Showing posts with label Disneyland Paris Third Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disneyland Paris Third Park. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2020

BREAKING: Disneyland Paris Has Now Until 2036 to Build a Third Park as a Ninth Amendment to the 1987 Convention Extends the Possibility of Creating a Third Park by Ten Years.

Disneyland Paris: Euro Disney has now until 2036 to build a third park A ninth amendment to the convention established in 1987 extends the possibility of creating a third park in Marne-la-Vallée by ten years.

You have below, the English translation by Google of the article of Le Parisien, that you can read in French HERE, but what does it means? It means, first that a third park will NOT be build for 2026, it also mean that DLP has until 2036 to build it BUT it could be even later as "this 2036 deadline may again be the subject of an addendum "until the date on which a threshold of "at least 22 million annual visitors will have been reached by the two existing parks, it being understood that in such a case, the realization of this third major attraction must be provided for in a detailed program signed no later than March 23, 2040". Today, the average annual attendance is 15 million visitors."

In addition, you'll note that the amendment does not specify explicitly that it will be a third park ( the 1987 convention also didn't ) but that it has to be "the creation of a third major tourist attraction". Disney fans will understand this as a third park but for Disney it's different, it leaves the door open for something that could be eventually different than a theme park.

Translation of Le Parisien article:

The current extension of the Marne-la-Vallée complex concerns one of the two existing parks, namely Walt Disney Studios. But the construction of a third park remains a possibility.

When we talk about the current extension of Disneyland Paris, some think that it is the creation of a third park. But no. The three new universes scheduled by 2025 - "Marvel", "Frozen", "Star Wars" - will be well included in Walt Disney Studios. This second complex opened in 2002, ten years after the inauguration of Disneyland Park.

However, the creation of a third park remains a possibility. It is included in the convention signed in 1987 between the State, the region, the department, the RATP, the public developer EpaFrance and Euro Disney.

In a letter dated December 11, the regional prefect Michel Cadot requested the agreement of the department of Seine-et-Marne on this subject. On February 7, the departmental council adopted the ninth amendment to the agreement, the first since September 2010. It states that the possibility of deciding to build a third park is extended until 2036 instead of 2026.

Above, the land for the third theme park is located in front of the Newport Bay, Sequoia Lodge and Santa Fe Hotels.

A new endorsement linked to the bar of 22 million visitors

"If on March 24, 2036, the pivotal company [Editor's note: Euro Disney] or its assignee has not requested inclusion in a detailed program corresponding to the creation of a third major tourist attraction [Editor's note: a third park] likely to attract millions of additional visitors each year compared to those who come to visit Disneyland Parks and Walt Disney Studios, the EPA [Editor's note: EpaFrance] will be able to market the unused land.

This area is located east of the circular boulevard, in the Magny-le-Hongre and Bailly-Romainvilliers territories.

The addendum, which has not yet been signed by all the parties but will be, specifies that this 2036 deadline may again be the subject of an addendum "until the date on which a threshold of "at least 22 million annual visitors will have been reached by the two existing parks, it being understood that in such a case, the realization of this third major attraction must be provided for in a detailed program signed no later than March 23, 2040". Today, the average annual attendance is 15 million visitors.

Land counterparties at this time

In addition to the third park component, this deadline "aims to support the tourist development of Euro Disney which announced an investment of 2 billion euros" as well as "urban development for construction in Coupvray, Chessy, Serris or Bailly- Romainvilliers with 1,800 additional housing units and 250 residential units, initially planned in areas outside the Disney perimeter, as well as 450 additional specific housing units dedicated to Disney employees. "

The agreement is also extended from 2030 to 2040. The possibility of deciding to build an east wing of the Nature Villages is extended from 2020 to 2030.

"These different postponements should allow The Walt Disney Company to maintain a regular pace of investment in the territory, says the department. In return, the Disney right-of-way is reduced from 2,229 hectares to 2,118 hectares, Disney abandoning its general purchase option on the La Justice / Lilandry rights-of-way at Coutevroult and de l'Épinette at Montry. "

Pictures: copyright Disney