Friday, September 6, 2013

News From Hayao Miyazaki Press Conference About His Retirement From Animated Movies

As you've read a few days ago Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki has announced that The Wind Rises will be his last movie. As expected a press conference happened this morning in Japan - picture below - and D&M have more explanations about his decision.

First, it was in fact Koji Hoshino, the director of production who announced it at Venise Film Festival as Miyazaki couldn't attend the event. But unfortunately this changes nothing as Miyazaki confirmed during the press conference that "this time it's true, i said it to the producer".

But, Miyazaki also said "I would like to work 10 more years but i think that doing long animated movies is not my work anymore".  Although Miyazaki said many times in the past that he was going to stop, mainly because of the huge work that request an animated movie, this time seems to be the good one even if he wants to continue to work freely during the next ten years: "I'm going to be free. That said, as long as i will be able to take my car to go working at Studio Ghibli, i will go, and what i want to do i will do it" without giving more details.

"Kaze Tachinu - The Wind Rises - took me five years to achieve.  If i was thinking doing a new movie it will take me six or seven years to do it. I will be soon 73 and and it means that i will be 80 at the end" added Miyazaki who consider that he has to dedicate these years of his life to something different.

So, here is the truth from the master's mouth. May be we will have the luck to see short animated movies from Miyazaki but don't count seeing a new long animated movie after the release of The Wind Rises, which will be distributed by Disney as Disney confirmed recently, without giving any specific dates.

Top picture : copyright Missinglink71

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