Showing posts with label Polo and Pan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polo and Pan. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

"Brooklyn Amusement Park" by Polo and Pan, Directed by David Tomaszewski

Here is something fascinating, and i was waiting since months that this short video would be at last available online. Last year Paris famous department store Le Bon Marché  had a Brooklyn exhibition during several weeks. And they asked french musicians Polo and Pan and director David Tomaszewski a special video creation, which is the one you'll see below titled "Brooklyn Amusement Park".

Brooklyn Amusement Park shows a fictitious Brooklyn in which the roller coasters would run around the streets and over the roofs along with other amusement park rides. There is more as well as a short storyline, but the perfection of the visual effects ( done in France by Mac Guff ) makes the whole thing truly fascinating to watch, and a true work of cine-art. Don't miss it, and definitely watch it full screen!

Video: Copyright Polo and Pan, David Tomaszewski