Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekend Fun With Tinderella, Iron Can, Steve Carell and the Ragtime Gals, Indiana Jones, Stephen Colbert, and more !

Here is a selection of cool and fun videos for the week-end! Let's start by this Present day Cinderella who doesn't wait for a fairy godmother to fix her up and instead uses the Tinder App ( an App which help you to find someone living near your home ). Watch this College Humor take on the classic fairytale, updated for 2014. It may not end happily ever after, but anyone that has ever used Tinder is sure to find the video funny.

Then, here is the most absurdly funny Iron Man parody ever done. The short is called "Iron Can," and the main hero of the story is Tony Starch, a Febreze-like spray bottle who has a high tech suit of iron armor that he wears when going out to save the world. The video comes from Anders Wotzke of Moviedex.

Remember the Dapper Dans a capella singers at Disneyland ? Well, so you should enjoy the old fashioned harmonies of a barber shop quartet and the smooth and seductive lyrics of Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” in this funny version of the song by Jimmy Fallon and his Tonight Show group The Ragtime Gals, with a guest appearance by Steve Carell!

Since the SW7 trailer was released, not a day without a new trailer parody. The short video below is not one more parody but a mix of SW with one of the most famous scene in cinema history as Star Wars 7 spherical droid comes in place of the giant boulder that Indiana Jones must out run in the famous opening scene from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Sounds a silly idea, but Deviant Rahll who did it has done a great job of VFX, and most of all... it's really funny!

Talking about Star Wars, Dein Sky Film did this short video that features a couple of Imperials Tie Fighters stranded on the German autobahn after what looks like a pretty nasty crash. What caused the crash and why they’re in Stormtrooper uniforms instead of TIE fighter pilot uniforms is a mystery. One thing is sure, though: These aren't the roads the TIE Fighters were looking for!

And, last but not least, I really don't want you to miss this awesome interview by Stephen Colbert of Smaug the Dragon from The Hobbit movies. And, yes, it's Benedict Cumberbatch who is doing here also the voice of Smaug!

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