Monday, July 8, 2013

Soarin' Update : Soarin' HD Version in 2014, Soarin' Over The World Coming in 2016 at DL and Epcot !

Let's start the week with a great news about the beloved Soarin' attraction. Disney fans are expecting a new Soarin' movie since a long time and from what i've been told Disney Parks and Resorts has scheduled Soaring over the world for a release in 2016 both at DCA and WDW Epcot. That will be a few months after it makes its debut at Shanghaî Disneyland under the title "Soaring over the horizon".

But in 2014 is also scheduled an update of Soarin' over California, and this update called Soaring HD will probably be one bringing an even better projection of the movie - may be in 4K - or even 8K ? - so expect a screening with an image more "crystal clear" than ever.

Why will you have to wait three more years the release of Soaring over the world? I can't tell for sure but Disney might want to keep the exclusive premiere for Shanghaî Disneyland, even if there will be just a few months only between its debut at SDL and at DL and Epcot. By the way, as you know a Soarin' attraction was in the plans since a long time for DLP Walt Disney Studios, but i'm sorry to say that, for now, there is absolutely no dates planned for a Soarin' attraction at the WDS, at least in the next ten years.

But what about the "Soaring over the World" movie itself, you ask? Well, some filming locations around the world were in the plans two years ago, and may be there has been some changes but here is the country WDI was thinking about. Before i go further, a little warning as there might be some spoilers ahead.

So, if no changes have been done, be prepared to soar over England, France, Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan, and for the U.S.A: the Grand Canyon and New York.

Although there was no South America country in the list above it doesn't mean it's not part of Imagineers plans. They have the choice: Brasil and Rio de Janeiro's bay or Iguaçu Falls, The Amazonia forest, The old Inca Machu-Pichu fortress in Peru, all these would be spectacular locations to soar above...

However, the other part of the Imagineers challenge will be probably to avoid filming a too "obvious" Travelogue. It's not going to be easy, as each country have its own iconic place/city/monument and it's a little bit everyone's dream to fly above them.

Now, what is coming next is just my personal thoughts, as i don't know exactly which place in each country Imagineers are planning to film. I mean: i really don't know. So what you will read below is pure personal speculation, although the locations choice below could very well be the one that will be in the final film! Also, please note that the pictures below are NOT Disney pictures, but a photomontage that i did with aerial views and the "Soarin'" vehicle from the "Soarin' over California" marketing picture. I tried to choose aerial views which will give you the soaring "vertigo" feeling as close as it should be in the final movie - please click on each picture to see them in big size to get the "effect".

Now, think about the India sequence, who wouldn't love to soar above the beautiful and romantic Taj Mahal?...

...or, for Italy, over the gorgeous Venise, the City of the Doges? Soaring over the Grand Canal would be great!

For England, will we soar over the legendary Tower Bridge? I can almost see the camera plunging between the two towers of the bridge...

For China, can we escape to soar above The Forbidden City? Or the Great Wall of China

And for the USA how great it would be to fly above the Grand Canyon...

...or New York?

Everyone would love to fly over these historical landmarks, so let's hope that WDI Imagineers will fulfill our dreams. They shouldn't think if a location is too obvious or not, it's not the problem, really!

Then, because we will travel around the world, i'm ready to bet that imagineers will play with the time of the day. And, because each location have a best time to be filmed, WDI Imagineers will be right to do so. Why not, for instance, begin the "flight" by the Giza Pyramids at dawn? I know very well the place as i've been there many times in my life, and the best hour with magical light on Giza Pyramids is definitely at dawn. Also, Egypt civilisation is the oldest one of all the countries listed above. To choose Egypt for the opening sequence and a dazzling view of the Pyramids at dawn would make perfect sense, but the recent events in Egypt might change WDI plans if the sequence hasn't been filmed yet

And, for the evening sequence, soaring over London by night - the old Victorian city, the town of Peter Pan and the Darling family - would be wonderful. About the final scene, there is little doubt that the movie will have a different ending for each park where it will be played. At Shanghaî Disneyland, for instance, the movie will probably end with a sequence flying over SDL Enchanted castle, etc... A different ending for each park will not only be logical, but also great for fans who will discover a not-totally-identical version when they will visit foreign Disney theme parks...

But in each country there is also plenty of natural wonders like, for instance, the Grand Canyon. And WDI imagineers may prefer to film them instead of cities or historical landmarks. Or may be they will do a mix of both to help the audience to identify instantly the "country". There might be also significant differences between the movie for Shanghaî Disneyland and the one at DL and Epcot. I wouldn't be surprised if the one for SDL will include more scenes over China locations, in two words a movie specially designed for the Chinese audience...

One last wish and i'm sure that most of you who liked the first "Soarin'" will agree with me: please try to do a longer movie - which should be the case anyway as a roundtrip around the world in less than 5 minutes would be reaaally short - 7-8 minutes would be fine, it's never too long when you soar above all these wonders even if we must keep in mind the attraction hour capacity. Last but not least: pleaaaase keep - or adapt - the original and fantastic Jerry Goldsmith original music score which was absolutely perfect.

Anyway, the good news is that this time a new Soarin' movie is coming for sure, all you have to do is to be a little bit more patient!

Pictures: copyright Disney or Disney and more


Anonymous said...

Any news on Soarin' in Japan for us expatriots there? I know it might be redundant with Stormrider but still...

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder if the new version will have a new ride experience each time you ride. (Like the updated version of Star Tours) there are so many countries to chose from. The Possibilities and combinations are endless. I think it would be a great way to plus the ride.

Alain Littaye said...

As far as i know there is no Soarin' attraction envisioned for Japan at least for the next five years.

Paterdave2 said...

Hope that they will build it in Paris but that will be a long wait I think.
Do you have any news on that.

Alain Littaye said...

Paterdave, i don't have any news but i wouldn't bet on Soarin' for DLP WDS, at least in a near future...

Kenny said...

I hope they don't try to recreate the smell over the pyramids!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, getting a 4K or 8K projection system would be a downgrade instead of an upgrade. IMAX 15/70mm film has a much higher picture quality and color gamut than any digital cinema system.

Anonymous said...

Hi this is one of my favourite rides of all time. We are coming over on my birthday in August, I know mad August, I need a holiday badly, I am in doors everyday because I disabled, I cant put my feet on the floor because they r painfull, so please tell me that the soarin in Florida Orlando is still flying high please. Love debs

Anonymous said...

I'd rather California just be Soarin Over California that park was supposed to focus on the beauty of California, a state I love. it'll make me kinda sad to see it go.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea, but it would be sad to see the old videos go. We have annual passes, and I have been on it many times, it's just a shame to actually see it closed for this long, there are rumors that is completely gone, like, permanently closed, but I high doubt it........Actually, i just hope that does not happen.
