Monday, February 5, 2018

First Trailer, Super Bowl TV Spot and Characters Posters Released for "Solo, A Star Wars Story" !

The first awaited trailer and the expected Super Bowl  TV spot were released for Solo: A Star Wars Story, here they are!

Above, the face of the young Han Solo, i've lighted it a bit as it is voluntarily dark in the "Solo, A Star Wars Story" TV Spot below.

And here the first trailer for "Solo a Star Wars Story", which looks promising so far!

In addition to these trailer and TV Spot four characters posters were also released today by Lucasfilm. You have the one for Han Solo at the top  and below are the posters for Lando, Qi'Ra and Chewbacca!

Pictures and videos: copyright Lucasfilm

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Looking at the trailer, it seems they are respecting Solo's original backstory, which established him as an Imperial soldier until he defected. Good thing!
