Friday, April 11, 2014

D&M Exclusive : Disneyland Paris 1992 Grand Opening Report - Part Three: April 11 Grand Opening Party By Michael Sandstrom

Here is the part three of Michael Sandstrom fantastic report on Disneyland Paris Grand Opening. In this part three Michael share with us great pictures of the April 11 Grand Opening party. 

Michael Sandstrom:

As i told you yesterday, on late afternoon, April 11, everyone was asked to leave the park for a few hours while the evening party was set up. A few hours later everyone went again in the park  to acclaim the arriving celebrities on the red carpet. 

Michael Eisner, chairman of the Walt Disney Company is but one of the dozens of famous celebrities entering the park for the evening festivities on 11 April 1992...

Among them, Michael J. Fox is still today on TV...

Jane Seymour still works...

Candice Bergen makes for a classy ex-pat...

George Lucas was at quiet time in his career, but StarTours was opening here at DLP too. The next morning, on opening day, it was just he and I alone on the hub for a few minutes while all the action was coming down the street.... Excuse me George, I gotta get this shot for the magazine.....

Margaux Hemingway only survived another four years...

Jeffrey Katzenberg, then head of Walt Disney Studios, riding on many big successes, now the head of his own studio. I would later that night, casually find myself standing next it him at the top of Main Street near the hub, along with his powerful friend Barry Diller. Chocolate truffles we're being passed between us by gloved staff on silver trays, as we all watched fireworks explode across the hub over the castle, and then suddenly erupt from several buildings surrounding us. It was the first time Disney had done fireworks in the round! And it brought an impressed gasp from quite a glam crowd. It moved me to tears literally, just standing there. It was a dream come true, done so very well in every detail.

Eddy Murphy, in 1992 at one of his high points...

A few minutes later, the Grand Opening party in Frontierland. Note draped tables offering food and drinks, and thousands of cast members on hand, even chefs. Also seen are the sweatshirts distributed as a sort of entry ticket. Everyone had to have one of five styles to be there. 

Opening eve was a very posh party, in an extraordinarily pretty place.

All storefronts were open and well stocked. All the restaurants were open that day too, and free. We were after all invited guests, I as an American journalist. 

This preview day was obviously not crowded, yet fully operational. The 11th was a lovely evening, especially for April, this...being...near Paris!

Later in the evening, Angela Lansbury singing Beauty & the Beast on the castle stage with Adventureland in the background.

Probably one of the very first "night" picture shot of DLP Sleeping Beauty Castle, with the Renault airship flying in the sky!

The next day was going to be April 12, with DLP Grand Opening Celebrations, and you'll see tomorrow in the part four article all of what happened during that memorable day!

Don't miss tomorrow the part four article and in the meantime i remind you that, to celebrate Disneyland Paris 22nd Anniversary, i'm also doing a special offer price on the great Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book - for both ENGLISH or FRENCH editions - and in addition to the special price valid until April 30 it also include a "surprise gift" that everyone who will order the book will receive, and believe me you will love it!  Thanks to this special offer you will save $50 on the normal price, so if you don't own the book yet i'm sure you don't want to miss it! Paypal and credit card payment are accepted, so make sure you to place your order now! 

You can use the Paypal button below for the english edition, and for orders of the french edition or for credit card payment please send me an email at:

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

Don't know yet the Disneyland Paris book? Have a look at the video below or on the book website HERE.

Pictures: copyright Michael Sandstrom

1 comment:

mr.Lime said...

Thanks, Michael, for the great report!
Question, did the Grand Opening party only take place in Frontierland (+ Main Street and Castle hub)? Or were all the 'lands' open for the invited guests that evening?

I was invited at the party for the 5th anniversary of DLP, and that evening only Frontierland, Main Street and the Castle hub were open. All the other 'lands' were closed off to the public. So I've been wondering if the same happened 5 years earlier.
