Thursday, September 19, 2019

Disney and more Needs Your Urgent Support !

Folks, I have a bad news for you today as Disney and more - as well as the D&M Facebook page will have NO NEW ARTICLES OR POSTS during the next five weeks, i.e until the end of October or so. Last August i asked for your support and 60 readers only - whom i thanks again a lot - kindly sent a donation to D&M. No shame on anyone here, but there is around 5000 readers coming each day on D&M since years, so i’m sure you can do better, as they say. If i have to stop during 5 weeks, it’s just a principle of reality and Disney and more needs urgently your support. It's serious so please make sure to read below!

I've started D&M 12 years ago and in these 12 years, believe it or not, i've posted around 5600 articles. Most of them were not short articles, as you know, and I always spent a lot of time to make them as perfect as possible, something that i'm sure you probably feel. During all these years i succeeded to keep Disney and more without any publicity - except for my Disneyland Paris book - as just like you i really don't like to have Ads everywhere in an article. Until now it was okay for me because the sales of the book were bringing some revenues but now that there is no more copies of the DLP book, things are getting of course more difficult.

I always enjoy posting every day as well as on the D&M facebook page, as much as i'm sure you always enjoy the D&M updates. In addition, Disney and more is a gold mine of pictures, artworks, videos, and more, like no other site as all pics are always in the best size and definition available and without any watermark most of the time. Also, I don't want to have to put a pay wall to enter D&M because i hate pay walls, just like everyone. But no need to be a genius to understand that if there is no pay wall, no publicity and no more printed books or others items to sell, there is a serious problem of revenues.

In these 12 years i think i have asked only twice or so for your support so it's difficult to say that i abuse of doing this, but today the situation is truly serious and this time i really need to ask for your support and generosity. As usual the easiest way to send your support is through Paypal and i've created a page on Paypal where you can send your donation. There is a minimum donation of 20€ but you're welcome to send more, of course. Also, an important note: this is NOT a subscription, meaning that you won’t have to pay each month or so, it’s a one-time only donation, unless of course. And there is also a good news: everyone who will donate will be rewarded by great surprise gifts. And you will even have the choice of the gifts, and all are great ones! So, after you sent your donation, don't forget to send me an email with your name to let me know at : so iyou can get the surprise gifts to thank you.

HERE is the link to the Paypal page to send your support ( if there is a problem to access the page, please let me know, but normally it should work fine ):

You also can send directly your donation through Paypal to: and if you send it this way, please send it in the mode "for family and friends".

Most of all, i thank you by advance, and see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Sites like Inside the Magic, WDWNT and Micechat create significant annual revenue for their owners through ads and promo... as in enough to hire a bunch of staff. Would it be possible for you to follow their template. God knows you have enough content and frequent updates that you should be making as much $$$ as they are.

It might take some initial work, research and investment to get started (you'd probably have to call it "D&M" or something to avoid using the Disney name, but I think it would be a smart gamble to take in order to provide long-term financial security doing something you love.

Make the leap!

Anonymous said...

Hi dear,

I have been your reader for.. forever. and I am one of the 60 you mention and even before I supported you many times. I would like to suggest to you, if you don't mind, to start a Patreon account. So many bloggers do that now and it only takes readers a very minimal contribution to read your blog. For example you can charge people to read your blog ..50 cents per month of half of them pay this, it would be 1250 eur. You can also charge special prices for special announcements and never before seen info.. like 1-2 euro for a special thing etc. It is all up to you. Do a research, you deserve so much more than this... you really do. Dont be afraid to ask for what is your worth . Much love and respect for you. your forever reader and disney lover x M

Matt said...

This is a great site and has been for a long time – help Alain out!

Alain Littaye said...

Thank you so much for your advices, i didn't knew about Patreon and i am definitely going to have a closer look at this right now. As for the template of othes sites if any of you knows more about how to do you're very welcome to let me know, you cans end me an email at:

Thorsten said...

As a long time follower it is my pleasure to support you once again with a donation.

I have to thank you very much for all of your time and work and believe me that the start of a day would not be the same without having a look at your site.

Greetings from Germany

