the good question is: how a Marvel theme park could look? Universal Islands of Adventure have indeed Marvel Super-Heroes Island, but it's just a land. The only full park project of a Marvel theme park was designed for Dubai, and not by WDI. The park was never built at Dubai but, still, i thought it could be interesting to have a look to this project, not perfect, but with good ideas, some of them could even be good enough to find a place in DLP's third park...if Disneyland Paris executives don't change their mind about the theme in the meantime. This third gate, as Philippe Gas said to the Telegraph is envisioned for 2020, may be a bit before if everything goes well with WDS extension.

So, late 2007, well before Disney acquired Marvel, United Arab Emirate-based Al Ahli Group and Marvel Entertainment, Inc. announced a partnership that will bring Marvel's full library of Super Heroes - including Spider-Man, Iron Man, The X-Men, Incredible Hulk, The Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer - to Dubai for a major new theme park destination being developed by AAG. The Marvel Super-Heroes theme park project was supposed to open in 2011 with an investment of over $1 billion USD but most of the Dubai World projects are now on hold....

The creative team who designed the park, in this case not WDI Imagineers but "great creative minds from around the globe" is based in Hollywood, Orlando and Dubai. When the project was announced the press release said that "New technology and unparalleled visitor experiences will be the hallmark of the theme park creating a new standard for theme parks around the world".

Thanks to Randy, a Disney and more faithful reader whom i thanks a lot, i've found some great artwork related to this theme park. All of the concept-arts below were designed by Chimera Design company who did a fantastic job as you will see. Unfortunately i don't have a lot of details about the rides but what we can see on the pictures give some indications.

Most of Marvel super-heroes will have their own attractions including the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man, X-Men, Silver Surfer and of course Spiderman in what will be probably a different ride than the Spiderman ride at Universal Islands of Adventure. Also, according to a a recent post of Brady Mac Donald of the L.A Times "Off-site testing has already begun on three of the planned attractions: "Flying with Spidey", "Fantasticar" and "X-Men: Danger Room".

The picture at the top shows the entrance of this Dubai Marvel park. Above, a night view and below the map of the park with the four lands "City of Super-Heroes", "Oasis of Magic", "Marvel's Mythic Mountain", "Nick Neighborhood" and "Crater Lake" at the center of the park. As you can see on the night view, many coasters were envisioned for this park.

Although it's strictly my own personal deduction, this next artwork shows very probably the "City of Super-Heroes" land - and yes, it's a Wow!

This next rendering is apparently showing the arrival in the "City"...

And, as we can check on the night view above this great building with the Fantastic Four logo is located at the entrance of the "City of Super-Heroes".

The artwork below shows a 3D (4D ?) movie attraction with all Marvel famous super-heroes.

This next artwork may show a show. Does someone identify who is the character in the center of the picture?

On the next artwork, obviously a Spiderman attraction - probably the one called "Flying with Spidey" - Spiderman is fighting with the Green Goblin and Dr Octopus. As we can see on the picture, the guests are not seated inside a vehicle (like IOA Spiderman ride). It could be a simulator attraction...or a free fall one like the Tower of Terror...or something totally new!

But in this next ride where we can see the Electro character, guests ARE seated in a vehicle which very probably is moving inside a decor - could it be an attraction using the same technique "decor+3D rear projection" like in the IOA Spiderman ride?

In other areas of the park - probably in the "Oasis of Magic" land - guests will find lush vegetation.

Even with my talent for deduction, i really can't guess what the next artwork is showing. Anyone can guess?

This next artwork, according to the night view and the park's map probably shows the entrance of the "Nick Neighborhood" land.

Below, the incredibly spectacular entrance of the "Stark Laboratories" and the Iron Man attraction. Another big Wow! A closer look reveals a "Rocket Jets"-like attraction and a coaster-like attraction on the top of it.

The artwork below might show a free fall attraction - or may be it's a new type of coaster designed by Mauher & Sohne - and it looks like it goes down right inside the water of Crater Lake! Is such a thing possible!?!

Yes, it is possible!.. as a roller coaster going under water already exist in Japan. The picture below looks similar with the idea for the ride above.

Although you must remember that what you've seen was NOT designed by WDI - so it was NOT renderings or a description of DLP's third theme park - i think that Chimera Design who designed all these concept-arts did a brilliant job and that it helps - even if it was not their goal - to envision how a Marvel Super-Heroes theme park might look.

However, as this park concept was obviously done some years ago in agreement or at the request of Marvel Inc AND considering that Disney now owns Marvel chances are that this park concept was in the "the pack" of the Disney-Marvel deal. In this case it would mean that what you saw today in this article might be, with a bit of luck, the concept which will serve as inspiration - or at least part of it - for DLP third park!

If Disney owns now this Marvel/Dubai project they could be tempted to use part of the concepts - and some are good - to save a lot of money in R&D - research and development. For instance, they could take the project to WDI and ask the Imagineers to be inspired by it...I'm doing pure prospective just for the pleasure but if you think about this on a corporate angle - i.e economically speaking - it perfectly makes sense...

Anyway, now all we have to do is to wait ten years or so to check if the Marvel Super-Heroes theme will be the final choice for DLP's third gate!

And you, what do you think, would you like to have at DLP a Marvel theme park looking like the one above?

All artwork: copyright Chimera Design - Marvel Entertainment
Note that you can see more concept-arts for other projects Chimera Design worked on on the Chimera Design web site.

If you're looking for a great gift to offer to anyone you love - including yourself - my "Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality" book with its 320 pages and 750 pictures - including 250 renderings from Walt Disney Imagineering - would be a GREAT gift for any Disney fan! I still have some copies of this hard to find book and, as i am one of the two authors of the book, each copy will be sign specially for you or anyone you wish. Of course, don't forget to tell me the name to whom you wish he dedicates the book.

Price for one copy of the english updated edition (with the text in english) is 87 Euros + 15 euros shipping to any country. Payment can be done with Paypal.

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