Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Picture of of Mark Hamill on The Set of Star Wars: Episode VII - Updated With Gorgeous Picture of R2D2 in Its Crate !

This is the first photo we've got of Mark Hamill ( Luke Skywalker ) on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, even Mark is probably standing outside of one of the sound stages that on the set itself. The crew will start soon production again as it was delayed after Harrison Ford got his accident. Ford is now ready to come back and this picture comes from Bryan Fuller.

But i have more for you with this gorgeous picture released by LucasFilm of R2D2 in its crate - and here is say "gorgeous" referring to the perfect photo quality of the shot. Click on it to see it in full size, you'll see why.

Picture: copyright Bryan Fuller

1 comment:

K. Martinez said...

That's a nice image of Mark Hamill. With the greyish beard, he sort of reminds me of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I amazed and excited that they're actually continuing this series. Looking forward to it.
