Saturday, January 23, 2016

More Star Wars Land Details

A short post with some news about Star Wars land! Making Star Wars, who generally have good sources for SW movies infos - but here we're talking about Imagineering so it might be different - released some rumored information on what the land will include. Here is the information they've posted, some that we knew already, others that we didn't:

- Poe Dameron’s black X-wing fighter will greet guests at the 3rd entrance to Star Wars Land, although an Episode VIII feature to the fighter might make it different from what we know about it from The Force Awakens.

- Characters and creatures from Star Wars: Episode VIII will be featured in the park.

- The Millenium Falcon will be real, life sized, not scaled down at all, and sitting on top of a launch pad.

- The Falcon will be opening and closing its main door and aliens/ troopers will be walking around asking people if they’ve seen anyone leave the ship.

- There will be two major attractions, one larger than “Toon Town” itself.

- Don’t worry about not being able to go inside the Falcon. One of the major attractions will take care of that for you as you fly in the cockpit of the freighter itself.

- The word is the Imagineers loved the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story script, but if that will come into play is still hazy. Initial word was the second major attraction would feature Rogue One content, but now that appears to be somewhat unlikely.

Take all these infos with the usual pinch of salt until more official confirmation!

Always about Star Wars land, i just found this posted by someone named joshcombs on Instagram, saying that it’s a recent WDI invention / patent showing an effect that could be used in a star Wars land attraction, we'll see if it will be the case:

"POSSIBLE STAR WARS LAND SPOILER! Walt Disney Imagineeirng just this year developed a revolutionary device based on a centuries old illusion. This new mirrored fan/propeller system allows for a clear Pepper Ghost effect without dividing a room and hiding frames of a huge pane of glass. For example, the pane of glass which creates the ghost illusion in the ballroom scene of DL haunted Mansion is so large (30 x 90 feet) that if it broke or cracked, they would have to remove the ceiling of the entire ride building and use huge cranes to hoist it out. This new system incorporates a 2D or 3D display screen which reflects off the mirrored fan blades, creating an effect which appears to be a hologram within a specified physical space. The bottom right image shows the traditional, most widely used Pepper's Ghost technique but with a screen instead of a physical object. The text on the left might contain some clues for a new "Star Wars Land » attraction.»

Pictures: copyright Disney - Lucasfilm, Disney Enterprises

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