Showing posts with label apple campus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple campus. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

Will the new Apple "mothership" campus be Steve Jobs' Epcot? - Part Two

Some weeks ago in my first article about the new Apple campus which will be build in Cupertino i asked the question if it will be Steve Jobs' Epcot. Just like Walt disney did 45 years ago Steve seems to have been inspired by the wheel - in Epcot's presentation film Walt told the audience that the design of Epcot (the original vision) found its inspiration in the shape of a wheel.

New great renderings show more of the future magnificent Apple campus, almost all in glass. Steve Jobs was quoted as saying that he believes this new campus could be, “the best office building in the world”.

Apple promises that the new campus will be a “distinctive and inspiring 21st Century workplace.” The campus with its 2.8 million square feet in size will have space for up to 13,000 employees and will feature a Corporate Auditorium that seats 1,000 people. Apple will be able to hold media events and announcements on campus. Besides the auditorium, Apple’s new mothership will offer 300,000 square feet for R&D, a Corporate Fitness Center, and a cafeteria that seats 3,000 people. Wow, the next pictures certainly prove that it should be a great place for work. My only question is: will they have a transportation system - a new kind of People Mover with an Apple design? - to move inside this huge buillding?

And for those of you Apple fans, let's end with the new official cover of Steve Jobs highly awaited authorized biography, written by bios specialist Walter Isaacson, based on 40 interviews, and which will be released on November 21, 2011 in the U.S. You can expect the book to be translated in other languages and the french version is already scheduled. Great cover, as simple and pure as an Apple device!

Pictures: copyright Apple Inc

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Will the new Apple "mothership" campus be Steve Jobs' Epcot?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs presented today at Cupertino City Council his plans for the new Apple campus supposed to be build on 150 acres and finished in 2015. 12,000 people will work in one building and Jobs called the new building “a spaceship”. He said that Apple will use its experience in building retail store masterpieces to construct this “architectural landmark”. The future Apple campus will generate his own power using natural gas and other greener and more efficient fuels and will use the grid only as backup. Steve Jobs also plan to replace the current parking lots with parkland and about 3,000 new trees.

“There is not a straight piece of glass in this building, it’s all curved" said Steve, "We used our experience making retail buildings all over the world now, and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. And, we want to make the glass specifically for this building here. We can make it curve all the way around the building… It’s pretty cool.”

It sure looks cool, but most of all it makes me think to Walt's original vision for Epcot, the "philosophy" behind Walt's idea. We all know that the real Epcot is different from its original concept, but will Steve Jobs achieve an idea of an ideal place, a kind of Steve Jobs' Epcot? Jump to the Cult of Mac article HERE to see more of the exclusive artwork that Steve presented to the Cupertino City Council today and below at the video of Steve full presentation.

Edited 6/10: A good news as today Cupertino Mayor Gilbert Wong has issued a statement and organized a press conference confirming they’re on board: “There is no chance we are saying no”(to Apple new campus).

Also, it seems that it is now "double confirmed" that the architect of the new Apple campus will be world's famous architect Norman Foster.

Picture: copyright Apple Inc