Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland Adventure Isle artworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland Adventure Isle artworks. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Shanghaî Disneyland Adventure Isle Never-Seen-Before Concept-Arts

Stephan Martiniere who did the artworks for Shanghaî Disneyland Treasure Cove that you saw yesterday is also the one who was asked by WDI to do the renderings for SDL Adventure Isle. Stephan is truly a fantastic artist and we'll have a look today at his concept-arts for this greatly themed land of Shanghaî Disneyland. Most of the artworks below are never-seen-before and are coming from Stephan Martiniere website HERE where i found them.

The firsts artwork below is a closer view of Adventure Isle’s highest peak Apu Taku and the Camp Discovery Adventure Trails.

This next artwork is specially interesting as it seems to be the first version of the rendering showing Adventure Isle restaurant.

This one below is the second version, ofiicially released rendering, check the differences between both!

The artwork below was Stephan vision of the entrance and the Arbori natives village.

There is apparently also a first concept for the artwork above - which is the rendering below - and on this one was envisioned elevated tree houses - after all if the natives were called Arbori there was a good reason for that.

Even more interesting is Stephan first concepts for the natives houses architecture, that you can see below.

The two next orenderings are showing the inside of Arbori natives huts

One of the great theming ideas for the natives huts was the use of fossils skeletons, which would have give a feeling of more dangerosity for the natives habitat. These artworks as well as the ones above shows concepts which were not kept in the final theming of Adventure Isle natives village.

Stephan also did some great concept-arts for the design of the Arbori natives pirogues.

Finally, Stephan did also others artworks showing how the Arbori natives coud look.

Last but not least, if you were wondering who did the now famous artwork below, showing the Roaring Rapids ride giant Audio-Animatronic creature named Q’aráq, a crocodile-like beast—who dwells within “Roaring Mountain”, it was also painted by Stephan Martiniere.

All pictures: copyright Disney - Stephan Martiniere.