Showing posts with label Thor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thor. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thor : The Dark World Review... and Why You Should See it in a Theatre Equipped With Dolby Atmos

I've seen last monday Thor: The Dark World and it's by far the best Thor movie ever released and an excellent sequel too. Disney is gonna make a lot of money with this one and, by the way, at the date of today the worldwide box office is already $342M which is excellent considering the movie was released less than a week.

One of the reasons why the film is good is that it was treated like they did with The Avengers - i.e like a "big" movie , a kind of E-Ticket movie if i can say - and not like a "D"  ticket sequel as it is unfortunately sometime the case. That said, the script looks sometime a bit too close to the one of The Avengers - instead to try to retrieve the Tessaract cube, the villains try to put they hands on a weapon known as the "Aether" and you have the same intra dimensional worlds travel - whether it's Thor or the villains - between Asgard and Earth. Asgard recreation looks great, although a bit less "stylized" than in the first movie which was directed by the great shakespearian actor Kenneth Branagh. 

Thor: The Dark World is less good on the plan of "emotion", and there is two or three scenes where i wish they would have "take their time without losing it", but the script is well written and if you accept the plot like it is you should have a good time. For me i found that sometime there was a bit too much of "noise and furor" in all these battles but, after all, it's a super-hero movie so i suppose we can't ask too much, right? One last thing about the casting as i always find Chris Hemworth and Tom Hiddleston absolutely perfect in their roles - not too mention of course the great Anthony Hopkins always playing Odin, King of Asgard and father of Thor.

Now, if you decide to watch Thor: The Dark World try if possible to watch it in a theater equipped with Dolby Atmos, Dolby's new sound system, which is fantastic. Dolby Atmos was introduced two years ago - the first theatre being equipped was the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood where each year take place the Academy Awards Ceremony, and the first movie to be released in theater with Dolby Atmos was... Pixar's Brave! Since, more and more theaters around the world have theaters equipped with Dolby Atmos so you might have one near you without knowing it.

What is Dolby Atmos? Well, this new sound system supports up to 128 discrete audio tracks and up to 64 unique speaker feeds all around the theater including some on the ceiling (!) And the system gives each loudspeaker its own unique feed, thereby enabling many new front, surround, and even ceiling-mounted height channels for the precise panning of select sounds such as a helicopter or rain.

The best to understand why Dolby Atmos is a sound system revolution is that you have a look to this Dolby video which explain perfectly how it works and what are the major changes from the previously used 7.1 sound system. And to find a theater near you equipped with Dolby Atmos just go on THIS page. If you find one, try it, the sound is fantastic!

Picture: copyright Disney - Marvel

Video: copyright Dolby

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thor: "Treasures of Asgard" Opening at Disneyland Innoventions Nov 1st Will Teleport DL Guests to Asgard !

Thor "The Dark World" will open in theaters this November, and on November 1st "Thor : The Treasures of Asgard" an interactive experience will open at Disneyland Innoventions! 

The Disney Parks blog released more details about this Thor experience: "Astrophysicist Jane Foster, who established a special relationship with Thor, has been studying the “Bifrost,” a cosmic bridge that allows Thor to travel between the Nine Realms, including Earth. She has determined that the Bifrost is set to open again in Southern California and pinpointed the precise location as Innoventions at Disneyland park".

"Inside Innoventions, Foster and her team are preparing for the opening of the Bifrost with the installation of Thor: Treasures of Asgard, a collection of objects brought to Earth straight from Asgard. After viewing the exhibit, you’ll be invited to enter a chamber where the Bifrost will transport you to Asgard for an audience with Thor himself!"

So, it seems that you have to be ready to be teleported to Asgard this fall for a meeting with the almighty Thor himself, thanks to amazing special effects from WDI wizards. And just like you, i'm very curious to see how they will do this!

Picture: copyright Disney - Marvel

Friday, September 13, 2013

New Posters For Thor " The Dark World "

Disney - Marvel have released new cool posters for the upcoming Thor " The Dark World ", characters including Loki, Odin, and more, and here they are in high-res. The movie will be released next November so, yes, there is one more Marvel Superheroes movie coming this year!

Pictures: copyright Disney - Marvel

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thor " The Dark World " First Trailer !

A first trailer for Thor "The Dark World" has been released and it looks not that bad. May be this new Thor movie will be better than the first one, after all. Have a look!

Picture and  video: copyright Marvel - Disney

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Tribute to Tom Thordarson - a.k.a " THOR " - Artwork - Part One : Tikis and Pirates

Today, I would like to introduce to you a great artist, Tom Thordarson. I will do a series of articles about Tom, former WDI Imagineer now living in Hawaii - lucky man! - and this first article will delight those of you who love Hawaian Tikis, Pirates, and lands of adventure !

Tom Thordarson, or "THOR" as he is best known by both collectors of his work and the growing awareness in the art community, can truly take your imagination on a journey unlike any other. His life as an artist began when he was just old enough to hold a pencil. With his mother being an artist as well, she would hand him paper and pencils to "keep him out of mischief," as she would say. The years spent drawing and painting would soon become a powerful tool to communicate his intense imagination and endless spirit of adventure in his career to be.

Below, a recent picture of "Thor", holding a frosty Mai Tai in his hand.....which is always good for a little inspiration!

In his own words, Thor explains, "Creating my own entertainment and building my own toys was an activity I was highly encouraged to do as a kid. I learned to believe in the real magic and power of my imagination. I believed that if I could draw something with enough passion and thought, then what would stop it from becoming something I could touch or step right into one day?”

"My entire childhood was filled with endless curiosity, drawing and adventure. I loved building tree houses and forts from scrap wood and stuff I could find in my Grandfather's workshop. The experiences that would lead me to what I paint today were inspired by my family's incredibly fun vacations every summer to Hawaii beginning at age 6. I also have two sets of cousins on the Big Island who encouraged me to become a certified diver when I lived with them for many summers growing up as well."

"So, Hawaii is my second home. I love the sea. I spent endless hours on Maui and Hawaii combing the beaches and climbing trees in the nearby jungles pretending I was a pirate or some ingenious castaway living off the land in a high seas adventure."

An honors graduate in Illustration from the prestigious Pasadena Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Thor was immediately discovered by the entertainment/theme park industry which he remained in for 17 years. His imagination and talents have led him to conceive, illustrate and paint concepts for countless rides and attractions with many major entertainment companies. With strong skills in both team leadership and his art, he served as the Director of Attraction Development at MCA Universal Studios, Hollywood and then as a Disney Imagineer with his role as a Director/Senior Concept Designer.

Among his many assignments at Disney was the task of the concept design for one of the main "E-ticket" rides for Tokyo Disney Sea called "Journey to the Center of the Earth," TDS top rated thrill ride. He was also a key team player in the early design phases of many other attractions for Disney Sea, especially Mysterious Island.

Residing now in both California and Hawaii, Thor has put aside the entertainment design industry to focus on his art inspired by those early days of tropical adventures that shaped his art and imagination. "I am painting the fantasies and stories now that I imagined all those years sitting on the beaches, diving in the sea or building hideaways in the lush island jungles," Thor explains.

At the beginning of the article, i've promised you Tikis, and here is a selection of Tom's Hawaian scenes with Tikis.

Some years ago, Tom did these two gorgeous paintings below for the WDW Polynesian Resort: "I did these two paintings a couple years ago when they were renovating the Polynesian Resort. I was commissioned directly by Wing Chao, Vice Chairman of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. He is a fan of my Hawaii and Tiki art and owns some of my work. These paintings are reproduced and framed in all the new suites in the Polynesian today. There are about a half dozen hidden Mickey's in each painting... I also did four large paintings that are behind the main reception desk at the Polynesian when you check in."

"I am hoping that everyone finds these enchanted places, intriguing contraptions or playful characters I am painting now as much fun to look at, as they are for me to paint. Please feel free to step into them. Come by and share some Aloha spirit with me and I will tell you a few magical tales. The tiki torches are all lit and fluttering in the trade winds.... I will see you on the lanai!"

Tom also creates incredible paintings, not using ink, but rum! That's right, the same and famous Pirates rum! it looks great, as you will see with the four "rum paintings" below.

Now, if you want to see Tom in "action", don't miss this video below, where you'll see Tom at home in Hawaii - filmed by his teenage daughter - experimenting with a fun series of sketches created with flaming rum and a paint brush!

Tom is also painting a great "Tiki Idols" series where he take a person that is tied to the Hawaii pop culture and paint them as a Tiki: "I had a lot of requests for me to do an I cranked one out last week before the weekend show. This "Obama Tiki Idol" is the latest add to my Hawaiian Tiki Idol series, and it sold instantly!

Tom Thordarson have his own web site and a gallery in Hawaii - more precisely on the Island of Oahu - where you'll be able to find his beautiful artwork, including these Tiki idols series. Some of them are on sale, and whether it is the originals or very affordable prints, any Tiki lover will find his happiness! Also, if you're a fan of Tom's artwork and want to contact him, feel free to do it through his MySpace page.

In the next article we will talk about a great attraction concept that Tom did for Landmark Entertainment. I think we can describe it as a "Jungle Cruise with Dinosaurs" ride and believe me, you will love it!

Artwork: copyright Tom Thordarson

Polynesian Resort paintings: copyright The Walt Disney Company

All my thanks to Tom Thordarson for all his beautiful artwork!

Click HERE for direct access to the TDS Wallpapers HD iTunes page or READ my article first HERE.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Tribute to Tom Thordarson - a.k.a " THOR " - Artwork - Part One : Tikis and Pirates

Today, I would like to introduce to you a great artist, Tom Thordarson. I will do a series of articles about Tom, former WDI Imagineer now living in Hawaii - lucky man! - and this first article will delight those of you who love Hawaian Tikis, Pirates, and lands of adventure !

Tom Thordarson, or "THOR" as he is best known by both collectors of his work and the growing awareness in the art community, can truly take your imagination on a journey unlike any other. His life as an artist began when he was just old enough to hold a pencil. With his mother being an artist as well, she would hand him paper and pencils to "keep him out of mischief," as she would say. The years spent drawing and painting would soon become a powerful tool to communicate his intense imagination and endless spirit of adventure in his career to be.

Below, a recent picture of "Thor", holding a frosty Mai Tai in his hand.....which is always good for a little inspiration!

In his own words, Thor explains, "Creating my own entertainment and building my own toys was an activity I was highly encouraged to do as a kid. I learned to believe in the real magic and power of my imagination. I believed that if I could draw something with enough passion and thought, then what would stop it from becoming something I could touch or step right into one day?”

"My entire childhood was filled with endless curiosity, drawing and adventure. I loved building tree houses and forts from scrap wood and stuff I could find in my Grandfather's workshop. The experiences that would lead me to what I paint today were inspired by my family's incredibly fun vacations every summer to Hawaii beginning at age 6. I also have two sets of cousins on the Big Island who encouraged me to become a certified diver when I lived with them for many summers growing up as well."

"So, Hawaii is my second home. I love the sea. I spent endless hours on Maui and Hawaii combing the beaches and climbing trees in the nearby jungles pretending I was a pirate or some ingenious castaway living off the land in a high seas adventure."

An honors graduate in Illustration from the prestigious Pasadena Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Thor was immediately discovered by the entertainment/theme park industry which he remained in for 17 years. His imagination and talents have led him to conceive, illustrate and paint concepts for countless rides and attractions with many major entertainment companies. With strong skills in both team leadership and his art, he served as the Director of Attraction Development at MCA Universal Studios, Hollywood and then as a Disney Imagineer with his role as a Director/Senior Concept Designer.

Among his many assignments at Disney was the task of the concept design for one of the main "E-ticket" rides for Tokyo Disney Sea called "Journey to the Center of the Earth," TDS top rated thrill ride. He was also a key team player in the early design phases of many other attractions for Disney Sea, especially Mysterious Island.

Residing now in both California and Hawaii, Thor has put aside the entertainment design industry to focus on his art inspired by those early days of tropical adventures that shaped his art and imagination. "I am painting the fantasies and stories now that I imagined all those years sitting on the beaches, diving in the sea or building hideaways in the lush island jungles," Thor explains.

At the beginning of the article, i've promised you Tikis, and here is a selection of Tom's Hawaian scenes with Tikis.

Some years ago, Tom did these two gorgeous paintings below for the WDW Polynesian Resort: "I did these two paintings a couple years ago when they were renovating the Polynesian Resort. I was commissioned directly by Wing Chao, Vice Chairman of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. He is a fan of my Hawaii and Tiki art and owns some of my work. These paintings are reproduced and framed in all the new suites in the Polynesian today. There are about a half dozen hidden Mickey's in each painting... I also did four large paintings that are behind the main reception desk at the Polynesian when you check in."

"I am hoping that everyone finds these enchanted places, intriguing contraptions or playful characters I am painting now as much fun to look at, as they are for me to paint. Please feel free to step into them. Come by and share some Aloha spirit with me and I will tell you a few magical tales. The tiki torches are all lit and fluttering in the trade winds.... I will see you on the lanai!"

Tom also creates incredible paintings, not using ink, but rum! That's right, the same and famous Pirates rum! it looks great, as you will see with the four "rum paintings" below.

Now, if you want to see Tom in "action", don't miss this video below, where you'll see Tom at home in Hawaii - filmed by his teenage daughter - experimenting with a fun series of sketches created with flaming rum and a paint brush!

Tom is also painting a great "Tiki Idols" series where he take a person that is tied to the Hawaii pop culture and paint them as a Tiki: "I had a lot of requests for me to do an I cranked one out last week before the weekend show. This "Obama Tiki Idol" is the latest add to my Hawaiian Tiki Idol series, and it sold instantly!

Tom Thordarson have his own web site and a gallery in Hawaii - more precisely on the Island of Oahu - where you'll be able to find his beautiful artwork, including these Tiki idols series. Some of them are on sale, and whether it is the originals or very affordable prints, any Tiki lover will find his happiness! Also, if you're a fan of Tom's artwork and want to contact him, feel free to do it through his MySpace page.

In the next article we will talk about a great attraction concept that Tom did for Landmark Entertainment. I think we can describe it as a "Jungle Cruise with Dinosaurs" ride and believe me, you will love it!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Artwork: copyright Tom Thordarson

Polynesian Resort paintings: copyright The Walt Disney Company

All my thanks to Tom Thordarson for all his beautiful artwork!