Showing posts with label Mickey and the Magician Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mickey and the Magician Show. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2018

So, Is DLP WDS Acclaimed "Mickey and the Magician Show Coming to WDW, Yes or No?

So, is DLP WDS acclaimed "Mickey and the Magician show coming to WDW, yes or no? In my yesterday's D&M article about DLP InsideEars event, i had put it in the title, but then someone said that it was a translation mistake and that it was not the case, so i deleted it.

Where is the truth? Here is what happened and where it all came from: during his presentation at the InsideEars event yesterday DLP Daniel Delcourt said exactly this ( below, transcript in French followed by the right English translation, and we have the tape for those who doubt ):

"Nous avons des produits qui nous sont enviés - aux Etats-Unis: Ratatouille, Mickey et le Magicien, ils nous ont demands “comment on pourrait l’importer aux Etats-Unis?”. Mickey et le Magicien, lorsque Georges Kalogridis - le Président de Disney World - est venu, il n’y a pas longtemps, , il a vu Mickey et le Magicien et il a dit “Mais moi je veux l’avoir à Disney World”… …Mickey et le Magicien va surement partir de l’autre coté ( à WDW ) et Ratatouille aussi."

English version:

"We have products that are envied - in the United States: Ratatouille, Mickey and the Magician, they asked us "how could we import it ( Ratatouille ) in the United States?”. Mickey and the Magician, when Georges Kalogridis - the President of Disney World - came not long ago, he saw Mickey and the Magician and he said "But I want to have it at Disney World"... ...Mickey and the Magician will probably go to other side ( of the Atlantic, at WDW) and Ratatouille too."

As you see, WDW President George kalogridis came at DLP and was enthusiastic by the Mickey and the Magician show and wanted to bring it at WD ( the one at the WDS will stay of course, they will duplicate it at WDW ). Does what Daniel Delcourt says mean that Mickey and the Magician will come for sure at 100% at WDW? No, but i'll say that you can reasonably put your bets on it.

Picture: copyright Disney

Friday, May 18, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: DLP InsideEars Event LIVE: Mickey's Philarmagic Coming This October to Discoveryland Theatre, Mark Twain Riverboat Back in 2020, and much more!

The first event of Disneyland Paris new "InsideEars" is currently happening at DLP Hotel New York and it almost look like a mini D23 event as plenty of good news have been announced by Daniel Delcourt and other people from DLP! Delcourt announced that the Disneyland Paris Hotel will go in renovation in 2020 ( picture on top ), soon after the Hotel New York retheming to The Art of Marvel will be over, and the Disneyland Paris Hotel will receive a new theme that will bring Disney characters back to the hotel.

First, a "new" attraction is coming at DLP Discoveryland Theatre and will open this October! It's the 3D attraction Mickey's Philarmagic which, 15 years after its first opening at WDW Magic Kingdom, is finally coming at DLP! Our friends in the U.S, Japan and Hong Kong know the attraction since years but i've seen it years ago at HKDL and it's an enjoyable 3D attraction. Most of all with the Marvel stunt show coming at WDS in July it will make TWO new attractions for DLPR, one in each park, so just enjoy this good news and don't be too difficult!

Below, first official visual for the Mickey's Philarmagic attraction, with the title in its French version.

Don't go away as there is more good news! Starting by the full renovation of the Mark Twain which will start - at last - next year and will be back sailing on the Rivers of Frontierland in 2020!

DLP Phantom Manor is currently in a long renovation until this fall and Imagineer Tom Fitzgerald gave InsideEars more infos with this video below!

Always at Phantom Manor a new photo location with characters will come in October and a new book about it will be released soon!

At Adventureland the Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost will close soon to be transformed with apparently a surprise too that will await us later, and will become a buffet restaurant. Talking about restaurants, the Pizza Planet in the back of Discoveryland will be replaced by a convention tent for events like tonight during the Hotel New York renovation.

The long awaited transformation of the Disney Village will begin and the project will be presented soon.

In the hotels no more coupons ( like "breakfast coupons", etc ) they will be replaced by the Magic Pass you see on the picture below. But NO Magic Bands for DLP, most probably for a question of cost.

During the "Rendezvous Gourmands of Disneyland Paris from July 26 to Sept 30 six new "chalets" will be added where guests will find culinary specialties from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Antilles, and more.

About refurbs: scaffoldings will arrive on WDS Tower of Terror starting May 26 and the Ratatouille attraction will close between August and December 2018. Apparently there is some problem in the smoke effect at DLP Big Thunder Mountain due to a leak in the pipes and DLP maintenance team is trying to find a way to resolve the problem without having to empty Frontierland lake...

New themed food is also coming in DLP or WDS restaurants or carts!

New Merchandise products are coming soon, whether it is in clothes...

...or in collectibles, and it seems that they asked the great Jody Daily and Kevin Kidney to designed some of the products!

One more good news: the GREAT book in tribute to Pirates of Caribbean which had a limited edition last year and given only to webmasters and happy fews will be available for everyone anytime soon!

The "Photo Pass Day" will also be back this year at DLP on August 19 during the "photographer day". And talking about pictures, most of the pictures in this article were shot by D&M faithful reader Robert Stallard so make sure to visit his Facebook page HERE.

Pictures: copyright Robert Stallard, ED92, Disney Central Plaza, DLP Welcome and others.