Saturday, October 27, 2012

DLP Phantom Manor Update

A short DLP update today. As you know, Disneyland Paris is still celebrating Halloween and what place could be better than Frontierland Phantom Manor to enjoy the Halloween spirit?  Max Fan from DLRP Welcome and D&M contributor shot these pictures of Phantom Manor a few days ago and if you're a DLP fan you'll notice that this year no additional skeletons were put outside, in front of the manor. I suppose that all the budget went in the new Halloween ghosts on Main Street U.S.A but this must not stop you to enjoy the ghosts of DLP beloved attraction!

And one more pic for the road with this one showing the Disneyland Railroad Georges Washington locomotive!

Many thanks to Max who bring us regularly great pictures of Disneyland Paris!

See you soon for a new DLP update, and in the meantime those of you who are interested by the great DLP book might have a look at the presentation article on the book web site HERE
Order your copy of the acclaimed Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book while there is still copies available! You'll find all infos to order an ENGLISH edition HERE and for the FRENCH edition it's HERE. Watch below the video showing the whole book!

Choose quantity and enjoy an additional discount !

Pictures: Max Fan - DLRP Welcome

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